Service Learning/Observation Expectations
A minimum of 15 hours of service learning and observation is expected over the quarter.
Requirements to receive full points for this portion of the SL/Observation project:
Complete all Service Learning Office (SLO) paperwork
Select an appropriate agency or program by following the guidelines below
Complete all 4 pieces of this project on time (plan, ½ hours, full hours, documentation)
To help you select an agency or program that fits the criteria for this project, consider the following:
- Do select an agency or program in which you are genuinely interested
- Do select and agency or program in which you have an interest in the issues addressed or population served
- Do select an agency or program whose client/consumer population fits the age criteria for your appropriate Developmental Psychology course (201- Lifespan or
210 - Conception through Adolescence)
- Do select an agency/program in which you will get face-to-face time with consumers/clients so that you have sufficient opportunity for observation
- Don’t contaminate your learning by double-dipping
- Don’t select an agency or program in which you already work (get paid), volunteer, or complete community service hours
- Don’t select an agency or program in which you have a personal connection (e.g. your sister works, your uncle owns, etc.)
- Don’t use your own religious, spiritual, or civic congregation or group in which you are already involved
- Don’t count SL or practicum hours from another course (these hours are above and beyond any other requirements)
- Don’t select an agency or program where you will be behind the scenes for a significant period of time – driving, office work, or other non-F2F tasks
Other considerations:
- Ask for help if you have questions or are unclear about expectations
- Avoid procrastinating
- Take the initiative – don’t wait for the SLO to contact you or set up your shifts; these are your responsibilities
- While at the agency, be assertive and act “as if”. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. Ask. Offer to help. Talk to clients/consumers.
- Start your journal (“Before” section) now.
- For the “During” section of your journal, take notes and write after each session while things are fresh in your mind.
Open you mind. Stretch yourself. Have fun. Learn a lot. Interact with people. Be a keen observer. Act “as if”.