5 Year Development Plan (2014 – 2019)
Period Covered: / 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2019
President: / Alan Jarman
Chairman: / Peter Davies
Secretary: / Tony Goodman
Treasurer: / John & Val Hester
1st Team Captain: / Jonathon Davies
2nd Team Captain: / Matthew Humphreys
Sunday & Welsh Cup Captain: / John Anthony
Youth Development Officer: / Steve Davies
Welfare & Safety Officer: / Kevin Scourfield
Fund Raising Officer: / Tom Goodman
Groundsman: / Dai Brown
Co-optees: / Brandon Baynham
1. Introduction

Newtown Cricket Club has an established long history and was founded in 1847. It has during this time developed a vision to:

“Foster and promote participation in the sport of cricket within the community, providing facilities for playing cricket, opportunities for recreation, coaching and competition for all ages, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability.”

The club achieves accountability and transparency through the adoption of a formalised constitution and holds monthly meetings with its executive committee and members of the club are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting held shortly after the end of each cricket season and before the start of the next. Minutes of all meetings, along with all policies and guidelines, are posted on the club website and notice board within the pavilion.

The formal documentation of the club can be found on the club website at:
The club also has an online shop and can be found at:
For all the latest league fixtures and results visit:

This development plan identifies the clubs current status and highlights its aspirations and where it wants to be in five years time. This will be achieved by a review of this document on a yearly basis, during the period between each season, and by developing robust action plans that will be treated as live documents. It will remain the responsibility of the Chairman of the club to ensure that the plan is updated annually and remains a live document allowing the club to review its progress against set targets and to develop strategies to help meet them. It will be available for all members of the club to scrutinise and will be used to support funding applications.

2. Club Objectives:

The following objectives have been established by the club:

1.  To foster and promote participation in the sport of cricket within the local community to the highest level possible.

2.  To improve the quality and range of cricket available to the local community and to ensure it has access to safe and appropriate cricket facilities when used.

3.  To ensure that Newtown Cricket Club provides the highest standards of governance through compliance with the accredited Clubmark Scheme, that it remains transparent in all of its actions and undertakes a regular review of its standards.

4.  To ensure that it complies with all requirements as stipulated by appropriate cricket league and competition rules.

5.  To provide opportunities for recreation, coaching and competition for all ages, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability.

6.  To realise the full potential of its members and to improve the quality of cricket being played within the local community.

7.  To work with its Partner, Newtown Sports Club, and other stakeholders including the local community in the sustainability of all amenity facilities at the Recreation Ground, Newtown, Powys.

8.  To establish agreements within the local community that provides mutual benefit for Newtown Cricket Club and its stakeholders.

3. Club Assessment:

Where are we?

The club enjoyed a successful season during 2013 fielding 2 senior teams in the Shropshire Cricket League Division 1 and Reserve League Division 2 with the 1st team winning promotion to the Shropshire Premier League. A regular schedule of friendly Sunday fixtures was also available offering members the opportunity to play cricket over the weekend if they were not available for selection for the Saturday fixture. Success was also achieved in the County T20 competition with Newtown winning the overall competition.

A schedule of junior fixtures was also played at under 15’s and under 11’s with the club also organising a community knockout competition. A total of 8 community teams played in a league structure with the club providing the equipment and umpiring resource.

Pre-season indoor nets started in March 2013 at the Flash Leisure Centre, Welshpool and progressed to outdoor nets during April 2013. The club has the following training facilities:

·  A 2 lane outdoor net (in need of complete refurbishment).

·  Practice equipment such as catching cradle and bounce back net etc.

·  Roll on net (to be purchased).

Both senior and junior training sessions are coached by fully accredited ECB Coaches:

Coach: / Level:
Steve Davies / 2
Jonathon Davies / 2
Richard Smout / 2
Thomas Goodman / 2
Paul Kruger / 2
Matthew Humphreys / 2

The club became accredited to the Clubmark Scheme at the end of the 2013 season.

The Cricket Club is a member of Newtown Sports Club which consists of Newtown Cricket Club, Rugby Club and Tennis Club and is based at the Recreation Ground, Newtown, Powys.

