SESDC working Group meeting, IEEE PES 2014, Washington DC

Date:Monday, July 28, 2014

Time:11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Location: National Harbor 3


Called to order 11:06AM Eastern

  1. Welcome and introductions (Joseph Mutale)

Individual introductions


  1. Joseph Mutale

  1. Henry Louie

  1. Doug Danley

  1. Hung-Ming Chou

  1. Thomas Callsen

  1. Kevin Little

  1. Barry Rawn

  1. Nathan Curry

  1. Rhonda Jordan

  1. Theresa Odun-Ayo

  1. Pedro Valverde

  1. Nikos Hatziargyriou

  1. KonstantinosOikonoma

  1. ShravanIndrakanti

  1. Ed Muljadi

  1. Joe Paladino

  1. Review of WG group activities 2013-2014 (Joseph Mutale)

Activities since last year:

Participated in a supersession at GM in Vancouver.

Special Issue of Power & Energy Magazine which have two articles from this working group.

Working on a position paper from the working group, with the goal for it to be published.

Proposal for a panel session for next year’s GM

  1. Update and presentation on preparation of white paper for the SESDC

Paper started in 2011, in near completion now

Joseph presented on history and motivation of the paper

Henry to circulate paper to distribution list (new members of the WG)

Create Task Forces to better mobilize the members WG

WG to support panel sessions, networking, education, outreach

Outputs: publications, reports, recommendations, education provided, user-oriented materials

Formal adoption of the position paper will occur after this meeting (electronically)

We will increase our meeting frequency, perhaps quarterly.

  1. Strategy and planned activities for 2014-2015
  2. Communication(Henry Louie)
  3. Volunteers for position of Communications officer

Coordinate communication within the WG

Contact Henry Louie () to volunteer for this position

  1. Website

We have a web site for the working group, but it needs to be redone and revised. There are templates available—wordpress, joomla—that can be easily used

Contact Henry Louie to volunteer for this position

  1. Member participation
  2. Member online background surveys(Henry Louie)

Henry to email a link to the group. They are very important for understanding our group’s competencies.

  1. Task force creation and coordination(Joseph Mutale)
  1. Panel Proposal for IEEE PES 2015 (Joseph Mutale)

For next GM, the working group is proposing a panel

Invite 3-4 high profile speakers (World Bank, UN, practitioners in rural electrification, and a utility executive)

The panel session would need to be approved by the subcommittee that sponsors us.

Barry Rawn: might be interested to have someone from the microfinance perspectives on the panel. How would distinguish ourselves from other panel sessions?

Joseph: we focus primarily on the rural areas without grid connections.

Rama: we cannot focus only electrification only, we need “energization”

Joseph: this is an important point. We are multi-disciplinary, and most embrace the social science aspect of things. We need to understand the context of what we do, and take an integrated development approach.

Rama: title for the panel “Sustainable Development-electrification and energization”

  1. Any other business

Thomas Callsen: What is rural, what is not? Our definition is concerning. Are we only looking at locations that are very, very remote?

Joseph: the definition is tricky. We could create a taskforce looking at how different countries define rural locations in the context of electrification.

Ed Muljadi: there are the socio-economic factors. Will it be useful if we reach out through the local IEEE.

Henry: many countries have very few PES or IEEE members. It is an idea for the future.

Rama: that position paper we could send to ministry of energy in these countries.

  1. Date of next meeting

2015 General Meeting, but have quarterly conference calls. Date and time TBD.

  1. Close

Meeting adjourned at 12PM.