Servicification - Why free trade in services matter to manufacturing

April 25, 12:00 – 14:30

Business Europe, Room Adenauer (Ground Floor), Avenue de Cortenbergh 168, 1000 Brussels

List of participants:

First Name / Surname / Organization
Emanuel / Adam / Transatlantic Business Council (TBC)
Paul / Adamson / E!Sharp
Menno / Bart / Russchen Consultants
Ksenija / Barysiene / CECCM
Sophia / Bengtsson / Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
Julie / Beraud / US Mission to the EU
Dominic / Boucsein / EUROCHAMBRES
Lance / Boxall / Cunsultant
Alex / Boyd / European Parliament
Paul / Brownell / Red Hat
Florence / Burton / Ministry of Economy (Belgium)
Aileen / Byrne / Transatlantic Business Council
Eleonora / Catella / BUSINESSEUROPE
Ramesh / Chaitoo / University of Gent
Raphaël / Chauvelot-Rattier / RP de la France auprès de l'UE
Jesus / Cisneros / Insurance Europe
Giorgio / Cocchi / European Commission
Friso / Coppes / Bureau Brussels
Carsten / Dannöhl / BUSINESSEUROPE
Hermance / de la Bastide / pernodricard
Aurélia / Debru / Renault EU Delegation
Maria / Edvardsson / Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU
Lothar / Ehring / European Commission
Erol / Ekizkuyu / Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the EU
Robin / Emmott / ThomsonReuters
Niklas / Fagerlund / European Commission, DG Competition
Marina / Foltea / Japan Tobacco International
Jose / Fonseca / PMI
Daniel / Furby / Fipra International
First Name / Surname / Organization
Michele / Genovese / APRE Italy
Rasha / Gomaa / Embassy of Egypt - Commercial office
Patricia / Gonçalves / CIP - Confederation of Portuguese Business
Pierre / Gröning / FTA - Foreign Trade Association
Jeroen / Hardenbol / BUSINESSEUROPE
Ignacio / Iruarrizaga / European Commission
Henrik / Isakson / European Commission
Zeljko / Ivancevic / ECS-Brussels
Ralph / Kamphöner / EuroCommerce
Mate / Kander / ACEA
Simo / Karetie / EK
Laura / Koene / APCO Worldwide
Arne / Koeppel / FTI Consulting
Jakob / Kucharczyk / CCIA
Hendrike / Kuehl / Transatlantic Business Council
Mark / Lange / Microsoft
Eugenia Costanza / Laurenza / FratiniVergano - European Lawyers
Gaël / Le Roux / Mouvement des Entreprises de France
Zhenhua / LI / Chinese Mission to the EU
Jia / Liu / SINA Finance
Guido / Lobrano / BUSINESSEUROPE
Francesco / Losappio / Apulia Region
Aylin / Lusi / UPS
Annette / Meijer / DPDHL
Minna / Melleri / Hyundai Motor Company
Daniela / Morghenti / ENPC
Karim / Nardini / Confindustria
Miguel / Narvaez / Mission of Mexico to the EU
Toshihiko / Ogushi / Uppsala University
Marko / Petrovic / Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU
Constanze / Picking / US Chamber
Carlo / Pirrone / Confindustria
Winand / Quaedvlieg / VNO-NCW/BusinessEurope
Elizabeth / Roberts / CBI
Tom / Sallis / CBI
Alvaro / Schweinfurth / CEOE
Frederik / Seeger / Eupoean Express Association
Edouard / Simon / EADS
Per-Arvid / Sjogard / EFTA
Kitica / Slade Pavcic / MISSON OF CROATIA TO THE EU
Veronika / Smela / CEBRE
Yang / Song / Chinese Mission to the EU
Stephen / Stacey / Hyundai Motor Company Brussels Office
Dinos / Stasinopoulos / European Commission
First Name / Surname / Organization
Kristien / Stessens / Taipei Representative Office
Masayoshi / Takidera / Hitachi, Ltd.
Aneta / Toborikova / CEBRE
Pagona / Tsormpatzoudi / Siemens AG
Alessandra / Tucci / European Commission
Yishiuan / Tzeng / Central News Agency
Pirjo / Valinoro / PR of Finland
Erik / van der Marel / LSE
Matthies / Verstegen / Bureau Brussels
David / WEBBER / PA Europe - Strategy Consulting & Public Affairs
Pi / Wegefelt / DI - Confederation of Danish Industry
Alexander / Wijnbergen / ABA bv
Neeley / Williams / European Parliament
Steve / Woolcock / LSE