(BIZ6033) Seminar on Technological Innovation | 정보대학원박사과정2010521507 김정현

Session 4(9/28):Science and Innovation

: Brooks, H. (1994). The relationship between science and technology

0. Introduction

In the last class, we have discussed about the meaning of technological changes and sources of innovation in terms of firm level. The most important things are provider and users. Actually, nowadays there are many cases of user innovation around us in the web environment. This week, we prepare for the relationship among science, technology, and innovation.

1.Summary of the Paper

Brooks(1994) said that there are interdependence and distinct areas among science, technology, and innovation. He proved his thinking by using literature reviews and case studies.

Also, he gave contributions of science and technology to each other. At first, he suggested the six contributions of science to technology: (1)Science as a direct source of new technological ideas, (2)Science as a source of engineering design tools and techniques, (3)Instrumentation, laboratory techniques, and analytical methods, (4)The development of human skills, (5)Technology assessment, and (6)Science as a source of development strategy.

In contrast, he also mentioned about the contributions of technology to science. There are two things: (1)Technology as a source of new scientific challenges, and (2)Instrumentation and measurement techniques.

Finally, he made connection among these two parts – science and technology- and innovation activities. The last part of this article announced the importance of R&D activities and the results and effects of science and technology.

2. Main contribution

This research is based on the literature reviews for the conceptual part, for example, describing the meanings of each terms, science, technology, and innovation and the relationships among them.Also, for proving his own conceptual opinion, he gave the some pieces of cases for us. It is good for understanding the conceptual and abstract part of this paper. However, it needs more empirical study for the specific definition the relationships.

It is very interesting thing to define the contributions of science and technology to each other. Generally, we use two terms, science and technology, in the almost same conceptual meanings.

Personally, I think that I need to know more about the discussion “public goods” and “free goods”. There is a description about “free rider” and this is related to R&D activities. In my personal opinion, it is not only a problem of R&D, but problems of all economic parts. Because of this, many firms hide their new technology and sometimes do not register patents.

3. My own questions

1) What is the relationship between science and technology?

a) Science is the upper concept than technology

b) Science and technology are in the same level of conceptual part

c) Science and technology have a relationship between them.

d) Science and technology divide into each part.

e) There are other things for explaining this.

2) Are there moderate elements for the relationship between science and technology? For instance, firm type, firm size, industrial areas of firms, and so on.

3) Science is “public goods” or “free goods”?

3) What are the most important things in the innovation process? There are some examples for this, the interrelationship or the geographic and the physical distance between knowledge provider and users are possible candidates.

4) Why do the contributions of technology to science look like weaker than the contributions of science to technology? Actually, the author think science is more important and more influential than technology? If you agree or not, then why do you think like that?

4. Critique

The author said that the contributions of science and technology to each others. For explaining these, he did literature reviews and case studies.The cases in this article are for our understanding about the interdependency and interrelationships between science and technology. After reading this article, I think about the relationship of them. The first question above this critique part is the first thinking about this. Science and technology is the same volume of meanings to us? Science is the root concept of technology? Or technology is new shape or other status of science?

Also this thinking is from the one thing which I think the only weakness of this article. It is uneasy to find the classification rules of the contributions. Brooks made the classification category based on predefined and evaluated literature reviews, and arranged the multiple cases into those categories. However, I think that I cannot find the strong base line for these contributions.

I agree those contributions of science to technology which are suggested by Brooks. In general, science is purer discipline than technology or engineering part. From this, science could be a new idea and direct sources for opening the possibilities of new technology. Also, in terms of methodology part, I think it is possible to make standards or rules based on science. We can use science as a source of engineering design tools and techniques, and as an instrument, laboratory techniques, and analytical methods.

However those three contributions about “knowledge”are also possible to be contributions of technology to science. In multiple cases, we can find the growth of knowledge is from the technology development. Undoubtedly,“pure science” is the most important discipline for expanding knowledge areas because it does not matter how to earn or how many benefits for firm, person, or and so on. Similarly, technology or engineering make the depth of knowledge deeper and deeper.

Think about two parts, mathematics and computer engineering. Computer engineering part is based on the mathematics. However, we know the computer engineering have had huge influence on our lives. Nowadays, we can communicate with each other easily. There are no barriers, limitations, and regulations among us.The speed of Searching information and the speed of sharing information are faster and faster. The beginning of computer engineering is “0”, “1”, some kinds of mathematical operations. Now, computer engineering is being applied in various fields. This means that technology is a source of new scientific challenges.Furthermore, computer engineering is used by the core techniques and tool for other scientific areas and technological parts.

The issues of “public goods” and “free goods” are not only problems of science/technology part, but also problems of other disciplines part. I want to know more about this.

Thank you for reading this material. I know that there are many mistakes (grammar, logical unfolding). I ask for your understanding regarding this matter.