Access practice
shared feature group b and/or feature group d service agency agreement
I. Purpose:
This agreement authorizes FairPoint to route ______(Entity #1's) originating Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D traffic to ______(Entity #2's) facilities in designated LATA(s) or State(s).
II. Parties:
The entity which desires to have its Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D traffic, which is associated with a particular Carrier Identification Code, routed to another entity is designated as Entity #1. The entity to which Entity #1's traffic will be delivered by FairPoint is designated as Entity #2. In this agreement, Entity #1 and Entity #2 are identified as follows:
Entity #1 Entity #2
Name Name
Address Address
City State Zip City State Zip
Contact Name Contact Tel. # Contact Name Contact Tel. #
III. Carrier Identification Code(s)
This agreement applies to the following Feature Group(s) and Carrier Identification Code(s) currently assigned by Telcordia to Entity #1.
Feature Group(s) CIC(s)
IV. LATA(s) or State(s):
This agreement applies to Entity #1's Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D traffic associated with the preceding Carrier Identification Code(s) that originate in the following LATA(s) or State(s):
V. Terms:
a)In the LATA(s) or State(s) listed above, Entity #1 agrees and authorizes FairPoint to route all of the Entity #1's Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D traffic associated with the above listed Feature Group(s) and Carrier Identification Code(s) to Entity #2's facilities.
b)FairPoint will render billing to Entity #2 for all nonrecurring charges associated with establishing the routing arrangement for the Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D traffic associated with the above listed Feature Group(s) and Carrier Identification Code(s).
c)FairPoint will render billing to Entity #2 for all Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D usage charges associated with the above listed Carrier Identification Code(s).
* For ordering and billing purposes the ACNA for Entity #1's CIC code(s) will be that of Entity #2.
d)Entity #2 is responsible for payment of all associated nonrecurring and recurring charges for the above specified Carrier Identification Code(s) in the above specified LATA(s) or State(s).
Entity #2 will be subject to all tariff provisions in the payment of the charges. In the event that Entity #2 does not pay the charges associated with Entity #1's CIC, FairPoint will have final recourse against Entity #1.
e)FairPoint will only process usage claims for the Carrier Identification Code(s) listed above from Entity #2. FairPoint will not resolve any billing disputes between Entity #1 and Entity #2.
f)Entity #2 is responsible for ordering sufficient trunks from FairPoint for Entity #1 and Entity #2's traffic. Entity #2 is responsible for paying for charges related to ordering or rearranging trunks.
g)Entity #2 remains accountable for compliance with all regulatory requirements, including access tariff provisions, with respect to all traffic carried on it's facilities.
h)If Entity #1 and Entity #2 terminate their business arrangement:
- The terminating party, whether it be Entity #1 or Entity #2, must provide FairPoint and the other Entity 60 days notice in writing that this agency agreement is canceled.
- Entity #1 (or an agent of Entity #1) is responsible for submitting a new ASR informing FairPoint what to do with the traffic associated with their Carrier Identification Code(s).
- Entity #1 is also responsible for all charges associated with ordering sufficient facilities to handle their traffic if it will be carried on their own facilities. If the traffic will be routed to another Entity #2, then the new agreement will supersede this one and all Terms and Conditions of the new agreement are applicable.
i)This agreement is effective upon execution by both parties. This agreement is in addition to the normal ASRs required for Feature Group B and/or Feature Group D Service. Normal ordering intervals apply to Feature Group B and Feature Group D Services necessary to perform the routing of traffic described under this authorization.
VI. Authorized Signature
The undersigned understand and agree to the above terms:
Entity #1 Entity #2
Signature Date Signature Date
Name Name
Title Title
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