C&S: Final Test, Part I
This part must be carried out with pen or pencil only. The computer must be off, and all cell phones and calculators must be out of sight, ear, and mind.
In touch typing, your
- Little right finger handles the following letters:
- Right thumb handles the following letters:
- Left middle finger handles the following letters:
Number conversions
- The decimal number 4 is binary number ? Please show your work.
- The decimal 62 is binary what? Please show your work.
- Binary 11011 is decimal what? Please show your work
- Optional (+2): Express the binary number 11100 as a number in the base 3 counting system. Please show your work.
C&S: Final Test, Part II
Before starting, please:
o Save this file as YourNameT3.doc, minimise internet browser, and open the file with WORD.
o Answers receive ZERO if they have avoidabel spelling errors, if they are not answer in blue, and if the instructions answer in blue here are not eliminated.
o No: books, neighbors, cell phones on, talking, asking the instructor questions.
o If you think I made an error, don’t call me, but tell me in writing, in the test itself. Note: +1 bonus point for any genuine error you can find!
o Clear Drive C.
o Empty recycle bin
Word Processing
- -2Oops! I have a problem spelling the word is. In many locations below, I misspelled it as is. Please fix that word, so that it is spelled correctly and so that it is in 12 sise font.
- The numbers below should be: Sorted from low to high, converted into a table with 2 columns (each less than 2” in width), expressed in red font sise 16, Arial, italicised, and circled with Las Vegas lights.
38.36 / 42.78
- -1How many numbers does the list above have (use the computer)? 55 How did you find out? Before I stated to covert the number I used tools, then word count.
The first line of the paragraph you are reading right now should be indented by 0.5 inch, the paragraph itself should be double-spaced, highlighted gray, and the font should be comic sans ms, green, sise 22.
- 16^8= 4294967296
- Log of 1,000,000= 6
- Decimal 11101 equal binary . . . 10101101011101
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Internet Searches
Consult the internet to find out answers to the following questions. In each case, provide the URL where you found the answer:
- Thomas Jefferson’s birth date http://www.monticello.org/jefferson/biography.html
is? Born April 13, 1743, at Shadwell, Virginia; died July 4, 1826, Monticello)
- What is the atomic weight of plutonium? Atomic weight: (244) URL is? http://www.chemicool.com/elements/plutonium.html
- How is the U.S. stock market doing today (Dow Jones Industrials)? • DJIA 10,243.1 +50.63 URL is? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3683270/
17. What’s the price of silver today?
SILVER BULLION / 6.95 / 6.96 / 6.78 / 6.81 / 0.11URL is? http://www.monex.com/
18. Who edited the book, Animal Learning and Cognition Edited by Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen and Gordon M. Burghardt URL is? http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?sid=2E395BC3-580D-4B16-A1AC-4B15D8305BD4&ttype=2&tid=8730
- Name and explain two key scholarly contributions of Henry David Thoreau. Civil Disobedience - 1849 essay on the right and obligation to follow your conscience, Slavery in Massachusetts - At an 1854 rally, Thoreau vigorously attacks the support of slavery in his home state. URL is? http://eserver.org/thoreau/thoreau.html
- When did the new pope become pope? April 19, 2005 What was his full name before becoming a pope? Joseph Alois Ratzinger What’s his name as a pope? Pope Benedict XVI What’s his native language? Italian URL is? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Benedict_XVI
21. How far is the planet Mars from the earth (trick question—be careful)? Earth and Mars are rapidly converging. On August 27, 2003--the date of closest approach--the two worlds will be 56 million km apart. That's a long way by Earth standards, http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003/18jun_approachingmars.htm
22. Paste below the lyrics of Woody Guthrie’s song, Pretty Boy Floyd http://www.woodyguthrie.org/Lyrics/Pretty_Boy_Floyd.htm
Pretty Boy FloydIf you'll gather 'round me, children,
A story I will tell
'Bout Pretty Boy Floyd, an outlaw,
Oklahoma knew him well.
It was in the town of Shawnee,
A Saturday afternoon,
His wife beside him in his wagon
As into town they rode.
There a deputy sheriff approached him
In a manner rather rude,
Vulgar words of anger,
An' his wife she overheard.
Pretty Boy grabbed a log chain,
And the deputy grabbed his gun;
In the fight that followed
He laid that deputy down.
Then he took to the trees and timber
To live a life of shame;
Every crime in Oklahoma
Was added to his name.
But a many a starving farmer
The same old story told
How the outlaw paid their mortgage
And saved their little homes.
Others tell you 'bout a stranger
That come to beg a meal,
Underneath his napkin
Left a thousand dollar bill.
It was in Oklahoma City,
It was on a Christmas Day,
There was a whole car load of groceries
Come with a note to say:
Well, you say that I'm an outlaw,
You say that I'm a thief.
Here's a Christmas dinner
For the families on relief.
Yes, as through this world I've wandered
I've seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen.
And as through your life you travel,
Yes, as through your life you roam,
You won't never see an outlaw
Drive a family from their home.
Words and Music by Woody Guthrie
© 1958 (renewed) by Sanga Music, Inc.
23. What is the meaning IN CONTEXT of the highlighted word above, scholarly? of, characteristic of, or suitable to learned persons
- What original language has this word been taken from ? Latin In that language, what does scholarly mean? school.
