Serving and Outreach Opportunities

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.

To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

(1 Peter 4: 9 – 1, NIV)

WHERE: Cedarwood Health Care Center, 924 West Kiowa, Colorado Springs, CO 80905

CONTACT: Dirk Palten

WHO: All Ages – children and infants welcome

WHAT: Participate with Pastor Bill in a devotional time of singing, praying and fellowship

SERVANTS NEEDED: 15 to a maximum of 20 total.

DRESS: Casual

Team Leader: Dirk Palten

Assistant Team Leader: Stephanie DuMosch

DESCRIPTION: Crossroads Ministries USA’s mission is to help meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the elderly who reside in our communities’ care centers. A study shows, that 85 percent of the residents who live in our nation’s care centers rarely have visitors “not from family, friends, the clergy or members of the Christian Church”

Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Northern Churches Care, Rocky Mountain Calvary, 4285 N Academy (enter doors under the “dove” and bear left down the hall

CONTACT: Jo Cervone, Jenny 648-6470 (Cell)

WHO: A great opportunity particularly for those physically challenged

WHAT: Creating Client Files & Archiving 2010 Files: Files are an essential part of NCC’s work. You will be archiving old and creating new client files

SERVANTS NEEDED: Five to Eight (Children accompanied by a parent permitted)

DRESS: Casual

Team Leader: Jo Cervone

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: Northern Churches Care (NCC) is a collaboration of local churches that have come together to help provide emergency support and/or spiritual care to "Our Neighbors In Need". Programs include: rental & utility assistance, food pantry, community RN, legal advice, clothing & transportation vouchers, budget counseling and a yearly Health Fair and Back-To-School Program.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Cheyenne Village, 6275 Lehman Drive, Building C, Colorado Springs, CO 80918

WHO: All Ages. If smaller children are present, they must be supervised.

WHAT: Paint between 13,000-15,000 square feet. The building space is 2 levels made into offices and conference rooms. Since we are painting they have all decided to recarpet their building. They will provide all supplies and determine paint color within each area.


DRESS: Work Clothes for Painting

Team Leader: Chick Harms and Richard Orneleas

Assistant Team Leaders: Ruth & Greg Tarcza, David Hee, Scott Oby, Jason Privett

DESCRIPTION: The Cheyenne Village Outreach Program provides support to individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) who are living alone or with family caregivers and who are not receiving government-funded services. There are currently 1500 individuals on a waiting list for these services. Because of government funding cutbacks, these families may stay in the waiting list for an average of 7-10 years. Cheyenne Village is able to support these families through various contributions and help these families through the tough financial times.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Express Inn, (housing for homeless), 725 W. Cimarron, Colorado Springs, CO

CONTACT: Ruth Tarcza-ACC contact (597-7064), Ruby Ethridge, Volunteer Coordinator (473-5530)

WHO: All Ages, Children must be supervised

WHAT: Serve lunch (# forthcoming-no kitchen facilities available, buffet serving area only) and Grounds keeping -- ACC needs to provide food

SERVANTS NEEDED: No Maximum Number

DRESS: Work clothes, gloves

Team Leader: x

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: The Express Inn leases space to the CC Board Annex to provide housing for the homeless, low income and mentally disabled populations of Colorado Springs. Residents live in motel-style rooms equipped with microwaves and small refrigerators. Food sources include an on-site pantry as well as access to the Marion House Soup Kitchen, just a few blocks away. Some residents purchase food at Wal-Mart.

On-site case managers from Pikes Peak Mental Health offer counseling to interested residents.

There are no cooking facilities available in the common areas, only a buffet serving area. Sign-up sheets will be posted on site 2 weeks prior to March 13 so that ACC can prepare adequate food


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

Liza’s Place

WHERE: Liza’s Place, 2934 E. Fountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80910 (Mapquest to 2934 E. Mallard)

CONTACT: Ruth Tarcza (ACC contact-597-7064), Debi Cordner, Volunteer Coordinator (360-8582-Cell), 634-2257 or 635-3643 at Volunteer Location

WHO: All Ages, Children must be supervised

WHAT: Prepare and serve breakfast to the women; Sweep grounds; clean out flower garden and prepare for planting, weather permitting

SERVANTS NEEDED: Maximum is 30

DRESS: Casual for Serving Breakfast, Work Clothes for Grounds Work

Team Leader: Nan Emry

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: This mission was inspired by the life and death of Liza Chavez and is a group of committed servants who gathered in the fall of 2002 to form a home for women in Colorado Springs, who had recently been released from incarceration, or were homeless and had no safe place to go. Liza’s Place also ministers to women suffering from co-occurring disorders (bi-polar and ex-drug users). Liza’s Place operates as a transitional housing facility that has the ability to serve 20 women.

