2012 2013

Practice Profile:

Practice List size as of 1st January 2013: 5141 Registered Patients

Gender Profile:

52% Male 48% Female

Age Profile:

Under 16 17-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85-89

24% 10% 6% 14% 13% 11% 9% 5% 2%



Ethnicity Profile:

White British 52%

Bangladeshi 36%

Indian 3%

Pakistani 2%

Other Asian 1%

African 0.8%

White Black Carribean 0.5%

Philipino 0.3%

Polish 0.06%

Chinese 0.04%

White Asian 0.04%

Patient Participation Group

The practice has an active PPG set-up since 2008. This group now consists of 8 Male 10 female registered patients.

The current age profile is:

Under 65 13 Over 65 5

72% of members under 65 and 28% over 65

72% of PPG members White British

22% of PPG members Bangladeshi

11% of PPG members Indian

The PPG meetings are also attend by GP, member of reception team (on a rotational basis), secretary and practice manager. With Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant (rotational).

Steps Taken to gain Representation of Registered Patients

It is recognised by both the practice and the members that the existing group is not representative of the total practice population, with more representation required from the Bangladeshi community, parents with young children, carers and more representation from the under 34yrs, and ways to develop the group and increase membership to ensure there is a true representation from patients registered with the practice, have been discussed and are being actioned with existing members, the clinical team, reception team and the Practice Manager. Members were asked to come into the surgery and speak to patients during morning/ afternoon surgeries and during baby clinic which is held on Tuesdays. The Practice Manager is a member of the Coldhurst Childrens Centre Board which is helping to link into the local BME population, the Centre runs a number of parent groups with groups planned to be held in the practice including visits from local school children to look round the surgery and meet the Doctors.

All clinicians, reception team and practice manager have actively approached patients, explaining the group and encouraging membership.

Setting Up a Virtual Patient Reference Group

It was discussed and agreed with the PPG that the best way to include the opinions of a wider cross section of the population would be to develop a virtual PPG via the practice website where members can be asked about some of the decisions within the practice and gain patient views that way instead of having to attend actual meetings.All ages and backgrounds are being asked.

In order to do this it was agreed that the PPG Survey focus on asking patients to find out if they knew about the PPG and what they did ( a brief outline given with the survey about the PPG), and asking if they were aware of the practice website, did they know they could order prescriptions via the website, and join the PPG via the website. The GPs have also actively asked patients to participate, from this we have 2 new members who are bringing hand on experience of patient/carer support groups. one who has set up a local Dementia support group and the other is involved in a local support group for COPD. PPG members actively canvassing the surgery.

The group is constantly, actively publicised on the Jayex Board in both waiting areas in the practice and also on the practice website. We have also included membership forms to be sent out with the chronic disease annual review invites, together with website and PPG information in our New Patient Registration Pack, explaining about the PPG group and inviting patients to join and have their say.

Preparing the Practice Survey

Areas of priority were discussed with the partners and members of the PPG.

It was agreed to build on the survey of 2012 and also to find out if patients knew about the PPG, what their role is and to expand membership further in order to gain representation from varying age groups and ethnicities. It was decided to also include questions about the practice website in the survey, to raise awareness, let patients know what was available on the website and to ask them to register, and to join the PPG and establish a virtual group via the website to get wider representation from the patient population.

Undertaking the Survey

The Surveywas open from February to end March, and was handed out by reception staff who gave an explanation to each patient as what the survey was for and gave information about what the PPG do. The clinicians also gave out the forms.

The Survey

A total of 200 surveys were handed out and out of these 170 (85%) were completed.

The main outcomes of the survey indicated:

75% of patients were not aware of the Practice Website or they could order repeat prescriptions or inform the practice of changed telephone/address details/complete travel immunisation forms on line.

64% of patients thought the practice opening hours were good

Surgery Opening Hours 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday

Extended opening hours on Monday and Thursday 6.30pm -7.30pm

50% said they had difficulty getting an appointment.

The practice now offersTelephone Consultations on a daily basis am and pm and has increased the ratio of book on the day appointments to pre-bookable appointments, the ratio is now 75% book on day and 35% pre-bookable. A further action for the coming year is for the Doctors to undertake a triage system for the book on day appointments which will be audited and reviewed to ascertain effectiveness, outcomes will be fed back to the PPG by end of May 2013.

5% of the completed forms patients had expressed an interest to join the PPG. In total 9 new members expressed an interest in joining the PPG and have now joined.

The results of the survey have been analysed and will be discussed further with the PPG members at the next meeting and also will be posted electronically via the practice website.

PRG Action Plan as a results of Survey

The action plan is available via our website and there is a paper copy available in each of our waiting areas. We are very grateful to the patients who completed the Survey, and appreciate the comments and ideas for improvements. Actions within the plan remain ongoing throughout 2013. The action plan will discussed and updated throughout the year at the PPG meetings and will continue to evolve. The action plan can be found on our website under the PPG section of the website, below are the areas discussed and agreed with PPG members:

  • Develop further the virtual PRG group and set up a discussion forum and use e-mail for asking members about some of the decision within practice
  • Improve access to appointments, on review of the PPG Survey it appeared that patients were still having difficultly getting on the day appointments. As a result the practice revised appointment availablilty increasing the ratio of book on the day appointments to 65% and reducing pre-bookable appointments to 35%. As the demand continues to increase, the Doctors will be piloting a triage system for book on the day appointments with feedback to be given to the PPG end of May.
  • PPG help practice and patients by developing a small directory of support groups for patients with chronic diseases and carers etc.
  • dates and times of future meetings (put in newsletter) also information about the practice website with how to register and join group
  • Put information about any support groups members are involved in on the website and on notice boards in waiting areas
  • Write articles for newsletter supporting self care, sharing experiences of coping with chronic diseases
  • Help to educate patients how important it is to attend for annual reviews, medical reviews etc by actively coming into practice and speaking with patients
  • Encourage wider groups e.g. parents with young families/Carers etc, help develop through website and through Coldhurst Childrens Centre
  • Volunteer some time to talk to Mums during childhood immunization clinics and explain about the PRG and seek membership of the PRG
  • Encourage BME patients to join the group especially Mums (print some leaflets explaining what the PPG group is and give out when doing the ‘touch screen’ training and also info about the registering on the practice website)
  • Membership forms are also included in our New Patient Pack and our reception staff explain to new patients about the group and what it does together with details of registering with our Website
  • Practice Manager is on Coldhurst Childrens Centre Board, and is developing links with the Centre to reach the local population with primary school age children. One of the areas suggested has been a visit from a class from one of the local schools
  • Find out what support groups for patients are out there and publish the information both on the practice website and on notices in the surgery
  • During the Summer organize a health promotion event and contact community services to come in with information for patients, support the organizing and running of the event
  • Helping to get the message across about public health, i.e. bowel cancer screening, breast cancer screening. Members to write articles for the Newsletter/Website. Articles to be put together for breast screening/ bowel cancer screening/prostate cancer screening, to go on website and for notice boards in waiting areas.