After taking the test, I need to consult the book, Grzimek Encyclopedia of Mammals on campus:
25. Name all Wayne State library branches which have this book. Adamany Undergraduate Library Reference,Science & Engineering Library Reference,Science & Engineering Library Reference
- What’s the call number? QL 701 .G7913 1990
27. Can this book be check out today, or a month from now (trick question—watch out)? No Why or why not? LIB USE ONLY
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In Spread Sheet 4 (class website):
- Sum of all cells
- Average of cells in Row 6
- Median of cells A1,A3,4,A5,A6,B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,C3,C4,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,E4
- You have just finished teaching a Computers & Society class and you think your instructional approach is much better than anyone else’s, so you plan to alienate all your not-so-bright colleagues by bragging about it at an international conference. As part of your talk, you would like to share with your colleagues the grade distribution for the class. The distribution itself appears below, but it is too messy to do anyone any good. So, instead, you decide to convert it into a table, and place that table just below the distribution.
Grade / Letter grade
94 / A
94 / A
94 / A
93 / A
91 / A
91 / A
88 / B
84 / B
84 / B
84 / B
83 / B
80 / B
80 / B
79 / C
78 / C
74 / C
73 / C
67 / D
65 / D
64 / D
61 / D
61 / D
56 / E
56 / E
26 / E
13 / E
6 / 7 / 4 / 5 / 4
A / B / C / D / E
- Next, you decide to go to Excel and convert the table into a pie chart. When this is done, insert that pie chart below that table, making it as appealing, informative, and concise as you can.
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The A, B, C of Programming
Go to our class web site, download, and play the instructional game: exp2^z.bas. Save it to target inside the Q-Basic folder and play with it a couple of times, to see what it’s all about. The instructions for this game appear in the box below. Play and experiment with the game itself, until you can do the following:
- Describe this game: What kind of a game is it? This is a game that test your knowledge of the powers of 2 form 0 to 12.
- Change the instructions below, so that, when the player keys in the wrong answer, the computer displays the message: What’s the matter with you bird brain, can’t you guess anything right?
- Change the program below, so that when a player starts a new game, she sees a part of the game she played and finished before.
- Change the font color (to green) of all the messages the computer displays for the player.
- Change the program, so that now, when it takes you 5 tries to key in the correct answer, the computer cheats and it tells you that it took you 1000005 times to come up with the answer. When it takes you 100, the computer says 1000100, and so on.
'IST 2710, Moti Nissani, Playing with Powers
PRINT "Welcome to the Power Game"
Z = INT(RND * 12)
answer = 2 ^ Z
tries = -1100000
PRINT "What is"; 2; "to the power of"; Z; "?"
INPUT "Key in answer and press ENTER;", answer
tries = tries + 1000
IF answer > (2 ^ Z) THEN PRINT What’s the matter with you bird brain, can’t you guess anything right?
LOOP UNTIL answer = 2 ^ Z
PRINT "Congratulations! You've got it!"
PRINT "It took you only"; tries; "try()s to guess the correct number"
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- How many values can a bit have? —1—What are they? —0 or 1—
- How many bits does a byte have? —8—
- In the old days, if I copied one tape of music to another, and then used the copy to make another copy, and so on a few times, the copy quality got progressively worse. Does this happen when you copy copies of a CD ROM? —No—ACD ROM uses a digital format, this format is broken down into a multitude of individual dot so when something is reproduce in digital format it can be exactly the same. —
41. When, how, and why was the internet put into operation? —The first models of the internet were produce in the early 1960,s with improved models coming out later that year. The military want to build a communication system that would be workable after a nuclear war, this is why the internet was built, The internet would not have a central control center so there would be no one places to attach. These massages would be routed the a multitude of nodes with no particular route and with the ability to bypass unusable nodes. —
- When you type a question mark, the computer immediately translates it into which zeros and ones combination? — 00111111, 3f—
43. In geometry, what is the meaning of π? Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. What does it mean, calculating π to the 100th place? ? Pi is an infinite decimal. Unlike numbers such as 3, 9.876, and 4.5, which have finitely many nonzero numbers to the right of the decimal place, pi has infinitely many numbers to the right of the decimal point that can be calculated out to the 100th place and beyond.
What is the point the author is trying to make, with all these tall tales of π? The limitations of the human brain and how computers can be used to better are society
44. -11,024 bytes can be abbreviated in words as 1gb
What is the evidence that Mike, the super-computer in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, “woke up” (minimum # of words: >30) Mike became conscious and self- aware of its own data. Mike was able to cross check and synthesis large amounts of data, which gave him the capabilities to give human like responses using the computers voice recognition technology. Also Mike was able to show human like emotions is his responses.
- When you ask your computer to take 6 to the power of 2, the computer actually conducts the following operation —6+6+6+6+6+6 —.
46. Use the ASCII table to express the letter g with ZEROS and ONES? — 01100111 —.
47. Why can’t the number 152 be represented by a single byte? (watch out, tricky question) —this number can be represented by a single byte. 255 is limit of the 8-digit ASII table, starting at 256 the computer will use more than one byte to represent these numbers. —.
48. A friend of yours is taking a class with a disorganised instructor who loses half of her e-mail submissions. He is perfectly willing to change his records, but only if your friend can present proof in the computer lab that she indeed sent him the assignments on time. What kind of setting does she need in webmail? Give her detailed, step by step instructions how to make the needed changes. Once you are logged on to WSU webmail go to preferences the look for (save sent messages) choose yes.