Advent Sunday

3 December 2017

Almighty God,

as your kingdom dawns,

turn us from the darkness of sin to the

light of holiness,

that we may be ready to meet you

in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Collect for this Sunday

Welcome to St Paul’s Church

Sung Eucharist 10.30 am

If you require a large print hymn book or order of service or other leaflets, please ask one of the sidespeople. There is a loop system in operation in the church for those who wear hearing-aids. There is a Sunday school in the hall next door, children leave during the first hymn and return midway during the service after the Peace. There is no crèche but parents and carers are welcome to look after very young children in the narthex area at the back of church at any time.

Music and Hymns

Anthem: Palestrina Matins Responsory

Processional: 480 O come, O come Emmanuel

Gradual 128 Come thou long expected Jesus

Anthem And the Glory of the Lord – Handel

Offertory 405 Lo he comes with clouds descending

Communion Drop down ye heavens from above - MacFadden

Final Hymn 100 Christ is the world’s true light

Advent Taizé Evening prayer with L’Arche 5.00 pm.

Candles, chants, prayer and silence as we enter the season of Advent.


Amazing Cake and Craft Sale and Coffee morning: What a lovely morning it was, warm and friendly, and with some amazing things for sale. As a result we raised over £1800 pounds! A big thank you to all those who worked hard for weeks and months to make this one of our most succesful fundraising mornings.

Tu. 5 December 7.30 pm: Concert by the Philharmonic Choir, 7.30 pm. Tickets on the door: £10.

Wednesday 6 December: Official launch of The HIVE:

–Usual opening hours between 11am and 2 pm, with live music from midday

–Visit from The bishop of Manchester to officially open the Hive.

–All the usual food will be on offer as well as one or two surprises!

Stewardship campaign: a big thank you to everyone who returned their forms. It may take us a little while before we can get back to everyone who has made offers of help or would like to explore prayer or Bible study etc, but we will be in touch as soon as we can.

Thursday 7 December, 7.30 pm

A special Christmas recital by St. Paul's choir

Mulled wine and mince pies from 6.45pm, £5, under16 £2.50

Diary dates:

Sunday 17 Dec. 6.30 pm: Nine Lessons and Carols

Sat 27 Jan.10.30-12.00: Messy Church at Withington Methodist Church

Wed.31st January, 2018 special concert at St Paul’s - Featuring folk duo Megson.

Next Sunday: Advent 2

8.30am Holy Communion

10.30am Sung Eucharist

5.00 pm Evening Prayer

Rector: Rev. Gisela Raines Tel: 448 9431,

Assistant Priest: Rev. Robert Smith (OLM), Hall bookings: Philip Webb, Tel: 0161 – 434 5903, ,

Website: Twitter @stpaulswithingt