The Allegheny-Erie Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology invites student members to apply for a Research Award of up to $1,000. This award will be given to support a student's thesis/dissertation/summer research project in toxicology. The intent of this award is to encourage students to formulate and conduct meaningful research in the field of toxicology and to assist in the support of that research. Research proposals will be judged by the Awards Committee primarily on the basis of quality of the study design and educational environment. Consideration will be given to the quality and clarity of the proposal.
Applications must include an application form that will be sent to the student upon request (contact James Fabisiak, Ph.D. as shown below) or downloaded from the AE-SOT Web site. The application form contains complete instructions for submission of the application. The requirements for the award must be followed completely for the application to receive proper consideration. A sheet containing applicant requirements will be provided with the application form. The funds will be awarded to the student's institution on the student's behalf.
Four copies of the completed application form and proposal should be sent, with postmark no later than May 30 for the current year’s awardto: James Fabisiak, Ph.D. ()
Dept. of Environmental & Occupational Health
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Bridgeside Point (BRIDG)
100 Technology Dr., Room 325
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3130
Research Award, the following criteria must be satisfied:
The research must be conducted at a governmental, industrial or higher education facility within the AE-SOT geographical boundaries.
The student must be a member in good standing of the AE-SOT or make application for new member.
The student’s advisor/mentor must
1)be a member in good standing of the AE-SOT or make application for new member
2)submit a letter concerning availability of facilities and willingness to support the proposed project.
3)be chosen from current AESOT and corresponded with throughout the research project
The funds are to be used by only the student and only in support of the student’s research project.
The research topic must have toxicological relevance.
The research subject matter must be original.
The student must present his/her research in poster format at an AE-SOT Spring Meeting unless the student has completed his/her degree requirements and is no longer working/residing in the region served by the AE-SOT Chapter. If the recipient cannot attend, he/she is required to submit a one page report on the results of the work funded by the award as well as an accounting of how the award was spent.
The student is encouraged to present the research at the National SOT Meeting, although this is not a requirement.
A student cannot receive this award more than once.
1.Application Form (see attached)
2.Description of Project: Project description should not exceed 6 double-spaced
typewritten pages excluding references. Include Hypothesis to be tested; Specific
Aims; Background for the project; Preliminary data, if any; Methods to be used; and
Relevance of the project to the discipline of toxicology.
3.Budget ______; Total amount must not exceed $1,000 and none of the funds
may be used for travel. Itemize according to categories for which funding is
requested: i.e. reagents, plastic and glassware, etc.
4.Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae
5.Letter from the AESOT member acting as the Advisor/Mentor: Stipulate availability of
facilities, willingness to monitor the proposed project.
(The following completed form must be included with the proposal)
Title of the Project:
Submitted by:
Student’s name: ______
Degree Status: High School _____ B.S. M.S. student _____ Ph.D. student _____
College/University/Institution: ______
Address: ______
Phone #: ______Fax #: ______
E-mail address: ______
Advisor/Mentor : ______
Address: ______
Phone #: ______Fax #: ______
If awarded, how should the check be made out: ______
- Description of Project: Project description should NOT EXCEED 6 double-spaced
typewritten pages excluding references.
- Budget ______; Total amount must not exceed $1,000 and none of the funds
may be used for travel. Itemize according to categories for which funding is requested:
i.e. reagents, plastic and glassware, etc.
3. Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae
4. Letter from AESOT Member acting as Advisor/Mentor: Stipulate availability of facilities,
willingness to monitor the proposed project.
Four complete applications are to be submitted to:
James Fabisiak, Ph.D.
Dept. of Environmental & Occupational Health
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Bridgeside Point (BRIDG)
100 Technology Dr., Room 325
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3130
Postmarked no later than May 30 for the current year’s award