Instructor Guide / Working as a Member of the Global Membership Team


as a Member of the

Global Membership Team

Session Background

The Global Membership Team actively supports membership growth efforts in each of the association’s constitutional areas using a multi-level structure to ensure focused solutions to membership-related issues.

As an active member of the Global Membership Team (GMT) at the district level, it is important for second vice district governors to be familiar with the basic purpose, structure, and activities of the GMT. This session provides an overview of these components while focusing on the role of the second vice district governor and the district governor team as part of the GMT.

Session Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

·  Identify the overall purpose and structure of the Global Membership Team

·  Describe the purpose and structure of the Global Membership Team at the district level

·  Support the activities and initiatives of the Global Membership Team at the district level

Session Preparation

Preparation Suggestions

·  Consider the technical requirements for the session. Test of the laptop/computer, the LCD projector and screen, PowerPoint slides, and the wireless mouse/laser pointer, if appropriate.

·  Conduct an inventory of the materials for the session. Utilize the Training Materials Checklist in the Instructor Preparation Guide to check that you have everything you will need for the session.

·  Review all activities that will take place during the session. Have you obtained and organized all materials needed to complete the activities?

·  Review content prior to the start of the session as a final measure of preparation.


·  Instructor Guide
·  Participant Guide
·  PowerPoint slides
·  Suggested Handout: Listing of the GMT Constitutional Area Leader, Area Leader, and Multiple District Coordinator (refer to the Appendix for a template and further instructions on creating an area-specific handout)
·  Optional Handout: Global Membership Team Resource Guide (available on the GMT section of the LCI Web site)


·  Computer

·  LCD projector and screen

·  Flipchart and markers

·  Wireless mouse/laser pointer (optional)

Action Icons

Refer to Participant Guide

Session Timeline

Overview of Instruction / Materials
(5:00) / Presentation: Session Overview / PowerPoint slides
The Global
Membership Team
(10:00) / Presentation/Discussion: The Global Membership Team / PowerPoint slides
Participant Guide
Suggested Handout: Listing of GMT Constitutional Area Leader, Area Leader, and Multiple District Coordinator
Working with the Global Membership Team
(25:00) / Presentation/Discussion: GMT at the District Level
Activity: Working with the GMT at the District Level / PowerPoint slides
Participant Guide
(5:00) / Presentation: Membership Resources and Session Summary / PowerPoint slides
Optional Handout: Global Membership Team Resource Guide
Participant Guide
Total Time: 45:00


Total Time: 05:00

PRESENTATION: Session Overview (5:00)

Welcome participants to the session.


In your online training prior to this workshop, you learned about the parallel structures of the Global Membership Team and Global Leadership Team, and the way those structures address the membership growth and leadership development needs of the association.

In this session, we will focus solely on the Global Membership Team.


Display slide 1: The Global Membership Team


The Global Membership Team, or GMT, was created to actively support membership growth efforts in each of the association’s constitutional areas.

Since its launch in July 2008, the GMT has had a positive impact on membership, extension, and retention. The multi-level approach ensures that local issues are addressed by analyzing needs and applying specific membership-related programs and solutions.


Display slide 2: The GMT and the Second Vice District Governor


As part of the district governor team, you, the second vice district governor, are an active member of the GMT at the district level. Your understanding of the basic purpose, structure, and activities of the GMT will ensure that you are prepared to serve as an effective member of the team, can assist in addressing the membership needs of your district, and can support GMT activities.


Display slide 3 and review the session objectives:


We’ll begin our study of the Global Membership Team by reviewing the basic components – its purpose, structure, and activities.

MODULE 1: The Global Membership Team

Total Time: 10:00

Presentation/DISCUSSION: The Global Membership Team (10:00)

Suggested Instructor Preparation Note: Use the template included in the Appendix of this guide to create an area specific listing of important GMT contact information.

Refer participants to page 1 of the Participant Guide.


Display slide 4 and review the purpose/objectives of the GMT.


The GMT’s primary purpose is to focus on membership growth, or more specifically, on the following two objectives:

·  Develop new members and new clubs

·  Support club success to realize long-term retention


Display slide 5 and review the integrative structure of the GMT and the GLT.

The objectives of the GMT are accomplished by its multi-level structure. This structure streamlines the membership, extension, and retention programs and initiatives across the organization. The integration between the GMT and district governor teams ensures that regional membership growth and development needs are met. We will discuss the integration of the district governor team and the GMT later in this session.


Display slide 6 and briefly review the roles of the individuals at each level of the GMT structure.

·  GMT Constitutional Area Leader: Strategize and steer membership actions within the constitutional area in congruence with association goals

·  GMT Area Leader: Motivate and monitor membership initiatives and results across several multiple districts

·  GMT – MD: Organize and facilitate membership action planning at the multiple district level

·  GMT – D: Deliver and drive membership results and support club success

The collaboration and communication between the various levels of the GMT structure ensures a unified approach to membership initiatives and will ultimately result in increased membership growth.


Is the GMT fully operational in your area and at each level of the structure? Responses will vary.

Suggested Action: Distribute the handout, ‘Listing of the GMT Constitutional Area Leader, Area Leader, and Multiple District Coordinator’ to each participant.

Explain that participants can use this information to contact the appropriate people should they have questions about GMT operations in their area.


Now that we know the purpose and structure of the GMT, let’s learn more about how the GMT accomplishes its’ objectives.

