Session 13 Lessons 98 - 106
History of Communion
1. According to the Gospels, the Last Supper was part of this Jewish Feast:
a. Yom Kippur
b. Hanukkah
c. Feast of Weeks
d. Passover (Correct.)
2. Passover is a celebration that commemorates
a. the people of Israel passing through the Red Sea.
b. the Angel of Death Passing over Israelites in Egypt. (Correct.)
c. Abraham passing over the mount of Zion.
d. Noah passing over Mount Ararat.
3. In one of the few stories of Jesus' early life, Mary and Joseph lost him
a. in Jerusalem at harvest time.
b. in Nazareth at harvest time.
c. in Nazareth at Passover Time.
d. in Jerusalem at Passover time. (Correct.)
4. When Mary and Joseph found him he was
a. at a fast food restaurant.
b. hanging with friends downtown.
c. in the temple. (Correct.)
d. in the mall.
5. Jesus was how old when he was left behind in Jerusalem (Luke 2:42):
a. 12 (Correct.)
b. 13
c. 14
d. 15
6. Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with whom?
a. Peter, James, and John (Correct.)
b. Peter, Paul, and Mary
c. Paul, Timothy, and Titus
d. John, Paul, and George
Take and Eat
1. Jesus and his disciples celebrated the Last Supper:
a. in Jerusalem.
b. in the Upper Room.
c. in the Garden of Gethsemane.
d. A and B (Correct.)
2. At the Last Supper, Jesus said Peter would deny him
a. in the morning.
b. four times.
c. five times.
d. none of the above (Correct.)
3. What kind of bread do they eat at Passover?
a. whole wheat
b. unleavened (Correct.)
c. shortbread
d. rye
4. The idea of Passover came during the time of
a. Moses. (Correct.)
b. Abraham.
c. Joseph.
d. Jesus.
5. Christians remember the Last Supper
a. on Epiphany.
b. on Maundy Thursday.
c. when we celebrate Holy Communion.
d. B and C (Correct.)
Benefits of Communion
1. The bread and wine are sometimes called
a. substances.
b. remarkables.
c. elements. (Correct.)
d. standards.
2. How often is it suggested that Lutherans celebrate Holy Communion?
a. weekly (Correct.)
b. biweekly
c. monthly
d. quarterly
3. Which of the following is not usually a part of the Holy Communion service?
a. the Lord's Prayer
b. the Words of Institution
c. the Creed (Correct.)
d. the Lamb of God hymn
4. Which of the following are not words associated with Holy Communion?
a. Mass
b. Eucharist
c. Lord's Supper
d. Matins (Correct.)
5. Holy Communion:
a. is a gift from God.
b. was instituted by Jesus.
c. is a sacrament.
d. all of the above (Correct.)
How to Use a Worship Bulletin
1. Lutheran worship is divided into four main parts called...
a. gathering, word, meal, and sending. (Correct.)
b. singing, listening, praying, and sitting.
c. hymns, sermon, communion, and praying.
d. sleeping, snoring, coloring, and thumb-twiddling.
2. Worshipers typically sing a hymn, pray, and confess their sins during the ______portion of worship.
a. gathering (Correct.)
b. word
c. meal
d. sending
3. Several scripture verses are read and a sermon is preached during the ______portion of worship.
a. gathering
b. word (Correct.)
c. meal
d. sending
4. The meal part of the worship service usually includes...
a. baptism.
b. Cheerios or fruit snacks.
c. Holy Communion. (Correct.)
d. potluck.
5. During the sending part of the service, worshipers might...
a. receive a blessing.
b. say a prayer.
c. be told to "Go in peace, serve the Lord."
d. all of the above. (Correct.)
6. Music in worship should...
a. give praise and honor to God.
b. fit the theme of the day.
c. entertain the worshipers.
d. both a and b. (Correct.)
e. all of the above.
7. The purpose of the sermon is to...
a. proclaim the Word of God. (Correct.)
b. give kids a break while the adults listen.
c. let the pastor complain about how sinful the world is.
d. provide 15-20 minutes of nap time for Saturday night partiers.
8. The part of the service where we offer to God "our time, our talents, and our possessions" is the...
a. Confession and Forgiveness of Sins.
b. offering. (Correct.)
c. Apostle's Creed.
d. Holy Communion.
