FAQs on Employers Details & Quota page

Q1 / The actual number of local workers that my company (or client) employs does not tally with the figure shown in the “No of existing full time local worker” field under section A of the “Overall Quota Details” tab. Why is that so?
A1 / The discrepancy could be caused by various reasons, including:
(i)Some local workers in your company are not considered as full time workers. A local is deemed as a full time worker only if he earns at least $850 per month, and the employer has consistently made the corresponding CPF contribution to him for at least 3 consecutive months. Two part time local workers (earning salary ranging from $425to $850) are equivalent to one full-time local worker.
(ii) Some local workers may be receiving CPF contributions from more than 2 CPF accounts. Such workers would not be counted towards the foreign worker quota computation.
Q2 / The “no of additional WP and/or S pass holders you can employ” field under Section A of the “Overall Quota Details”tab shows that I still have quota to employ foreign workers. Why are my company’s (or client’s) applications for PRC / NTS work permit holders and/or S pass holders still getting rejected due to insufficient quota?
A2 / In addition to meeting the overall quota requirement, employers would also need to meet the sub-quota requirement to employ of S pass holders and PRC work permit holders. Please check “WP sub-quota” and “S pass sub-quota” tabs to find out how many more S pass and PRC / NTS WP holders you can employ.
Q3 / What does “No of excess WP and/or S pass holders” mean?
A3 / A positive number in this field means that the employer is employing WP and/or S pass holders above your dependency ceiling. In such a scenario, the employer will be given a one month grace period to take the necessary rectification action to top up your local workers. Otherwise the work passes will be revoked.
Q4 / I am an Employment Agent. Why is it that I am unable to see the exact quota balance for my client?
Employment Agent will only be able to see a “Yes or No” in the fields under Quota Balance, if the client that you are serving has its own WP Online / EP Online account. You may obtain the exact quota balance from your client directly.