Child Outcomes Summary Module

Session 2: Overview of the Child Outcomes Summary Process

Just for Me Activity

My State’s Policies and Procedures

  1. Where can I go for the most up-to-date information about my state’s policies and resources on the COS process (e.g., a website, a guidance or FAQ document, contact information for a person in a specific role in the state or program)?
  1. What training and support related to the COS process is available or expected in my state?
  1. Find and learn about your state’s policies on completing the COS process at entry, which includes:
  • Which children are included in the COS entryrating process? (e.g., all children, only children over 6 months of age, whether to complete if a child moves from another program in your state)
  • When is it done? (e.g., within first 60 days, at first IFSP/IEP meeting)
  • Who participates in determining the COS rating? (e.g., only service providers, service providers and family members)
  • At what points do providers share information about the COS process with family members?
  • Where/how are the entry ratings recorded? What documentation is expected when the COS process is completed?
  1. Find and learn about your state’s policies on completing the COS process at exit, which includes:
  • Which children are included in the COS exitrating process? (e.g., all children, only children who have been in the program at least 6 months, only children exiting the program for specific reasons, children transitioning from your program to another program within the state)
  • How does your state “flag” a child as exiting or a family is no longer participating in services and indicate that the exit COS is needed?
  • When is it done? (e.g., one month before exit, at an IFSP review meeting, at an exit meeting?)
  • Who participates in determining the COS rating? (e.g., only service providers, service providers and family members)
  • Where/how are the exit ratings recorded? What documentation is expected when the COS process is completed?
  1. Are there any other points in time when your state or program requires completion of the COS process (e.g., at every IEP annual review)?
  1. Are there particular assessments instruments or tools that are recommended or required to use to inform the COS process?
  1. When and with whom are COS ratings shared in my state (e.g., shared across Part C and Part B programs, summaries of state shared between state and local programs at specific intervals or in certain ways, etc.)?