HHBCMay 2627
High School Ministry
Series:The Wisdom of Man vs The Power of God
Session:1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Scripture:1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Main Point:The simple gospel is the power of salvation that is foolishness to the world. The world can often distract us and tell us that we need more that Jesus. When in reality, the glory of Jesus crucified is sufficient for everlasting life and eternal joy.
We are Family: We believe that as redeemed believers in Christ we are a part of the family of Christ. We believe that the church is the gathering brothers and sisters in Christ, because we have all been adopted, purchased, and called into household of God.
We are Servants: We believe that the ultimate servant was Jesus Christ; therefore as we are born again as Christians we are born as servants. We are made, commanded, and designed to serve one another just as Christ served us.
We are Disciples: We believe that we are more than just people who know about Jesus, but that we were born again and called out to follow Jesus. None of us have yet arrived in following Him in perfection, but we all are investing in each other to follow and become the image of Christ in this world.
We are Witnesses: We believe that we are not just merely following Christ, but that we have been born again to proclaim Jesus Christ both in actions and words. We are born again to live in such way that brings glory, honor, praise, and recognition to Christ. We are witnesses by being His ambassadors to the world.
We can so easily move past the foundation of our faith which is the gospel. If we want to become all that God has for us to be, then we must remember the basics of the gospel. Paul understood this truth when preaching the gospel to the Corinthians. The Corinthians were not the best church. They often had lofty debates on who could bring the most wisdom about God into the congregation. Paul addresses this and the power of the Gospel in his letter to the Corinthians.
READ: Ask one student to read 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
ASK: What does this verse reveal about Jesus?
ASK: How did Paul proclaim the Gospel to the Corinthians?
ASK:Why did Paul proclaim the gospel in this way?
SAY: John said on Sunday that the world views the wisdom of God as folly. And the wisdom of Man sees the Gospel as foolish.
READ:Ask one of your students to readRomans 1:16-17
ASK: How does this verse describe the Gospel?
SAY: Paul understood that the Gospel held power in the past, present, and future. Paul, although being gifted in debating, did not want to detract from God. Therefore he didn’t speak with words of wisdom, in order to demonstrate the power of God. Pula didn’t want people to be converted to him, but to Christ.
READ: Ask one student to read 1 Corinthians 1: 26-31
ASK: What does this passage say about the Corinthians?
ASK: What does this passage reveal about God’s plan?
ASK: Why do you think that God chose what is lowly to preach the greatest message ever created?
ASK: Who should we boast in?
ASK: How does this Chapter deepen your understanding of Who Christ is?
SAY: Paul preaches that it is not the spiritual gifts that God gives us that saves us. It is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that saves us. We don’t need to have lofty speech, or a gift of debating to share the gospel. We have the gospel itself that is the power of salvation to all who believe. We are all equipped to proclaim the gospel.
SAY: John said on Sunday that we often forget about the simple basic truths of the gospel. And we think our wisdom is more trustworthy than Jesus. We even believe that its Jesus and something else that truly satisfies.
ASK: Why do we forget about the basic truths of the gospel?
ASK: What are ways we get ensnared in this worldy kingdom? (Ex: Relationships, Success, Popularity, Grades, Netflix, etc.)?
ASK: Why do we find a simple gospel uncomfortable?
SAY:God chose what was foolish in the word to shame the proud. It is not with human wisdom that we understand and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In God’s sovereignty, He chose us before the foundations of the world to be saved. This simple gospel, has and eternal impact and can be trusted. If God can handle our souls forever, He can take of the little details of our daily lives.
ASK: Where else in Scripture do we see the Gospel as powerful?
READ: Have a student read 1 Thessalonians 1:1-7.
ASK: How does this passage deepen our understanding of the gospel?
ASK:Why do we find it so hard to find satisfaction in Jesus alone, not just certain areas of our lives?
(This is your opportunity to proclaim the gospel to your students. Do not pass by this chance quickly or simply assume your students already know.)
SAY:Jesus came from heaven to be humiliated and tortured, just so that we may love and be loved by Him. There was nothing we did, or could do, to make Him sacrifice Himself on our behalf. Christ was fully man and fully God, lived a perfect life, and took a death only we deserved. He put God’s wrath on Him, so that we may live in total freedom and forgiveness. It’s because of Jesus that we know mercy and grace. He is the truth, and it’s His love that allows us to go out and love and serve others. Jesus is truly the one who can heal the broken hearted, and give them new life.
ASK: Knowing and understanding this truth, what are ways we can allow the good news of Jesus Christ to invade our everyday lives?
ASK: How can you can you rely on the wisdom of God, rather than your natural mind this week?
ASK: What are ways we can give Christ authority in our lives?
ASK:What are some ways you can remind yourself of the power of the gospel this week?
ASK: What are ways you can share the truth of the gospel of grace with other people at school or work or even in your family?
Close in prayer!