The President for the 2013 season was Mr Trevor Wheatley M.B.E. and the various Vice Presidents were:

Mr Peter Griffiths / Mr Jason Jones
Mr Robert Hanratty / Mr Nigel Owen
Mr R. V. Wheatley / Mr Gareth Owen
Mr Dave Evans / Mrs K. Harries
Dr. John Harries / Mr Duncan Foulkes
Mr Martin Doyle / Mr Richard Bonfield
Mr Kevin Hughes / Mr Geoff Davies
Mr Peter Humphreys / Mrs G. Woolley
Mr Graham Woolley / Mrs Valerie Hester
Mr John Hester / Mr Geoff Hampton
Mr Alf Boswell / Mrs Jackie Roberts
Mr Neil Roberts / Mrs Sheila Anthony
Mrs Debbie Horne / Mr Nick Evans
Mr Dave Smith / Ishy
AJ / Mr Chris Reynolds

Additional club sponsors were:

Celt Power Ltd / EvaBuild
Office Express UK / Philip Jones Building Services
EOM / Arthurs Vauxhall
Potters Recycling / Celtic Developments
The Newtonians / Jonathon & Leah Davies
Control Techniques / Dyke Engineering Ltd
Emerson / Val & John Hester

In total the membership of Newtown Cricket Club for 2013 was approximately 60 with membership fees being set at:

£40.00 for Senior Membership

£5.00 for Junior Membership

The club also raised £5,000 for Cancer Research and income for the club was in the region of £12,800 with expenditure at approximately £9,000.

The following policies, guidelines have been adopted by the club and can be found on the club website and notice board within the Pavilion:

Policy / Embedded File
Newtown Cricket Club Constitution /
Newtown Sports Club Constitution /
Health & Safety Policy /
Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members /
Code of Conduct and rules for Young People /
Inclusion & Diversity Policy /
Dealing with an Incident/Accident /
Discipline Regulations (2007)
Safeguarding Policy Statement /
Safeguarding Concerns and Incident Reporting
Safeguarding Contact List
Whistle Blowing Policy
Guidance on appointing and training Club Welfare Officer
Guidelines on appointing appropriate volunteers and/or paid staff
Safeguarding in the game Guidance
ECB Fast Bowling Match Directives /
ECB Safety Guidance on the wearing of Cricket Helmets by Young Players /
Guidance for Coaches Working with Children /
Guidance for all Members and Volunteers Working with Children
Guidance on Safeguarding Disabled Children
Guidelines for Player Profiles
Anti-bullying Policy
Guidance around Safeguarding Around Changing and Shower Facilities /
Guidelines Around Photography, video and use of images /
Guidelines around Transport to and from matches
Managing children away from the club
Missing Children
Guidelines with Working with External Partners
E-Safety Guidelines
Club Insurance and Public Liability Documentation

Where do we want to be?

The club aspires to build upon success and wishes to consolidate its position in the Premier League using locally sourced cricket talent and it will endeavour to strengthen the position of the 2nd Team within the Reserve Division Structure. The feasibility of developing a 3rd Team is to be investigated and this would replace the Sunday structure but would depend on the availability of a second cricket ground being sourced.

The club recognises that its future lies in its youth development and will endeavour to field teams at under 15, under 13 and under 11 age groups. It will ensure that all governance arrangements are in place to deliver youth team cricket. The management structure of youth team cricket must enthuse active adult participation in the form of parents volunteering time to help out at training sessions, committee work and helping out with transport arrangements.

The club has an equality statement and welcomes all ages and genders and will investigate the feasibility of developing a Ladies Team.

All coaching staff will be offered both advanced and refresher courses and the club will identify members who are interested in becoming qualified Umpires.

The club will maintain its accredited Clubmark status and affiliation with the ECB, Welsh Cricket Association Montgomeryshire County Cricket Club, Shropshire Cricket League and the Montgomeryshire Sports Council.

The Cricket Club remains a member of Newtown Sports Club which consists of Newtown Cricket Club, Rugby Club and Tennis Club and is based at the Recreation Ground, Newtown, Powys. The club will work with its partner in ensuring the sustainability of the Sports Club.

