Sermon Discussion Guide

Date: 02-12-2017

Message Title: Gospel Transition

Scripture Passage: Galatians 2:1-14

Summary Statement:

As we move forward in Paul’s letter to the Galatians we see that the early church was having a difficult time severing itself from its Jewish roots and the Law of Moses. They were struggling to understand what it looked like to welcome Gentiles, who had been despised as heathens, into the family of God. The gospel, the “good news” of grace through faith in Christ and life lived in the power of the Spirit, as the prophets foretold, was challenging their very way of life. But more than that, it was challenging their ongoing desire to pursue right standing with God on their own merit apart from faith. The struggle of the early church to transition from the law to grace is reflected in our own lives. We too can live in a way that is “out of step with truth of the gospel.” Join us this Sunday as we discuss transitions and what it means to live by faith.


Apostle of the Heart Set Free, F.F. Bruce

Galatians, BECNT series, Douglas Moo

Galatians, Exegetical Commentary, Thomas R. Schreiner

Justification vs. Self-Justification, Ray Ortland


1.  The Difficult Transition from Law to Gospel for the Early Church


AD 30 Jesus Crucified, Pentecost

AD 33 Stephen Martyred

AD 34 Paul Converted

AD 37 Paul Visits Jerusalem

AD 37-45 Paul preaches in Syria and Cilicia

AD 38 Peter’s Vision, First Gentile Convert

AD 43 James, Brother of John, Martyred

AD 44 Peter in Prison miraculous escape

AD 44 Paul and Barnabas in Jerusalem

AD 45-46 Paul Confronts Peter in Antioch

AD 47-48 Paul Writes Letter to the Galatians

AD 49-50 Jerusalem Council

2.  The Difficult Transition from Law to Gospel for Every Believer

Indicators that we are living out of step with the gospel:

·  Self-righteousness and sinful judging

·  Condemnation

·  Misunderstanding of Freedom


“In the character of the book of Acts, the church is born, and Judaism in God's eyes is a dead issue, but believe me, the burial took an awfully long time.” ~ John MacArthur

“The gospel is not easily comprehended. Paul says that the gospel only does its renewing work in us as we understand it in all its truth. All of us, to some degree live around the truth of the gospel but do not "get" it. So, the key to continual and deeper spiritual renewal and revival is the continual re-discovery of the gospel. A stage of renewal is always the discovery of a new implication or application of the gospel--seeing more of its truth. This is true for either an individual or a church.” ~ Tim Keller

Discussion Questions:

·  In which areas have you been increasingly walking in line with the gospel over the last month? The last year?

·  Are there people that you feel superior to (Christians or Non-Christians)? Why? What self-righteousness lies beneath this attitude? How is this manifested in your thoughts, your prayers, actions?

·  Do you regularly struggle with condemnation? What might this say about your understanding of the gospel, the law, grace and the power of the Spirit?

·  How could you motivate yourself, and other Christians, less with guilt and more with the gospel?