Refer participants to page 2 in the Participant Guide.


Display slides 7-8 and briefly review the responsibilities of the GMT.


Now we are going to narrow our focus to the role of the GMT at the district level. Let’s start by reviewing the integrative and collaborative relationship between the GMT and the district governor team.

MODULE 2: Working with the Global Membership Team

Total Time: 25:00

Presentation/DISCUSSION: GMT at the District Level (10:00)


Display slide 9 and review the composition of the GMT at the district level:


At the district level, an important relationship exists between the GMT and the district governor team. These two teams are integrated to form a collaborative and cohesive structure that can most effectively identify and address the needs of the district.

The GMT at the district level is comprised of the following members:

·  The District Governor Team (district governor, first vice district governor, second vice district governor)

·  The GMT District Coordinator (appointed for a three year term by the district governor, in consultation with the first vice district governor, second vice district governor, GMT multiple district coordinator if applicable, and GMT area leader)

·  Region and/or Zone Chairpersons

·  GMT Membership and New Club Growth Team (focuses on membership and extension issues in the district)

·  GMT Club Success Team (focuses on overall club health and member satisfaction in the district)


The district governor team, the GMT district coordinator, and the region/zone chairpersons form the core of the GMT at the district level. The district governor team fulfills the following roles as part of the GMT-D:

District Governor:

·  Oversees the GMT at the district level and administers and promotes membership growth and new club development

·  Appoints the GMT district coordinator in consultation with the first vice district governor, second vice district governor, and GMT multiple district coordinator, or GMT area leader in the case of a single district

First Vice District Governor

·  Serves as the key district governor team liaison to the GMT

·  Works with the district governor, second vice district governor and other GMT members to establish and implement a district-wide plan for membership growth

Second Vice District Governor

·  Works with the district governor, first vice district governor, and GMT to develop and implement a district-wide plan for membership growth.

Note that this process of collaborating with the GMT on a plan for membership growth occurs during the first vice district governor/district governor-elect training.

Although the first vice district governor serves as the primary liaison to the GMT, the second vice district governor still plays a significant role in helping to identify district membership, extension, and retention needs and working with other members of the district GMT to ensure that those needs are being met.


The GMT district coordinator is also part of the core GMT leadership at the district level.

Refer participants to page 3 in the Participant Guide, and briefly review the responsibilities of the GMT District Coordinator

As you can see from the responsibilities listed on page 3, communication and collaboration with the other members of the district GMT are key in achieving district-wide success as it relates to membership development and growth.


The region and zone chairpersons serve an important supportive function as members of the core GMT structure at the district level.

Display slide 10 and review the role of the region/zone chairpersons.


In addition to the core GMT-D, two action teams – the GMT Membership and New Club Growth Team and the GMT Club Success Team – can be assembled to provide the opportunity for a focused approach to meeting local membership needs.

The Membership and New Club Growth Team and the Club Success Team are each comprised of three to four Lions. On page 4 of the Participant Guide, you will see a list of the responsibilities for each of these action teams.

Review the responsibilities for each team on page 4.

Members of the teams are appointed by the district governor team in consultation with the GMT multiple district coordinator and GMT district coordinator for three year terms, subject to annual renewal.

A district membership needs analysis may determine that the members of these teams should be designated as ‘specialists’. These specialists will focus on addressing needs and development of a specific program/group/membership need or opportunity. Page 3 in your guide also lists examples of the types of specialists that may be included in the two action teams.

An example of specialist on the Membership and New Club Growth Team might be a Campus Club Specialist. This individual would direct his/her efforts in building and strengthening campus club membership within the district.


·  What types of GMT specialists might benefit your district? Responses will vary.

·  What are some qualities you would look for in selecting members of the Membership and New Club Growth Team and the Club Success Team? Responses will vary.


As an active member of the GMT at the district level, what teamwork skills or team characteristics do you think will ensure team success?

Responses will vary, but should include: collaboration, effective communication, team commitment to common goals, team participation in the decision-making process, etc.

Capture ideas on a flipchart.


Teamwork among the members of the GMT at the district level is critical to ensuring a free exchange of information and ideas, and in identifying the true membership needs of the district.

Activity: Working with GMT at the District Level (15:00)


We are now going to engage in a discussion to identify membership needs and issues in our areas and the ways you, as second vice district governors, can work with the GMT to identify solutions.

The format of the activity will depend on the size of your group. If there are less than five participants, conduct the activity as one large group. If there are more than five participants, divide the participants into smaller discussion groups of 2-3, then share discussions and debrief as one large group. The activity directions below follow the small group format.

Activity Directions:
Divide participants into groups of 2-3.

Refer participants to page 5 in the Participant Guide.
Give the following directions:
·  In your group, discuss the three questions listed on page 4:
o  What are the most important membership needs to be addressed in your district?
o  What are some key membership opportunities that can be addressed in your district?
o  What role do you think you can play in addressing the issues that you identified?
·  During your discussions, be sure to consider the objectives of the GMT, listed on page 1 of the Participant Guide, and the responsibilities of the GMT, listed on page 2.
·  You will have 10 minutes to complete your discussion.
Begin the activity.
Call time after 10 minutes.
Debrief the activity by asking for volunteers to share their responses to the three questions. Responses will vary. Invite other participants to ask questions and/or provide feedback.