The club wishes to increase its membership from approximately 60 members last year to 80+ members for the 2014 season.

Membership fees for the 2014 season have been set at:

Fee: / Type: / Criteria:
£45.00 / Senior / Over 18 years of age.
£20.00 / Student / Members in Full-Time Higher Education or Mature Students in Further Education.
£15.00 / Youth / Less than 18 year’s of age but not entitled to play for a Junior Team.
£7.50 / Junior / Those eligible to play for a Junior Team.
£10.00 / Social / Open to anyone who wishes to participate in the social activities of the club.

The club realises the importance of developing community participation and will work closely with schools and colleges. It will also provide opportunities to discuss with community based organisations programmes that involve young people such as the Police Community Trust.

Club income needs to increase year on year by at least 30% if it is to achieve the timescales set by this Development Plan. If the club is to play at its highest level it must increase its player base and invest in suitable playing and training facilities which include:

Refurbished nets / 30,000
Sight screens / 2,000
Bowling machine / 2,000
Roll on net / 1,500
Electronic Scoreboard / 7,000
Ground Maintenance equipment / 10,000
Transport facilities and arrangements for conveying junior members per annum / 5,000

The club must be able to market itself within the local community to build a stronger player and membership base and has developed a communications strategy at Section 10 within this document.

How are we going to get there?

This Development Plan includes action plans that will be regularly monitored and evaluated against our objectives, targets and finances at each meeting of the Executive Committee. All action plans are listed in Section 8.

How do we know when we get there?

Monitoring and evaluation of each of the Clubs Objectives and Action Plans and review of the Maturity Matrix will indicate progress and where additional input is required.

4. Inputs:

Main partners in delivering the Development Plan are:

·  Newtown Cricket Club

·  Newtown Sports Club

·  Cricket Development Officer

·  Powys County Council

·  Welsh Government

·  Local Community and Community Organisations

·  Membership

·  Friends and Relatives of membership

Main funding sources are:

·  Welsh Government Grants – such as SWALEC Sport

·  Powys County Council

·  Postcode Trust

·  Easyfundraising


·  Sponsorship

·  Membership

·  Community Organisations

5. Financial Statement:
Income & Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st October 2013
Vice Presidents / £1,005.00
Sponsors: / Match & General / £1,135.00
Youth Shirt Sponsors / £700.00
Donation / £547.00 / £2,382.00
Subs Inc Junior Fees / £1,002.50
Match Fees (Teas) / £2,095.00
Grants / £2,390.00
Nets / £454.00
Fundraising / £3,041.96
Trophy Donation – P. Davies & J Hester / £70.00
KO Entry Fees / £260.00
Use of Ground / £100.00
Interest Received / £0.07 / £12,800.53
Playing Kit & Costs / £3,692.57
Teas / £1,220.00
Affiliation Fees / £1,676.48
Indoor Nets / £344.90
Coaching Courses / £75.00
Insurance / £1,174.50
Trophy Engraving etc. / £461.50
Cleaning / £340.00
Miscellaneous / £50.00 / £9,034.95
Excess Income for the Year c/d to Accumulated Fund / £3,765.58
Accumulated Fund as at 31st October 2013
Balance b/f at 1st November 2012 / £2,143.25
Excess Income for Year b/d from Income/Expenditure A/C / £3,765.58
6. Committee:

The Executive Committee for the 2014 season consists of:

Role: / Member:
President / Alan Jarman
Chairman / Peter Davies
Secretary / Tony Goodman
Treasurer / John & Val Hester
Fund Raising Officer / Thomas Goodman
Youth Development Officer / Steve Davies
Welfare Officer / Kevin Scourfield
Grounds man / Dai Brown
1st Team Captain / Jonathon Davies
1st Team Vice Captain / Thomas Goodman
2nd Team Captain / Matthew Humphreys
Sunday & Welsh Cup Captain / John Anthony
Co-opted Members:
Junior Representative / Brandon Baynham
7. Coaching Standards and Youth Governance:

The club will adopt all governance arrangements as established through the Safehands guidance and other policies detailed in Section 3.

The main Training Matrix can be found at Appendix 31and identifies all coaches, umpires and other qualifications that require refresher courses and advanced participation.