Knights of Columbus Council 565

Service to One - In Service to All

September, 2015 Newsletter

Grand Knight's Remarks
Brother Knights,
Earlier this year the Pope called for a year of Mercy. As I reflect on this call I am reminded that the Lord forgives our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Let's show mercy.
I would like to encourage all current members to reach out to our new members and share your experience with them. We are strong when we are united.
Vivat Jesus!
Daniel A. Zuniga
Grand Knight
New Brother Knights for Council 565
We welcome Delbert Schiavone who has re-joined Council 565 in July, 2015. He was a 3rd degree Knight in Council 565 until September, 1999 and has decided to be active again.
A recent "Blitz" at Corpus Christi and Resurrection parishes gave us five Knights of Columbus who made their 1st Degree and joined our Council on August 18, 2015:John T. Galbreath (prefers to be called "Tom"), Steven J. Kissel, Timothy F. Knaebel, Scott A. Sitzman and Curt A. Stratman. We hope to see our new members attend meetings and participate in Council activities as often as possible.
Honorary Life Membership
Council 565 congratulates Brother Knight Joseph W. Dippel for reaching the age of 70 with at least 25 years of continuous membership. Thank you for promoting the programs of the Knights of Columbus by your payment of dues into the Order for 31 years. We hope that you will be able to attend an occasional meeting and join in fellowship after the meeting.
Congratulations to Sir Knight Abbe Jonathan Fehrenbacher
Abbe Jonathan was ordained a sub-deacon on July 1, 2015 in Florence, Italy. We know that Jackie Fehrenbacher, his mother, and the Fehrenbacher family is very proud of Jonathan, as are all members of Council 565.
Condolences to Brother Knight Todd A. Bitter
Beverly Wayne, the mother-in-law of Todd Bitter, passed away on August 4, 2015. We offer our condolences to Todd and his wife, Amy, the daughter of Beverly Wayne. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Congratulations to Brother Knight Charles Alles
Honorary Life member Charles Alles and his wife, Jacqueline, recently celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with their family. They were married August 26, 1950 at St. Theresa Church. Congratulations and best wishes to them and their family.
Council 565 Knight of the Year - July 1, 2014 to June30, 2015
Paul D. Smith, Jr. received his 1st degree in Council 565 on April 28, 2008 and followed up with his 2nd & 3rd degrees on September, 21, 2008. He has been a faithful meeting attendee and is very active in Council activities:
  • Began working at Life Choices on November 12, 2008 and has been a faithful worker weekly since then.
  • Elected Outside Guard on July 1, 2010 and served in that position until June 30, 2014.
  • Volunteered as Co-Chair of the Fall Festival Parking Lot in October, 2010 and continues to serve Council 565 in that capacity.
  • Elected as Council Trustee for three years on July 1, 2013.
  • Volunteered annually as a worker at the BBQ Ribs and Pork Butts Cooking Sale to raise money for Gibault for the past four years.
  • Actively works for St. Philip Church as a member of St. Vincent de Paul and is in charge of the Mowing Crew for the parish grounds.
Congratulations to Sir Knight Paul Smith for these activities and probably many more performed by him.
2015 Gibault Envoy Conference
Mark your calendars for the 30th Anniversary Gibault Envoy Conference on September 12, 2015 at the Gibault campus in Terre Haute. All are welcome. Our Envoy, PGK James Goebel, welcomes anyone who has never seen the campus before, or who is wondering what Gibault Children's Services is all about. Contact Jim Goebel at 812-499-7923.
Members are Needed for the First Degree Team
There is a need for several members of the exemplification team which creates new members of the Knights of Columbus. If you can help fill this need, contact Past Grand Knight Joe Schalasky at 812-471-3048 and he will explain the functions of the team.
Indiana Right to Life
The number of abortions dropped for the sixth straight year in Indiana. This drop from 2009 to 2014 means there are now 2,801 fewer children aborted per year in Indiana compared to 2009, or a 26% drop in abortions.
"We should all be encouraged at Indiana's continuously dropping abortion rate," states Indiana Right to Life President and CEO, Mike Fichter. "These numbers represent real children who are being saved. It's a true validation that the efforts of pro-life Hoosiers all across our state are having a real impact."
