Series: Life Is Too Short|Sermon 1: To Play It Safe All the Time| June 28, 2015


Life is too short to always play it safe all the time. We often enjoy living life with a sense of luxury. However God did not create us to “live in a chair”. In fact, he usually interrupts our lives by asking us to accomplish a difficult task. Pastor Tracy provided us with 5 characteristics of how God calls us. These 5 “Call Narratives” are:

  1. The Initial Call
  2. There’s Always a Response
  3. God Gives a Promise
  4. You’ve Got to Decide
  5. A Changed Life

Consider these while discussing the following questions:


  1. What is the most dangerous object in your house?
  2. When is the last time you were able to relax ALL DAY? A day where you stayed at home or inside, and did not get out of bed or your chair?
  3. Explain a time when you felt God asking you to do something. What was He calling you to do? How did you feel?
  4. Often God’s requests leave us feeling inadequate and unworthy. The third call narrative says God gives a promise. What comfort do you find in God’s promises? How does it help in making the decision to respond to God’s request?
  5. Pastor Tracy said, “God never promised that if you follow him, your life will be easy. You might suffer.” What struggles have you, or someone you know, experienced following God?
  6. Pastor Tracy told us that God will never ask us to do something we cannot handle. Considering this, is your self-doubt greater than God’s ability to act through you?
  7. Explain why it is important to remember this when faced with responding to God’s call.


When met with the difficulty to act in faith, it is easy to find fault in ourselves and choose to “play it safe.” God has used many people to accomplish His will despite their doubts. Moses didn’t speak well, but was the voice for God to the Israelites. Joseph was a man wanting to justify marrying a pregnant virgin. The list continues on to each of us. Before you doubt your abilities, reflect on God’s ability and consider which is more powerful.


“… Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)


As you close in prayer, consider what God may be trying to do in your life. Pray for the confidence in Him to accomplish His will.