Service Integration Committee Meeting

Tuesday, February 16, 2011

9:00 – 11:00 A.M.

LL&G Health Unit

Meeting Notes

Attending: Shannon Brown, OEYC; Gillian Jackson ICCP (chair); Dixie O’Reilly, ICDP (recorder); Pam Gummer, FCS;Margaret FancyBest Start Planner

Attending by teleconference: Cathy Millard, HBHC

Regrets: Peter Coughlin, CYWC; Maxine Weber SER Autism Initiative;Susan Turnbull, CRCHC


2)Agenda approved with addition of 18 Month Provincial Symposium and “Extra Seat on the Bus” discussion

3)Approval of meeting notes of January 26, 2011

4)Actions Arising from Meeting Notes

Any issues from members regarding OT/PT services are to be forwarded to Dixie or Marg prior to the meeting set for February 10th re: OT services for children in L&G.

  • Marg gave an update of the meeting to the Best Start Network
  • Meeting attended by South East CCAC, CDC, OCTC, ICCP, ICDP, Marg
  • Looked at preschool and school age services
  • Outcome was an identification of a gap in OT treatment services for children with cognitive delays in the Champlain LIHN part of Leeds and Grenville (North Grenville) OCTC’s exclusion also includes Merrickville which is not covered by CDC
  • Best Start has recommended sending a letter to OCTC before sending a letter to the LIHN. Dixie gave Marg contact person’s name for the South East LIHN, Sherry Kennedy 1-866-831-5446

ACTION: Marg will elicit help from the meeting participants in drafting a letter to OCTC

Marg Fancy to talk to Allan and Pam at FCS to clarify their perspective on how a service coordinator can be chosen for a family when FC&S is involved.

  • Wording changed from FCS always being the Service Coordinator if the child is in care to “ who ever has the best capacity to meet the objectives of the family and child”

ACTION: Pam will get Allan’s input on this change

Gillian to change Service Coordination Guidelines language to reflect coordination throughout vs. integration

  • Completed

Marg F. to write a vision statement about Service Integration for the Service Co-ordination Guidelines (reflect process and philosophy)

  • New wording: “ Towards a Vision of Service Integration – The Service Integration Index (MCYS) describes Service Integration as a system of service delivery that provides families with a one stop access to a variety of programs that have clear and complementary mandates within a seamless system of services. Agencies/programs jointly plan the offering of services to families, and actively modify services based on advice and input from their mutual discussion. Ideally service providers jointly plan and modify services to meet shared goals and achieve a common vision.”

ACTION: Marg will add the Service Coordination statement to this.

Shannon Brown to approach Esther Jansen from Prescott OEYC re: taking the lead for Prescott/ South Grenville’s Lunch & Learns

  • Ester will take the lead for Prescott Lunch and Learns. Mayor has offered use of the community room free of charge. BSN suggested a presentation on EDI and it’s implications for Prescott since Prescott community has been asking for this information.

ACTION: Pam to send contact list to Esther and add mayor’s wife to the e-mail list. Marg will talk to Jessica about presenting on EDI.

Susan T. from CRCHC to investigate feasibility of starting Lunch & Learns in North Leeds

  • Susan is working on this. Tabled.

ACTION: Susan to update at next meeting on progress.

Marg F. to discuss status of Brockville Lunch & Learns with Pam Gummer.

  • Tentative date set for May 19th

ACTION: Pam will pursue getting this going.

Status of Kemptville Lunch and Learns

  • Survey has gone out for contact list. Will be hosted by new library once it opens. Target date of April 7thset for the next L&L.

ACTION: Marg’s office will send out invitations. Marg will check with CYWC for their availability on that date to do a presentation on Making Play Possible.

Gillian to arrange meeting with Screening Clinic planning group to discuss next steps

  • Feedback has been received from service providers and was generally positive.

ACTION: Gillian will send out results of feedback from surveys and pull together a meeting of the planning group.

Gillian / Shannon to follow up re: ICCP staff member to attend OEYC’s for screening

ACTION: Shannon to send proposed dates to Gillian

Gillian to write a recommendation to put forward to Best Start NW re: pilot site based on the vision presented by Dixie

ACTION: Gillian will continue to work on this and get it out to people.

Shannon put forth the offer for agencies to join them at the toy bus play groups as there is always an extra seat on the bus.

  • Few have taken up on this offer and they continue to see a need. Shannon would like to see a commitment from agencies to have regular, predictable presence on the bus.
  • Jessica has been working on prioritizing the sub domains on the EDIs for each area. This would give information on which domain to focus on for each geographical area and the schedule for the bus could be filled with the most appropriate service provider.
  • The community of service providers would help to decide who is best suited to help.
  • Discussion took place around EDI planning and how to ensure that work around EDI prioritizing is coordinated. She will work on a common format. She suggested that at each Best Start meeting, we would look at one sub domain to give everyone a picture of what this means

ACTION: The committee recommended that Shannon take the information on sub domains by bus routes to the Best Start Network.

7) New Business

Review Work Plan

Hubs – all agreed to quarterly reporting. Shannon requested clarification on reporting i.e. all agency activity or joint activity. It was decided that all partnership activities would be reported on as well as any agency issues that have implications for Service Integration activity.

Best Start Brochures – it was felt that this project is beyond the scope of this committee and is linked to the work around Child and Family Centres. Checkered Flag document was completed and it was an ambitious project.

ACTION: Take to BSN for discussion. Cathy will take example from Hamilton and Shannon will take sample as well as the costing she has on this project. Cathy will check with Jane if Health Unit can help with this in any way.

Professional Development – work progressing.

ACTION: Change Prescott lead to Esther Jansen

Developmental Screening – first half completed

Communication Plan for EDI – completed

Red Flag Awareness Strategy – add to list

  • CDSBEO has completed their training
  • UCDSB strategy has needed some help. EKIOC has offered to take on the training for Red Flags and Checkered Flags. Kathy O’Brien has been contracted to do this with the help of service providers

ACTION: Cathy will check if the changes to the Red Flag document have been completed in the electronic version and if inserts have been put in remaining hard copies.

18 Month Provincial Symposium

March 25th in Toronto, open to others to attend

ACTION: Marg will ask CPHC to send a representative and a potential member for the steering committee. Cathy will talk to Dr. Stewart about participating.

Public Health & Ontario’s Early Learning Vision - Cathy gave an overview of the day

Review of Public Health standards – child and reproductive health

History, literature to support Early Learning model

18 month strategy overview

Pascal spoke to his document

Visioning session – Public Health’s role. Cathy will e-mail the information

8) Report from Hubs – to be reviewed quarterly

Next Meeting: March 14 or 15 in the a.m.