Steel Sports

Coaching Handbook

Session Planning and Reflection

There are two key phases of planning and preparation. The first phase is the planning itself. The second is reflecting on the effectiveness of the plan and delivery of the coaching session so that progression can be made from one session to the next.

Session plans should be conducted for every session. Session plans do not have to be completed in full at the beginning of the season but a training program overview most certainly does.This overview will guide the direction for the series or season of coaching sessions. Session plans should be created after the previous session and before the next one and should be aligned to the training program overview. Creating them in real time allows the coach to take into account athlete progression and development and plan accordingly.

The following session planning template is designed to give you, the coach, an appreciation for some of the key issues involved in preparing and delivering a session.

The plan allows you to prepare and deliver a session on any aspect of the game.The sessions are broken down into the following areas:

  • Details of the day, group, session, venue
  • Athlete stage of skill development
  • Personal coaching goal
  • Structure
  • Safety
  • Warm-up
  • Main theme
  • Coaching points
  • Game or activity
  • Cool down
  • Equipment required

It is important to note your personal coaching goals as well as the session coaching goal becauseit helps you identify specific areas for own development and improve your coaching effectiveness. Writing down your goalsalso helps you consider how you will help the athletes learn and givesyou something specific around which to structure your reflections.

These session plans can also be used individually to work within your own specific program.

The Coach Reflection Template is deigned to help you reflect on what worked, what didn't, and what can be done next time to enhance the quality of the session and the players’ experience. This should be done on your own when you have time to reflect. Don't wait too long after a given session; otherwise valuable learning may be lost.

Remember to ask others for feedback, including your players; they may well help you explore some of your blind spots.

Planning and reflection should be undertaken for every session.

Steel Sports

Coaching Handbook

Session Plan

Date: / Venue:
Time: / Duration:
No. of Players: / Age Range: / Session No. of
Stage of Skill Development:
Player Objectives for the Session:
Personal Coaching Goal
Equipment Required:
Activities / Time / What Will Be Coached? / How Will It Be Coached?
Main skill: / ▪
Cool down:
Safety points:
Incidents/Injuries(to be competed postsession)

Coaching Reflections

Age group:
Ability level:
Number in group:
What went well during the session and why?
What did not go according to your preparation and why?
Did you receive any feedback from the players, their parents, or your peers?If so, what?
How could you improve your session for next time?(You may want to complete this section with support from your head coach or mentor.)