Set up and run free online school surveys
Quick start
Step 1: Register you school
- Select the area of England where your school is based
- Select the borough or LEA (even if a private school)
- If a colleague has already registered your school, you can select your school from the list and move onto Step 2: Register as a Survey Administrator
- If your school is not already registered…
- Select ‘Add your School’
- Enter School postcode
- Enter School type e.g. LA maintained, Academy, Free School
- Enter School phase e.g. Nursery, Infant, Primary, Secondary
Step 2: Register yourself as a Survey Administrator for your school (schools can have several administrators)
- Enter the following details:
- First name
- Last name
- Job Title
- Email address
- Telephone
- Username
- Password
- You will then receive an email confirming your application – which will be processed within 24 hours
Once the above steps are completed you can Log In with your username and password and start setting up and running surveys.
Want to know more?
Further information regarding the website and how to use the surveys is included overleaf.
How do the surveys work?
Health Education Partnership has developed a range of online surveys that are free for schools to use. These surveys can be set up for your pupils, parents and staff and then accessed through a unique web link. Pupils, parents or staff can then complete the survey by answering 28 questions using a scale basedreponse. Once they have completed the survey, you will be able to download a spreadsheet of the results.
Why has the website been set up?
Since September 2012,we have been supporting schools wishing to renew their Healthy Schools Status in several London boroughs.As part of the process some schools have decided to work towards achieving the Healthy Schools London Silver award for which they need to develop an action plan based upon 2 health priorities to improve the health and wellbeing of their children and young people.
The schools have requested support in both identifying priorities and how evidence might be collated to measure impact. One way is by conducting pre and post scale based surveys to identify any improvement in knowledge, skills and attitudes. The School Wellbeing Survey is the first we developed and several schools asked to use it. We therefore decided to build an online version so that responses could be automatically collated via a spreadsheet.
Due to demand several additional surveys covering PSHE and Wellbeing, physical activity and healthy eating have been added.
What are the benefits of conducting a school survey?
- Collection of baseline and endline data for Healthy Schools London Silver & Goldaward
- Early identification of pupils at risk of developing further problems
- Greater understanding of the impact of the school on the health and wellbeing of pupils
- Tracking over time allows the school to demonstrate the impact of its work
- Facilitates targeting of interventions at pupils who would most benefit
- Values the voice of children, young people, staff at parents at the school by using the data to inform future priorities
- Encourages reflection amongst staff about what a school’s values are, and whether children and young people see the values reflected in practice
How much does it cost?
The service is completely free and you can run as many consultations as you wish. We do not envisage making any form of charge but if at anytime in the future we had to issue a subscription price we would give you at least 6 months notice.
Each individual school survey is for the sole use of the School Survey Administrator who has set it up and we will not share the outcomes with any other parties.
Each registered School Survey Administrator only has access to the surveys they have set up and no others (including other surveys set up by colleagues at the same school).
What if something goes wrong?
We would be happy to provide further support with your school survey or any other area of health and wellbeing education. Please email or phone us to discuss further.
Freephone: 0800 0488566
How do I set up a survey?
The following 3 steps explain how you can set up a survey.
Step 1: Register you school
- Select the area of England where your school is based
- Select the borough or LEA (even if a private school)
- If a colleague has already registered your school, you can select your schools from the list and move onto Step 2: Register as a Survey Administrator
- If your school is not already registered…
- Select ‘Add your School’
- Enter School postcode
- Enter School type e.g. LA maintained, Academy, Free School
- Enter School phase e.g. Nursery, Infant, Primary, Secondary
Step 2: Register yourself as a Survey Administrator for your school (schools can have several administrators)
- Enter the following details:
- First name
- Last name
- Job Title
- Email address
- Telephone
- Username
- Password
- You will then receive an email confirming your application – which will be processed within 24 hours
Step 3: Set up a survey
- Log In with your username and password
- Choose the survey you would like to set up (see options available on page 4)
- Choose a style for your survey (colour, look of page etc.)
- Set the dates for the survey to be available online
- Publish your survey online – this will generate a web link
- Invite your target group to participate by providing them with the weblink
Optional: Adding an ID option for pupils
- We originally designed our pupil surveys to be anonymous but some of the schools that trialed the survey asked for an additional optional field to be included so that each pupil could be assigned an ID or code to enable individual progress to be tracked between surveys.
- When you set up a survey there is a default anonymous check box, which you can change if you wish to add an ID field. You will then need to provide each pupil with an individual ID before they do the survey.
How and when do I get the results of the survey?
- You choose how long the survey runs.
- When the survey finishes you can login and download a spreadsheet with a breakdown of the responses.
- Results for any surveys you run are listed with results ready to download.