9. A little-known rule in Lutheran doctrine states that worship services may not exceed...
a. 60 minutes.
b. 75 minutes.
c. 90 minutes.
d. there is no such rule. (Correct.)
10. Though praising God can happen at any time and place, Martin Luther believed it was important to worship...
a. with large green books.
b. in the largest room in a building.
c. in the presence of other believers. (Correct.)
d. only on Sundays.
True or False
1. It is helpful to read through the worship bulletin before the service begins. (True.)
2. Some worship bulletins contain artwork that is connected to the worship themes. (True.)
3. A worship bulletin is all you need to participate fully in the worship service. (False. Even if all songs, prayers, and liturgies are contained in the bulletin, full participation in worship requires an open heart and mind on the part of the worshiper.)
4. In worship, the people in the congregation can be considered the "audience." (False. God is the "audience" when we are truly worshiping God.)
5. It is important for people to be entertained by worship. (False. The music, sermon, and other aspects of the service are meant to aid people in worshiping God, not so that people will get something out of the worship service.)
6. Sometimes a person called an usher will stand near the entrance to the sanctuary and distribute worship bulletins. (True.)
7. The information in the worship bulletin only pertains to what takes place during the worship service. (False. Often announcements are printed in the bulletin. The bulletin can also be used throughout the week as a devotional tool.)
8. The purpose for all of the standing, sitting, and kneeling in worship is to wake up the people who fell asleep during the sermon. (False, although alertness is a helpful byproduct of liturgical movement.)
9. To participate in worship you may need additional resources, such as hymnals. (True.)
10. It is okay to make notes or highlight parts of the worship service in your worship bulletin. (True.)
How to Listen to a Sermon
1. A sermon is
a. a message spoken by a congregational leader. (Correct.)
b. a post-Reformation torture device.
c. a lecture.
d. always entertaining.
2. When listening to a sermon, it is best to:
a. slouch.
b. nap.
c. sit up straight. (Correct.)
d. pinch yourself to stay awake.
3. When listening to a sermon, a person is usually sitting in a:
a. pew. (Correct.)
b. car.
c. lawn chair.
d. Sunday school classroom.
4. A sermon is preached from a:
a. podium.
b. pulpit. (Correct.)
c. lecturn.
d. altar.
5. One of Jesus' most well-known sermons is the:
a. Sermon on the Hill.
b. Sermon on the Road.
c. Sermon in the Temple.
d. Sermon on the Mount. (Correct.)
6. True or False: Only pastors can preach sermons. (False.)
7. True or False: Sermons are not allowed to last longer than 10 minutes. (False.)
8. Taking sermon notes can be a helpful way to remember what is said. (True.)
9. True or False: A good sermon will make you feel guilty and ashamed. (False.)
10. True or False: Most pastors like people to ask them questions about their sermons. (True.)
The Anatomy of a Baptism
1. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus, what bird appeared at the scene?
a. a bald eagle
b. a dove (Correct.)
c. a seagull
2. How many times do Lutherans believe a person needs to be baptized?
a. once (Correct.)
b. seventy times seven
c. it's a case-by-case situation
3. The people who stand with the baptized person and make promises are the...
a. parents and sponsors. (Correct.)
b. acolytes and ushers.
c. organist and choir director.
4. In what body of water was Jesus baptized?
a. the Nile
b. the Red Sea
c. the River Jordan (Correct.)
5. What does the pastor often use to mark a cross on the forehead of the baptized person?
a. communion wine
b. oil (Correct.)
c. ashes
True or False:
1. Lutherans baptize people only up to the age of five. (False.)
2. Baptism includes a call to be in mission throughout one's life. (True.)
3. A candle is lit as part of the baptism ceremony. (True.)
4. All babies cry when they are baptized. (False.)
5. If you were baptized in a non-Lutheran church, you will need to be baptized again when becoming a Lutheran. (False.)
How to Pass the Plate
1. Which of the following is a good reason for giving an offering of money? (All answers are correct.)
a. Out of gratitude to God for blessings received
b. To help spread the good news of Jesus
c. To give aid to those who are poor
2. Which of the following is appropriate to place in the offering plate? (All answers are correct.)
a. Cash
b. Check
c. Coins
3. An appropriate way to respond when someone passes the offering plate to you is to
a. wave them off, refusing to accept the plate.
b. throw in some cash, but do not take the plate.
c. accept the plate and pass it to the next person. (Correct.)
