Services and Events September 2017
1st FridayFeria / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Evening Prayer
2nd Saturday
Lucian Tapiedi & Mrrs of Papua New Guinea / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
3rd Sunday
Trinity 12
(Mayor’s Civic Service)
11am & 3.30pm The Cathedral Voluntary Choir / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: Mass in Ab, J. Rheinberger
Psalm: 26. 1-8 (Resp)
Motet: Ave verum corpus, Louis
Hymns: 377, Take my life, 342(T.452), 413
Preacher: The Dean / 3.30pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 105. 1-15
Office Hymn: 366
Setting: Brewer in D
Anthem: Locus iste, Anton Bruckner
Hymn: 440
Voluntary: Improvisation sur le Te
Deum, Tournemire
4th Monday
Cuthbert, Bishop
Boys’ Voices / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
Responses: Ebdon
Psalm: 63. 1-8
Setting: Plainsong/ Burgon
Anthem: How can I keep from singing,
arr. John Barnard
Hymn: 394
Voluntary: Adagio in E, Bridge
5th Tuesday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
6th Wednesday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
7.30pm Organ Recital –
Meirion Wynn Jones
7th Thursday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
8th Friday
The Nativity of the BVM
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Eucharist
Mass: C.V. Stanford in C and F
Psalm: 45. 6-11, 17
Motet: Ave Maria, J. Arcadelt
Hymns: 185, 186, 188(ii)
Preacher: The Precentor
Voluntary: Fugue sopra Magnificat, J.S.
9th Saturday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
10th Sunday
William Morgan
(Trinity 13)
11am The Cathedral Great Choir / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: Mass of St. Thomas, David
Psalm: 145. 3-13a
Motet: As water to the thirsty, arr.
John Barnard
Hymns: God has spoken (Calon
Lan), Tydi a wnaeth (Pantafedwen), Lord, for the
Preacher: The Archdeacon of St
Voluntary: Toccata in C BWV
564, J.S. Bach / 3.30pm Evening Prayer
11th Monday
Deiniol, Bishop
Boys’ Voices / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 75
Setting: Thomas Tomkins, In
Anthem: O Salutaris Hostia, Meirion
Wynn Jones
Hymn: 377
Voluntary: Fugue in C BWV 564, J.S.
12th Tuesday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
13th Wednesday
Cyprian, Bishop / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
9pm Sung Compline
14th Thursday
Holy Cross / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
15th Friday
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 88
Setting: Richard Shephard in F
Anthem: Cantate Domino, G. Pitoni
Hymn: 486
Voluntary: Scherzo, John Ireland
16th Saturday
Ninian, Bishop / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
17th Sunday
Trinity 14
Festival Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Great Choir / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am Festival Eucharist
Mass: Missa Alme Pater, Andrew
Psalm: 103. 8-13
Motet: Look at the World, John
Hymns: 475, 338(Camberwell),
Great is thy faithfulness
Preacher: The Bishop of S&B
Voluntary: Preludio (Sonata 7) / 3.30pm Evening Prayer
18th Monday
Boys & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Wilby
Psalm: 89. 35-52
Setting: Herbert Sumsion in A
Anthem: Beati mundo corde, Malcolm
Hymn: 437
Voluntary: Praeludium in G minor,
19th Tuesday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
20th Wednesday
Ember Day / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
21st Thursday
Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
22nd Friday
Ember Day
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Sanders
Psalm: 98; 99
Setting: Thomas Noble in B Minor
Anthem: Ubi caritas, Ola Gjeilo
Hymn: 431
Voluntary: Adagio (Hommage à Paris),
John Hosking
23rd Saturday
Ember Day / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
24th Sunday
Trinity 15
11am Girls & Layclerks
3.30pm Boys & Layclerks / 8am Holy Eucharist
11am The Cathedral Eucharist
Mass: Belfast Mass, P. Stopford
Psalm: 145. 1-8
Motet: Be Thou My Vision, B.
Hymns: 393, 439(i), 361(388i)
Preacher: Tom Attwell (Reader in
Voluntary: Recessional, Mathias / 3.30pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Wilby
Psalm: 119. 121-128
Office Hymn: 341
Setting: C.V. Stanford in Bb
Anthem: Holy Spirit, living breath of
God arr. A. Reid
Hymn: To God be the Glory
Voluntary: Introduction and Passacaglia in A minor, C.S. Lang
25th Monday
Sergei of Radonezh
Boys’ Voices / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30a. Holy Eucharist / 6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 104. 24-30
Setting: Thomas Morley, In
Anthem: And Didst Thou Travel Light,
R. Shephard
Hymn: 84
Voluntary: Antienne, N. Hakim
26th Tuesday
Lancelot Andrewes / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Stillness & Prayer
7pm Holy Eucharist
27th Wednesday
Vincent de Paul / 9am Morning Prayer
10.30am Holy Eucharist / 6pm Evening Prayer
28th Thursday
Feria / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
29th Friday
Michael and all Angels
Girls & Layclerks / 9am Morning Prayer
9.30am Offeren / 6pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 148
Setting: Third Service, Thomas Weelkes
Anthem: A Clare Benediction, John
Hymn: 336
Voluntary: Prelude on Darwell’s 148th –
30th Saturday
Jerome, Doctor / 9am Morning Prayer / 6pm Evening Prayer
The Very Rev’d Nigel Williams
Dean / The Rev’d Canon Rex Matthias
Precentor / The Rev’d Canon Michael Balkwill
Residentiary Canon
Alan McGuinness
Director of Music / John Hosking
Assistant Director of Music / Cathedral Website: