Sermon Questions for July 26th, 2009: The Drama of Redemption: Part 4

Revelation 19:11-21

My Personal Journey

  1. What regarding the horse, the rider and the setting commands your attention?
  2. How is John (and how might we be) tempted to worship the angel or messenger of the good news (vv. 9-10)? What does the angel’s response tell us about a believer’s identity?
  3. Who is the rider on the white horse? What is the significance of the sharp sword?
  4. Evaluate the weapons carried by Christ as the rider. Where are they named elsewhere in Scripture? How are they available to us today? How does Jesus use these weapons in your life today?
  5. What is the ultimate end of Satan and all who follow him? What does the future hold for all of those who follow Christ?
  6. How can we confidently know we are invited to the "wedding supper of the Lamb" (v.9)?
  7. How does the defeat and condemnation of Babylon and the triumph and the glory of the Lord God affect your overall view of your problems here and now? What evil influences are you going to be most relieved to see removed from the earth?
  8. What hopes and fears does this triumphant picture bring out in you? How has Jesus been your deliverer this year?

Journey Into the Word

  1. In contrast to the silence that comes with the fall of Babylon (18:22), what characterizes this new scene in heaven? Who participates in this praise?
  2. How would you describe the mood in 19:1-9? For what deeds and attributes is God praised in these verses?
  3. To what extent are the Bride's wedding garments earned, and to what extent are they a gift (19:8)? Why is this important?
  4. What does the angel mean when he says, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (19:10)?
  5. Why do you think it is fitting that Christ has a name “that no one knows but himself” (v. 12)? What mystery about Christ are you looking forward to understanding heaven?
  6. What impressions of the rider do 19:11-16 leave you with? What do all the symbols tell you about Him?
  7. Who are the combatants in this war (vv. 19-21)? Who wins? What happens to the enemy leaders? To the army?
  8. Who is following Christ: The church militant (still on earth)? Or the church triumphant (now in heaven)? Why?
  9. How does this “last battle” compare to “previous” battles (16:16-21; 17: 14-16) and a “later” one (20:7-10)? What will be the final end of evil? Do you think these are different accounts of the same battle? Why?
  10. In light of Hebrews 4:12, why is it appropriate that the rider is called "the Word of God" in Rev. 19:13? How does this fit the context of what He is about to do?