4. A tithe is:
a. any kind of offering.
b. 10% of a person's income. (Correct.)
c. 10% of a person's bank account.
5. A synonym for offering is
a. gift. (Correct.)
b. collection.
c. dues.
6. Which of the following is true about the act of giving to the offering in church? (All answers are correct.)
a. Giving is an act of worship.
b. Giving is an act of sacrifice.
c. Giving is an act of charity.
7. Who would not be expected to give to the offering during a worship service?
a. Adults who belong to the church
b. Visitors to the church (Correct.)
c. Children and youth who belong to the church
8. A steward is
a. a cook.
b. a judge.
c. a caretaker. (Correct.)
How to Share the Peace in Church
1. Which of these is an appropriate thing to say as you share the peace in church? (All answers are correct.)
a. "The peace of the Lord be with you."
b. "God's peace to you."
c. "Peace be with you."
2. What is the reason we share the peace in church?
a. To stretch and move after sitting for a long time
b. To say good morning to visitors
c. To remind each other that the peace of Christ is for sinners like you and me (Correct.)
3. Appropriate gestures that accompany the peace include (All answers are correct.)
a. a handshake.
b. a hug.
c. a kiss.
4. Which of the following would be considered inappropriate during the passing of the peace?
a. Ignoring a stranger to talk to a friend (Correct.)
b. Shaking hands with young children and telling them "Jesus loves you"
c. Running out to the fellowship hall for coffee (Correct.)
5. Which of these words is not a synonym for peace?
a. Wellness
b. Shalom
c. Strife (Correct.)
6. To whom did the risen Christ first say, "Peace be with you"?
a. The leaders of the temple
b. The disciples (Correct.)
c. The soldiers
7. What does the word peace mean in the Bible? (All answers are correct.)
a. Reconciliation
b. An all-encompassing sense of being right with God and with the world
c. The absence of conflict
8. Who should participate in sharing the peace during worship? (All answers are correct.)
a. Adults
b. Youth
c. Children
Five Important Things the Lutheran Reformers Wrote
1. What new technology allowed the Reformation to really take hold?
a. iPod®.
b. Pen and ink.
c. Printing press. (Correct.)
d. Instant messaging.
2. What makes a church a true church?
a. Correct prayers.
b. More than 500 members.
c. Only male pastors.
d. The Word is preached in its purity and the sacraments are rightly administered. (Correct.)
3. Lutheran doctrine teaches that...
a. Jesus is likely to appear on a TV commercial.
b. Jesus just left Chicago.
c. Jesus is truly present in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. (Correct.)
d. Jesus can create a rock so heavy that even he can't lift it.
4. True or false: Lutheran doctrine teaches that humans have free will and are able to choose on their own whether or not to eat or drink, to work or not work, or to do good or evil. (True.)
5. True or false: Lutheran doctrine teaches that humans have free will and are able to choose to have faith and follow God's commands, therefore gaining a place in heaven. (False. Lutheran doctrine teaches that salvation comes by grace through faith, which is a gift from God, and not through good works or free will to choose God.)
6. True or false: Lutheran doctrine does not allow Lutherans to serve in the military or hold elected government positions. (False. Lutherans are encouraged to serve in lawful military and government positions to help keep God's order on earth—except if ordered to sin.)
7. True or false: Being Lutheran gets us most of the way to heaven; Jesus' death and resurrection get us the rest of the way there. (False. Jesus' death and resurrection get us all the way there.)
8. True or false: Lutheran doctrine teaches that humans are basically good and if given half a chance can be good enough to get to heaven. (False. Lutherans recognize original sin and that there's no way to be good enough to get to heaven—it takes Jesus.)
9. If you have sinned—I mean really sinned—you should...
a. confess it to a pastor or another Christian and ask for forgiveness in the name of Christ.
b. cook a grilled cheese sandwich with the image of Jesus on it, sell it on eBay®, and give the money to a charity. That way God has to forgive you.
c. tell God about it during the "silence for reflection" part of confession and forgiveness at worship and then listen to the pastor proclaim forgiveness in the name of Christ.
d. A and C. (Correct.)
10. True or false: The confessions are old documents that contain outdated information. (False. The confessions are still very important today and help shape the ministry and purpose for Lutheran churches across the world.)