Services and Activities Fee Committee Agenda
March 8th 2017 PAT 104 2:30-4:30 PM
1)Call to order 2:32 PM
a)Mike Cardenas, ASEWU Director of Finance/ Chair – Present
b)Kiel Frey, Student-at-large / Vice-Chair – Present
c)Elizabeth Shimamoto, Student-at-large – Absent
d)Madi Casto, Student-at-large – Present
e)Jaime Olguin, Student-at-large – Present
f)Jevion Knox, Student-at-large - Present
g)Shauna Coleman, Student Accounting Office- Present
h)Sally Arel, EWU Budget Office – Present
i)Brock Sieb, Housing and Residential Life - Present
j)Noe Valdovinos, Outreach Specialist – Absent
k)Stacey Morgan Foster, VP Student Affairs – Ex-Officio – Absent
l)Cody Koch, ASEWU President – Ex-Officio – Present
m) Samantha Armstrong-Ash-Present
3)Review of Minutes from 3.3.17
a)A motion was made to approve the minutes with the requested edits by Kiel seconded Sally
b)Motion passes unanimously
4)Old Business- In depth review of proposals-completed at last meeting
i)Eagle Entertainment
ii)Campus Recreation
5)New Business
i)Beth Baker-DT Student Gallery 2:30
- Continue our good work
- Artists this year were paid through a grant
- They get 100-150 visitors; including faculty, student, staff, and community in gallery per quarter
- Brought materials for us to view
- Nicholas S in gallery tomorrow come down
- 35,000 is for salaries GSA and two students
- Sally-outreach for the Spokane Campus- not really strong right now. Ideally we would create a gallery experience in Spokane.
- It takes 40 hours to install a show
- SCC students have come to shows and artist presentations
- Jevion asked if the gallery raised any money - not currently just grants
- If funding is reduced we would reduce the number of shows.
- Seeking Grants-difficult to get because there is a perception that the University has money
- The diversity grant may not be available next year
- Applied for Inland Northwest Foundation Grant but not awarded
- Collaboration with Cheney community for local artists
- Sally mentioned that the Gallery and programming is very diverse. She asked how it impacts students- Gallery provides a safe place for students to ask questions of artists
- We have academic departments sending students down to view and partake in gallery75% of visitors are students
- Fee for non-students? Talked about it, it is difficult to have a fee so typically they have a suggested donation type situation.
- Can students request space there? Can you host other events there- yes they have talked about that
- What would you do with additional funding? Get outstanding artists in. It could help Cheney grow
ii)Justin – Writer’s Center
- Gayle the assistant director also showed up
- Brought materials - attached
- Writer's center provides one on one writing help as well as workshops for students to help them with writing skills and techniques
- They also work on professional writing with students
- They look at writing from students and help them improve and edit their work for courses
- They help with the entire writing process from draft to feedback and components of writing
- Free for students- help students from brainstorming ideas to polishing
- Can also help with power point and other presentation materials, scholarship writing, creative writing and any form of writing presented by a student
- They also offer on-line services
- The "responders" are purposely called responders because they are not remedial. They all have MA's or PhD's. Adds professional expertise
- They get mentoring training before they can become a responder working with students. They also know quite a bit about the community and can connect students with other resources on campus and off.
- It is a personal touch for a student
- Assessment of center suggests a positive impact for student success at EWU- retention rates and GPA seem to increase
- Responders become mentors due to the time spent with students
- Will use funding to offer more hours and adequately serve more students
- Students are served from all over the University but the funding comes from CALE so they need some funding to help support the center. They need to keep up with student demand and they are not keeping up currently
- 117% increase in participation since move to the learning commons in 2012
- They have had some increased funding due to the increased use, but not at a rate that supports the student demand.
- They do not have base funding
- They have a wait list and they have to deny service to students when they do not have the staff /funding to serve students
- Has there been any request for money outside CALE? It has been discussed at the Dean and Provost level. It has not moved forward. They have repeatedly made requests annually for additional funding.
- Will 65 K meet need fully? If current levels are maintained then the 65K will meet the full need, but if the current funding level changes / decreases then wait lists may exist.
- Volunteers assist also. They have 2 volunteers and they have interns.
- How many student employees does the center have? 17 professional responders, 4 interns, 2 graduate students, 7 student office staff, and 2 volunteers. Next year they will be at one 1 GSA.
- Some English courses have a requirement to attend the writer's center, is that still a requirement and how many classes is that a requirement? Will that expand? Not necessarily. They do not think that the required students gain as much as the self-selected students who come in. Students who volunteer to come in may get more out of it.
- Out of all the requests we get we have to make some choices, what amount of money could you still operate with if you did not get the full amount? They need to think about that and get back to us. Also prepare what additional funding would provide for students.
- They also provide services at the DT Spokane Campus.
- Professional staff are working 19 hours a week- non student hourly classification. They make about $20/hr.
- Does the request involve increased staff at both the Cheney and Spokane campuses? It fluctuates based on need. There has been a focus on serving the Spokane campus and getting involvement there. Most staff works both campuses.
- The EWU writer's center offers more services to students then other writer's centers. They have a canvas site with resources-students can self-enroll and take courses and get additional help.
b)In depth Review of –Above in addition to
i)EWU Art Gallery
(1)Not many questions generated
ii)Theatre-moved to next meeting
(1)Ask for email to be updated
(2)The math is wrong on the front page of the narrative. We may need clarity regarding this proposal.
(3)They stated that 17K from the Provost may not be provided next year. Why is the academic side pulling all funding?
(4)They state that they expect a 15% increase in presenters, how are they projecting that?
(5)If they invite other entities do they also request funds along with that?
(6)What is the negative impact of lowered funding?
(7)Is a t-shirt really a $3,200 amenity? This is over400 shirts.
(8)We will ask these questions via email and get it back to the group.
6)Supplemental Proposals- None for this meeting
7)Items up for Vote
a)Minimum Wage Increase- Impact Requests
i)Total request is $40,252.08
ii)Motion to approve as is by Kiel, seconded Jevion unanimous vote passed
8)Other Business
9)Adjourn- 4:24