Session Plan
Date / Week 2– session 2
Course / 22294VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
Units to be covered / VU21727 / Communicate using pictures and symbols
VU21730 / Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10
VU21724 / Recognise and use letters of the alphabet
VU21726 / Read simple words
VU21728 / Write simple words
Material required for lesson / General classroom materials
-Digital camera
-Counters – real life concrete objects
-Number flashcards
-Letters of alphabet cards and chart
-Simple everyday word flashcards and stimulus pictures
-Whiteboard, white board markers, whiteboard eraser
Communicate using pictures and symbols resources
Communicate using pictures and symbols CIALN SSAT
-speak it to me
-prologquo2go - pictures that go with words.

Communicate: Symwriter - provides simple word and symbol processing for emergent writers.

Compic (communication pictographs) - a library of clear and easily understood drawings, called pictographs, which convey information.
Recognise and use letters of the alphabet resources
Recognise and use letters of the alphabet CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning alphabet and handwriting – alphabet, words and pictures
Excel early skills - english book 7 learning the alphabet
-letterbook letters of the alphabet
-sight words
Read simple words resources
Read and write simple words – spelling rules CIALN SSAT
-speak it to me - words
-prologquo2go - pictures that go with words.
-clarospeak - for someone who can read but can not speak
-fish express
-fish magic

Communicate:Symwriter - provides simple word and symbol processing for emergent writers.
Write simple words resources
Read and write simple words – spelling rules CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning handwriting and vocabulary – identifying commonly used words
-speak it to me
-prologquo2go - pictures that go with words.

Communicate:Symwriter - provides simple word and symbol processing for emergent writers
Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10 resources
Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10 CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning numbers 1 to 10 – identify, write and count
Excel early skills - maths book 2 learning numbers to 5
Excel early skills - maths book 4 learning numbers to 10
If delivering holistic units please include the elements for each unit covered in today’s session / NA
Learning Outcomes for session /
  • Communicate using pictures and symbols
  • Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10
  • Recognise and use letters of the alphabet learning outcomes
  • Read simple words
  • Write simple words

Assessments for this session / NA
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Session Plan
Time / Mins / Topic / Activity (including in class assessments if relevant) / Resources Required
9.00am / Arrival / Welcome and informal discussion
Students sign attendance sheet / Attendance sheet
Student workbooks
Student study material
Whiteboard Markers
9.30am / Communicate using pictures and symbols / Identify personally relevant pictures and symbols
General class discussion about what students have been doing over the past week and any upcoming events.
Use this discussion for identifying personal people, items and activities which can form the basis of communication, number recognition, reading and writing studies.
Begin to build a small vocab of personal pictures and symbols for each student.
Assist students to start to construct own personal communication books using pictures and symbols identified.
Ask students to explain / identify specific personal words and items.
Commence related personal CIALN SSAT study activities.
Extend learning through other resources / study material as listed. / Recognise and use letters of the alphabet CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning alphabet and handwriting – alphabet, words and pictures
Excel early skills - english book 7 learning the alphabet
-letterbook letters of the alphablet
-sight words
10:30am / Morning break
11:00am / Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10 / Identify whole number figures relevant to personal needs
Ask students to identify different situations when they need to be able to recognise and count numbers from 1 to 10 for personal needs. Record these for study purposes.
Commence related personal CIALN SSAT study activities.
Extend learning through other resources / study material as listed. / Recognise and use whole numbers from 1 to 10 CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning numbers 1 to 10 – identify, write and count
Excel early skills - maths book 2 learning numbers to 5
Excel early skills - maths book 4 learning numbers to 10
12:00pm / Lunch
1:00pm / Recognise and use letters of the alphabet
Write and read simple words / Identify letters of the alphabet
Refer to small vocab of personal pictures and symbols compiled in morning discussion and previous session and assist students in identifying the initial alphabet letter sound of each picture/symbol.
Commence related CIALN SSAT study activities
Writing and reading tasks - Identify highly familiar, personally relevant items
Write the name of each picture/symbol in students’ communication books in large font, in upper and lower case.
Support students in typing out related words on computer or Ipad.
Commence related personal CIALN SSAT study activities.
Extend learning through other resources / study material as listed. / Recognise and use letters of the alphabet CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning alphabet and handwriting – alphabet, words and pictures
Excel early skills - english book 7 learning the alphabet
-letterbook letters of the alphabet
-sight words
Read and write simple words – spelling rules CIALN SSAT
Scholastic learning handwriting and vocabulary – identifying commonly used words
-speak it to me
-prologquo2go - pictures that go with words
-clarospeak - for someone who can read but can not speak
-fish express
-fish magic

Communicate:Symwriter - provides simple word and symbol processing for emergent writers.
3:00 pm / Departure / Home work given which should be handed in next session

Compliance Check

Assessor Check / Coordinator Check / Filing / Scanning
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