Analysing the results
- Download an Excel spreadsheet of the results
- Answers to all questions are on a scale of 1-5 so you can analyse the data based upon the scores and decide what the school might implement to make things better.
- You can also compare responses between different groups (e.g. staff and pupils) and see if priorities match or differ between each. If you selectthe additional ID field you can track the progress of individual pupils over a period of time.
- You can then run a later identical consultation to measure impact of any interventions, by looking for an improvement in the scale rated responses.
- Download this excel spreadsheet, which will provide you with an idea of how the data can be analysed. You can copy the calculations into the spreadsheet with your results.
What surveys are available?
We currently have surveys on 7 health and wellbeing topics. Each survey consists of 28 questions and each question can be answered on a 5 point scale.
- School Wellbeing
- Self Awareness and Social Skills
- Bullying
- Physical Activity
- Healthy Eating
- Financial Attitudes
- Staff PSHE Skills Audit
1. School Wellbeing Survey
This survey can be used to identify the impact of the school on the emotional wellbeing of pupils, staff and parents.To support the pupil survey, we have developed a lesson plan that you can download if you would like to incorporate this survey into a PSHE lesson. This lesson plan includes:
- An introductory exercise for the pupils to identify what impacts upon their wellbeing and help them focus when completing the online survey,
- A plenary session to reflect on the process, identify any issues raised and provide the teacher with an opportunity to discuss and share sources of support available.
We have separate surveys available for
- Primary age pupils KS2
- Secondary age pupils
- School staff
- Parents
2. Self Awareness & Social Skills
This survey has been developed to help identify how pupils feel about themselves, how they behave and their social competence. We have separate surveys available for
- Primary age pupils KS2
- Secondary age pupils
3. Bullying
This survey has been developed to help identify how pupils and parents feel about bullying at the school and should enable you to measure progress in anti bullying work. We have separate surveys available for:
- Primary age pupils KS2
- Secondary age pupils
- Parents
This survey is one way of finding out whether bullying, or particular types of bullying, are a concern for children and parents, and can improve the prevention of bullying and the response to bullying. Use of this questionnaire also provides evidence for Ofsted showing that the school is taking active steps to consult with pupils and parents about how safe they feel from bullying. We would recommend that you take the following steps:
- Make sure that children taking part understand the definition of bullying and the different types of bullying named in the survey. Please see examples of definitions from the Anti Bullying Alliance below. You may wish to do this as part of SEAL or PSHE lessons. The Anti Bullying Alliance website can provide further information and ideas. We would recommend the use of their definitions.
- Make it clear to children why you are distributing the survey. Explain what action you will take to the survey and how it fits into a wider commitment to keep children safe from bullying.
Definition of Bullying for KS2
Bullying is saying or doing something horrible to someone else, more than once. The child doing the bullying knows their actions are upsetting.
Definition of Bullying for KS3 & 4
Bullying is saying or doing something horrible, more than once, to deliberately hurt or upset someone else, when you know they can’t defend themselves, or stop it happening.
Definition of Bullying for Parents
Bullying by an individual or group, usually repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.
4. Physical Activity
This survey can be used to collect information on pupil’s attitudes to and experience of daily physical activity. It also provides an opportunity to collect information on pupils’ interest level and potential barriers to participation in physical activity levels. This data can be used to identify areas that might need some attention, develop an action plan and at a later date measure progress. This survey is suitable for primary school pupils in Key Stage 2.
5. Healthy Eating
These surveys can be used to collect information on pupil’s knowledge, attitudes and habits regarding healthy eating. We have separate surveys available for primary age pupils in KS2 on:
- Healthy Eating Habits – this can be used to collect information on pupil’s eating and drinking habits at home and at school, and their participation in nutrition, cooking and food growing opportunities.
- Healthy Eating Awareness – this can be used to collect information on pupil’s attitudes to eating healthily, and their knowledge of nutrition and healthy eating to inform future provision within and outside of the curriculum.
6. Financial Attitudes
These surveys have been developed in partnership with PFEG (Personal Finance Education Group) and based on their financial education planning frameworks. They have been designed toprovide a self-assessment of pupil’s financial knowledge, skills and understanding. The survey will allow you to identify learning outcomes for lessons and schemes of work, map existing provision and identify gaps, and measure pupil progress. Once you have collected the data from this surveys you can access lots of resources and lesson plans to inform future provision from PFEG’s website We have separate surveys available for
- Primary age pupils in Years 3 & 4
- Primary age pupils in Years 5 & 6
7. Staff PSHE Skills Audit
This survey can be used to identify individual and whole-school PSHE development needs and gaps in provision to ensure that students’ entitlement is met, and that staff in need of extra support or training are given assistance.