SUMMARY OF RESULTS: 17 responses
Service Performance Measurement Using Delivery Confirmation Electronic Rate with Destination Entry Parcels
- Electronic file vs. physical mailing:
- A. Can you create an electronic file (Delivery Confirmation or e/VS file – Electronic Verification System) that includes all Delivery Confirmation parcels that travel together and arrive on the same truck on the same date to a specific entry point?
10 - Yes 7 - No
- B. Can you specify in the file the date that the mailing will arrive at the entry point (called “date of mailing” in the electronic file)?
8- Yes 8- No 1 – N/A
- C. What would be the estimated level of accuracy of this data?
7 - 97%+ 2 - 95%+ 1 – 85% 7 – N/A
- e/VS File and Delivery Confirmation File: For e/VS mailings containing Delivery Confirmation pieces, there would be at least two files: one e/VS file, and possibly multiple Delivery Confirmation files (a separate Delivery Confirmation file is required for each separate entry location, date, and time).
- A. Are the Delivery Confirmation pieces in the e/VS file the same as the Delivery Confirmation pieces included in the Delivery Confirmation file for one entry point for the same day?
4 - Yes 1 - No 11 - N/A - (will not participate in e/VS)
- B. Will these files be transmitted on the same day?
6 - Yes 1 - No 10 - N/A
- Documentation at Entry Point: In order to “start the clock” for service performance measurement for Delivery Confirmation, the barcode of the electronic file number must be provided for scanning at the entry point.
- A. Can you include a barcode of the Delivery Confirmation file number that matches the pieces brought to the destination point on the 8125?
10 - Yes 5 - No 2 – N/A
- B. For e/VS mailers can you provide a document at the entry point which contains a barcode of the appropriate Delivery Confirmation file number for the shipment?
6 - Yes 6 - No 5 – N/A
- File Data Elements: Will you be able to modify your software to populate the “Destination Rate Indicator” in the Delivery Confirmation file format (used for Delivery Confirmation and e/VS)? This field is found in the Detail Record, position 56, and identifies the type of discount and entry level (i.e. DDU, BMC, etc).
9 - Yes 5 - No 3 – N/A
- e/VS Mailer: Do you plan to participate in the Electronic Verification System program (e/VS)?
6 - Yes 6 - No 5 – NA
- Additional comments:
- Comment on 1c - The key here is expected arrival vs actual arrival. We run a transit-monitoring program and have found that it is necessary to enter the "actual" mailing date after the trailer has cleared. (I.e. The trailer arrives at 2300 hours on 12/11. What is the mailing date? We would apply 12/12.
- Comment on 1a - We do not currently use any Delivery Confirmation so we cannot respond to the following questions.
- Comment: If we could structure the proper data flow that currently is not available today we would be interested.