Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce

Board Minutes

May 14th, 2015

The Lodge at Sherwood Village

Attendees: Diane Fatzinger, Vanessa Fuller, Heather Wells, Nell Clausen, Genaveve Starr, Vickie Oen, Deon Kapetan, Tyler Sweet, Jim Weatherly, Phil Castell and Linda Barnfather.

Excused: Caroline Stuckey and Brandino Gibson

Absent: Mark Couhig and Debra Pitts

Courtesy Board Members: Brandino Gibson, Worksource

Partners: Jim McEntire, Clallam County Commissioner and Val Jackson, Sequim Farmers Market, and Barb Hanna, City of Sequim

Staff: Shelli Robb-Kahler, Melanie Sands

Call to Order by President, Diane Fatzinger, 7:36 a.m.

Consent Calendar

Action: Approved: Consent Calendar, April Board minutes, financial statements, and Executive Director’s reports.

·  Corrections were noted in Executive Directors report that the afterhours was on Tuesday, May 19th, not Thursday, May 21st and in the President’s report, it was clarified that the Chamber does NOT get charged a fee if they wanted to participate in the parade in the future.

Partner Reports:

City of Sequim – Barb Hanna

·  Wanted to thank all who came to the open house for the new Civic Center. They had about 500 people and it lasted well after the scheduled time. They will be offering tours after the June 13th dedication. Reminded everyone of the ribbon cutting scheduled for Monday, May 18th.

·  City offices will be moving throughout the weekend.

·  Congratulations to the Irrigation Festival organizers for all the work donated to make it a great event.

Sequim Farmers Market - Val Jackson

·  Farmer’s Market had a great opening day; visibility of location really brings visitors in; 20 new vendors; vendor location is designated by seniority.

·  Market will be presenting different music this year to assure ASCAP can’t come in to impose high penalties.

·  Linda Barnfather discussed the bill that was introduced, but later stalled, regarding ASCAP. Confirmed that “moles” are sent to troll public events looking for violators. She would love to hear from anyone who has had a problem with them and assured the bill will be brought up again.

Clallam County Commissioner – Jim McEntire

·  Carlsborg wastewater proceeding forward.

·  Bill Greenwood had a good presentation at the last Chamber luncheon.

Committee Reports:

Membership – Heather Wells

·  Focus to remain on retention; survey going out to all members through e-news, e-mail and paper copies at the luncheon; encourage participation. Survey is short and offers opportunity for testimonials from members.

·  Deon suggested reviewing survey prior to publication.

·  Survey will eventually go to non-members; requested suggestions of businesses to target.

·  Discussion of potential new member, Fudd’s Fish & Chips. New owners being well received and venue was very busy over Festival, running out of food.

ACTION: It was moved and approved to accept the cancelation of 7 members; Current membership – 414.

Finance & Fund Raising –Jim Weatherly

·  Reminded everyone of the spring raffle; sales going really well; drawing to occur at 5/26 Chamber luncheon.

·  Still considering a Trivia night.

·  Suggested possibility of Chamber having a space at the Farmer’s Market on Saturdays.

Merchants Group -Vickie Oen

·  Downtown merchants really like having the market in that location on Saturdays; good energy for downtown.

·  Merchants liked displaying the blue flags for the Irrigation Festival; sill do purple flags for Lavender Festival and group may consider introducing other colored flags for holidays, etc.

By-Laws – Tyler Sweet

·  Revisions are out, please review, comment, ask questions and send feedback ASAP. Will move forward after next Tuesday.

Shiso Sister City – Genaveve Starr

·  Mayor not able to come from Japan but is sending 2 delegates for Civic Center dedication; will get helicopter ride over area and escort to local sites.

·  Will have booth at Purple Haze Farm during Lavender Weekend to fundraise for students traveling to our sister city.

Irrigation Festival – Deon Kapetan

·  Weather was fantastic for Festival this year; never seen such energy during Family Fun Day; may do a scavenger hunt in future to add to events.

·  Kiddie Parade had triple the entries; events saw lots of new people participating; fireworks were packed; parade route packed.

·  Evening Magazine was present and got footage of Royalty and did interviews; will let us know when it airs.

·  Next year tag line “Looking to the future through the past”.

·  Thanks to everyone who had a part in the Festival this year!

New Business:

“Twelve Principles of Governance that Power Exceptional Boards: Chapter 1, Brandino Gibson was absent due to training so he will present next month.

·  Nice picture in the Gazette for Crazy Daze Breakfast; good publicity for Chamber.

·  Diane prompted a standing ovation for Deon on the success of the Festival.

·  Barb Hanna- discussed upcoming tourist season; anticipate increase in #’s; Lavender Festival next big event; all current information is available on “” website.

·  Ads are currently running in Seattle and Portland to promote summer activities for the region.

·  Kid’s fishing will be this Saturday.

·  Linda discussed state tourism; permanent funding will not happen this year but will continue to pursue. She will be attending memorial service for Diane Shostack in Forks; donations for “hospitality” are being accepted in lieu of flowers.

Old Business:

·  Thanks for telling people to “like” the Chamber on Facebook.

·  Revised Executive Committee Purpose and Duties description was handed out.

·  Shelli presented collateral when making plaque deliveries to include Newsletter, information cheat sheet and Member Benefits sheet. Encouraged all to engage with member when presenting them with their plaque.

·  Diane handed out elevator speeches she received. Thanks to those who responded. Suggests using parts of these to develop your own personal speech; would like to add a picture and use as a testimonial on Facebook to advertise the Chamber. Shelli suggested possibly doing short U-tube videos of testimonials.

·  Shelli explained the new process of newsletter inserts going to an electronic version.

·  Ribbon Cuttings: Bill Mair Heating and Peak Performance on Friday; New Civic Center on Monday.

·  After hours: Tuesday at Domaine Madeline.

“60 second Shout-out!”

Ø  Jim Weatherly: Attended the Workforce Conference; new Workforce investment Act in effect July 1st; bill has been reworked to focus on young workers and push for entrepreneurial work; help youth start businesses.

Ø  Vickie needs a new shipping employee, FT, 30-40 hours per week, includes phones, boxing and cash register. Hoping to hire someone through word-of-mouth.

Ø  Phil commented that he saw someone who parked their bike at one of the bike racks in town. First time he had seen someone actually using the rack!

Meeting adjourned at 9:22 a.m.~Next board meeting: June 11th, 2015 - Submitted by Melanie Sands, Financial Administrator