It is a non-denominational ministry with an intensive discipleship program, as well as seeking out mentors for the girls from the church community. They also offer job skills development. It is funded entirely by private donations


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Ronald McDonald House, 311 N. Logan Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO

CONTACT: Ruth Tarcza (ACC church contact 597-7064), Lyn Hale, Director, 471-1814 at Volunteer Location

WHO: Children age 8+ who are supervised and adults, both genders

WHAT: Prepare meal, spring cleaning, move furniture, vacuuming


DRESS: Work Clothes, Work Gloves

Team Leader: Julie Nilsen

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: The Ronald McDonald House - a "home-away-from-home" for families of seriously ill children receiving medical treatment nearby. Ronald McDonald Family Room - a retreat inside the hospital where families of child patients receive respite and regain their energy while remaining near to their children. Ronald McDonald Care Mobile - a mobile clinic designed to provide medical and dental care to under-insured/not insured children throughout Southern Colorado. Grants to children's organizations throughout Southern Colorado. Scholarships to underprivileged students.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

Sterling House

WHERE: Sterling House, 7560 Lexington Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

CONTACT: Ruth Tarcza (ACC church contact 597-7064), Ginger Clark, Life Enrichment Director, 598-4200 at Volunteer Location

WHO: Children who are supervised are okay. May bring pets on leash and controlled. Residents like friendly pets. No sick children or pets!

WHAT: Visit with senior residents


DRESS: Casual

Team Leader: x

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: At Sterling House of Briargate offers personalized care needs and provides an atmosphere that encourages each resident to live in health and longevity. They offer special housing and care options for those who require assistance with the activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing and dispensing of medications. Their community offers graduated levels of care based upon the individual need of residents, as determined by a continual assessment process.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities


WHERE: The Bike Clinic, Too; 737 W. Monument St.

CONTACT: Ruth Tarcza-ACC contact 597-7064),, Brian Gravestock, 358-3637 at Volunteer Location

WHO: Best suited for men. Can accept youth/children 6th Grade and higher

WHAT: Repair bicycles for donation to the homeless (bicycles need to be donated by ACC members). Some bicycle repair skill is required. Supervision and some instruction will be provided.

SERVANTS NEEDED: 4-5 maximum.

DRESS: work gloves, old clothes & jackets (facility is not heated very well…located in a garage) also bring auto grease, if available and firewood (not elm) , if available.

Team Leader: Don Ferguson

Assistant Team Leader: William Elliott

DESCRIPTION: The Bike Clinic Too repairs and distributes bikes for the homeless population of Colorado Springs free of charge. Many homeless people depend entirely on bikes as their only form of transportation. This is especially critical when trying to get to a job interview.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Crossfire Ministries, 2120 E. LaSalle Street and/or 307 N. Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909

CONTACT: Glen Wiersch, John & Leslie Miller (719-447-1806, 719-650-4152 (Cell))

WHO: All ages, children must be under supervision

WHAT: Repack beans & rice from bulk bags to hand-out size, Repack shampoo & laundry soap, Sort clothes. Potential Clean-Up and Painting at old facility at 307 N. Union Blvd.


DRESS: Work clothes

Team Leader: Randy Nicholson

Assistant Team Leader: Joey Nilsen, Charlyn Smith

DESCRIPTION: Crossfire Ministries, a faith based, non-profit, Christian organization dedicated to being a source of encouragement and hope to those in need. Currently, Crossfire offers a food, clothes, toiletries, and necessities pantry, a mission thrift store, outreaches to men and women, a quilting ministry, and several outreaches to foreign missions.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: 1440 E. Fountain Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO

CONTACT: Kevin Whitmore, Carla Londo 667-7061

WHO: Visitation Center – All ages and children under supervision. At individual homes – Adults and Teens.

WHAT: Help with foster homes, clean, organize, and repair: Yard Work, House Work, Window Cleaning, Dusting, fence repair, files moved and reorganized, sprinkler system repair (Homes: Pope’s, Wright’s, Gardner’s, Emrick, Brochu, Holbrook)visitation room at Kids Crossing cleaned and sanitized

SERVANTS NEEDED: 30 at Kids Crossing, 4-6 at individual homes

DRESS: Work Clothes

Team Leader: Visitation Center: Mike and Jane Folkerts

Assistant Team Leader: Visitation Center: Greg Bennett

Millie Pope: 7240 Shelley Ct 80911, 719-392-2651 ( leader- Logan Mitchell and David Bradfield)

Marie Wright: 10462 Scotts Bluff Dr 80831 719594-1956 ( Leader-Larry Jacob)

Cindy Gardner: 14470 Westchester Drive 80921, 719-481-8584 (leader- Jim Petersen and Janelle Jones)

Perry Emrick: 1448 River Drive 80817, 719-390-3035 (leader- Dave and Carolyn Verwers)

Jackie Brochu: 2420 Gina Drive 80916, 719-597-2702 (leader- Brian and Michele Lisman)

Ed Hollbrook: 7504 Liberty Bell Drive 80920, 719-233.1024 (leader- Bob Reitsma)

DESCRIPTION: Kids Crossing now has offices, foster care homes and group homes in Colorado Springs, Denver and Pueblo and is the largest Child Placement Agency in Colorado. Because of our more than 130 amazing foster parents, we were able to serve more than 600 children in 2009--and usually around 220 children are placed in Kids Crossing homes throughout the State of Colorado!