Fourth Degree Exemplification Will Occur on October 17, 2015
A Fourth Degree Exemplification will occur in Newburgh at St. John Church on October 17, 2015. If you would like information about the Fourth Degree Exemplification cost, date, time, place and activities, contact Tom Anslinger, Faithful Navigator of Assembly 253, at 812-963-6432 or e-mail . You will be provided with the form and instructions necessary to make your 4th Degree. If you are a Third Degree Knight, take advantage of this exemplification locally; don't travel elsewhere and stay at a motel to make your 4th Degree. There will be a hospitality suite on Friday evening, October 16th, from 7 - 11 pm at the Board Room at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 301 Circle Front Dr. which is near the Lloyd Expressway & I-69 interchange. There is no cost for the hospitality's on the house!!
Thought of the Day
Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. - Mother Teresa
Knights Working to Assist Life Choices
Brother Knight Jerry Moeller and his work crew of Council 565 Knights have moved their work location from Life Choices, 2225 W. Indiana St. to St. Anthony Parish, 704 N. First Ave, Evansville, IN. If you have four hours per week available to join this charitable work crew, contact Jerry Moeller at 812-477-3434 or
Parking Lot Sign-Up Needed
Sign-up sheets will be available at the September 14th meeting. As always, three shifts per day with three men on each shift are needed Monday, Oct. 5th through Saturday, Oct. 10th. The shifts are 9 AM - 1 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM and 5 PM - 9 PM. Please call Paul Smith at 812-985-5604 to schedule a shift on Monday, Tuesday or Saturday; call Tom Anslinger at 812-963-6432 to schedule a shift on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Working the parking lot provides an opportunity to talk for 4 hours to fellow Knights and the people who attend the Fall Festival. Also, this Council activity raises the funds we use to operate our Council and donate to charity what is not needed for our Council.
2015 Knights of Columbus Council Batting Challenge
Councils recruiting at least 5 new members or former members between July 1 and September 30, 2015 will win a Miniature Louisville Slugger Bat which will be sent out after September 30, 2015. As noted in the above articles, five new members and one former member joined our Council before September 30, 2015. We will have a new award to display in our Council Meeting room at St. Boniface. Congratulations and "thank you" to those who spent their time organizing and conducting the "blitz" which resulted in our new members.
For the Good of the Order
Prayers are needed for the following members and/or their families:
BK Charlie Alles and his wife, Jackie, BK David Baumgart, PGK Carl Buchanan,Betty Cherry, Don Clark, Marilyn Cox, Bob Foster, Derrick Foster, Frank Gonzales, Jerry Gonzales,Bill Goodson, BK Antonio Guerrero, James Goodin, BK Jim Gorman's Grandson, Bennett Morris, BK Richard Herr, BK Ron Hupfer, Julie Jarvis, Beverly Kempf, BK Al Knapp and his wife, Shirley, Darrell Knight, Karen Longlois, BK William E. Macke, Lyle Mehringer, BK Jerry Moeller and his daughter, Justin Montgomery, Carla Poe, PGK Larry Preske's daughter, BK Bill Rembold, Jane Rochford, PGK Joe Schalasky's father-in-law, PGK Kevin Steinkuhl and his wife, Lori, and his brother, David, Georgia Stover, Jim Stratman, BK Mike Vogel's mother, Jane, Eileen Weinzapfel, Eugene Weinzapfel, BK Jerry Weinzapfel, BK DeWayne Wilhite, Ellen Sue Wilhite and for any Brother Knights who are unemployed or under-employed. Also pray for Bishop Emeritus Gerald Gettlefinger, Fr. August Busch, Fr. Jim Blessinger and all priests of the Diocese of Evansville who are in need of our prayers.
Future Events and Activities
  • Monday, Sep. 14 - Delayedto second Monday due to Labor Day holiday - Officer's Meeting - 6 PM, Rosary 6:45 PM & Council Meeting at 7 PM
  • Tuesday - Saturday, Sep. 22 - 27, 2015 - Pope Francis visits Washington D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. Pray for a successful and safe trip for our Pope.
  • Monday - Saturday, Oct 5th - 10th - Members needed for Parking Lot at Pizza King
  • Monday, Oct. 12 - Delayed due to Fall Festival - Officer's Meeting - 6 PM, Rosary 6:45 PM, Council Meeting at 7 PM
  • Monday, Oct. 2 - Officer's Meeting - 6 PM, Rosary 6:45 PM, Council Meeting at 7 PM

In God We Trust