Serving People & the Environment

Serving People & the Environment

Serving People & the Environment

ICENECDEV for a Safe & Healthy Environment

Mission: Empowering People to Protect the Environment

ICENECDEVProject Funding Application

Section 1: Cover Sheet

Project title:
Project start and finish dates:
Project Location:
Name of organisation (if applicable):
Name of primary contact and position within organisation:
Contact details of primary contact (address, tel, email):
If different from the above…
Name and contact details of project coordinator:
Amount of funding requested:
How did you hear about ICENECDEV:

Section 2: Summary

  1. concept note
    Please write a 200 word introduction to your project
  1. One-pagedescription of the project you are requesting project funding for.

(in not more than 2 pages or 1000 words)

Section 3: Project Detail


  • Please give us a brief description of the applicant/ organisation (including structure and history-if available)
  • Attach key project personnel/ project Team with clear roles/Responsibility
  • Provide the name and contact details of one referee and in what capacity they know the organisation
  • List any previous funders (organisation, amount, dates)
  • Please give details of any organisations/individuals you have collaborated with in the past (including a couple of lines describing the circumstances)

b)Goal and Specific Objectives

  • Please state what you hope to achieve through the project and how this corresponds to your organisation’s mission and the aims of ICENECDEV
  • Description of Activities ,Method and Timeline
  • Project Duration (should not exceed 6months)
  • Expected outcome of project
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Sustainability of project


  • Please tell ICENECDEV how much you are requesting
  • Provide on a separate spreadsheet a detailed budget for the project (group similar expenditures under subheadings e.g. publication and training etc.). List any other funding you have secured or applied for.

By submitting this application you are agreeing to the following conditions:

  • Any project and or budget changes must be approved in advance by ICENECDEV.
  • To notify and seek approval from ICENECDEV if any of the key personnel change throughout the duration of the project and accept that ICENECDEV reserve the right to change agreed amounts if such changes occur.
  • To make acknowledgements to ICENECDEV and include their logo in project related publicity materials.
  • To send any relevant publication/video/audio produced for the organisation and allow ICENECDEV to use how they wish.
  • To send at least four copyright free, high-resolution jpeg images that relate to the funded project within three months of the project end date specified in the application.
  • To submit a completed ICENECDEV grant report form within three months of the project end date specified in the application.

Contact Information

We prefer to receive applications via email but if you do want to send your form by post, make sure you include your email address and send it to:

ICENECDEV Secretariat,
PO BOX 641, University of Buea Street, Molyko ,

South West Region. Cameroon-Central Africa.

Email: or


Follow us at:



Tel: (00237) 674033583, 243609311