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

Hillside Neighborhood Association

WHERE: Bridge at the intersection of Costilla & Wahsatch next to the ReStore Habitat for Humanity

CONTACT: Kevin Whitmore, Babette Stedman cell: 719.964.7355

WHO: Mostly adults, if children accompany remember it is near the street

WHAT: picking up litter and sweeping dirt/debris off the sidewalk under the Costilla bridge.


DRESS: Work Clothes, heavy duty trash bags, gloves and brooms are needed

Team Leader: Rex Mortensen

Assistant Team Leader: x

Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Academy Christian Church

CONTACT: Cretia Born, Charyln Smith

WHO: Those already processed/trained regarding childcare at ACC

WHAT: Childcare for those 4-years old and under


DRESS: Casual

Team Leader: Cretia Born

Assistant Team Leader: x



WHERE: Academy Christian Church

CONTACT: Kevin Whitmore, Chick Harms

WHO: Pray-Ers, Adults and Teens

WHAT: Cover the servants going out into the community with PRAYER


DRESS: Casual

Team Leader: Dawn McClung

Assistant Team Leader: x




WHERE: Academy Christian Church

CONTACT: Kevin Whitmore, Chick Harms

WHO: Adults

WHAT: Help to prepare and serve Fellowship Meal following “Be The Church” Outreach


DRESS: Casual

Team Leader: Ethel Kaufman

Assistant Team Leader: x



Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

WHERE: Salvation Army, yellow house behind 910 Yuma St, Colorado Springs, CO

CONTACT: Chick Harms, Glen Wiersch, Bruce Duncan, 884-1050, 719 351 8661(Cell)

WHO: Age 11 or older

WHAT: The goal for this project is to transform the yellowhouse into a proper storage facility. Volunteer activity will include: Pull current stored material out. Clean out vacuum, sweep entire area. Put stored material back. There is a 10’X10’ hole in the ceiling that if we wanted to we could replace that drywall – no need to spackle or mud.

SERVANTS NEEDED: 10 to a Maximum of 20

DRESS: A “dirty” job, work clothes, gloves, tools (if we do the drywall) and the drywall

Team Leader: Bruce Wadman

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: The Salvation Army in Colorado Springs & El Paso County serves the community by providing service such as a transitional family housing program, the R.J. Montgomery New Hope Center (homeless shelter), family services assistance for those experiencing life crises, and emergency disaster services, as well as many other volunteer opportunities such as the well known Red Kettle Campaign so familiar during the Christmas season.


Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

Academy District 20 Stadium, Liberty High School

WHERE: Liberty High School

CONTACT: Kevin Whitmore, Mark Bissell - Executive Director for Facilities (719) 499-2241 cell (719) 234-1500 work

WHO: All ages

WHAT: District 20 Stadium: Trash Picked up all around fence, track, and football field. Pine Needles removed from track and football field. Gum and bird droppings removed from bleachers.


DRESS: Work Clothes, gloves, scrapers to remove gum, tools, trash bags, leave rakes/blowers

Team Leader: Jim McLaughlin

Assistant Team Leader: x

Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities

Meadows Park Community Center

WHERE: Meadows Park Community Center,1943 South El Paso Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80905

CONTACT: Kevin Whitmore, Karen Fleming 719-761-8885

WHO: Adults mostly, Children must be supervised

WHAT: Build two Gardens, 4 X 8 ft each

SERVANTS NEEDED: 5-8 servants maximum

DRESS: Work Clothes, gloves, shovels, rakes, wood timbers and tools to build garden

Team Leader: x

Assistant Team Leader: x

DESCRIPTION: Meadows Park Community Center is a strong focal point for the neighborhood, dedicating itself to serving the community in a safe and healthy environment while providing free and affordable programs and resources for everyone. Here, dreams are nurtured, goals are set and achieved, and friendships formed all the while engendering a growing sense of community pride and accomplishment. Like its community center counterparts, Meadows Park offers an array of programs and activities for preschoolers through senior citizens, delivering many of them through uniquely successful partnerships with other community agencies.

Attachment A: -- Servant Opportunities