September 23-24. Fistral Beach, Newquay



OPEN: Teams of up to 6 consisting of any age/gender (£17 per entrant/£102 per team)

WOMENS: Teams of up to 4 consisting of any age but only female (£17 per entrant/ £68 per team)

JUNIORS: Teams of up to 4 consisting of any gender but must be under 18 years of age on Jan 1st 2017 (£15 per entrant/ £60 per team)

(Volunteer judges are encouraged)

Event Information

Categories available for entry are:

OPEN Division

Teams of up to 6 consisting of any age/gender (£17 per entrant/ £102 per team)

WOMENS Division:

Teams of up to 4 consisting of any age but only female £17 per entrant/ £68 per team)

JUNIORS Division:

Teams of up to 4 consisting of any gender but must be under 18 years of age on Jan 1st 2017 (£15 per entrant/ £60 per team)

- Entry is only permitted to Surfing England members or affiliated clubs, please visit to join.

- Each Surfing England affiliated club is guaranteed entry of a team in a division. Clubs can enter multiple teams but if the event is oversubscribed then contest organisers reserve the right to reduce the no. of teams that clubs entering to cater for others. This will be communicated to the club prior to the event.

- Surfers may only represent one team in each category but can represent their club in different divisions e.g. A Junior or Women surfer can also surf for their Open team.

- Clubs are encouraged to provide a volunteer judge for the event to encourage judge development at club level.

- Please arrange your own accommodation.

- The closing date for entry is Monday18th Septemberat 5:00pm. Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and may be limited depending on application numbers.

- The event will announcedOn/Off by 10:00am on Thursday 21st September via Surfing England social media.

- Surfing England hold the right to postpone or change locations/format if conditions are deemed unsuitable or unforeseeable events occur that directly affect the running of the event.

Entry & Payment

PLEASE PAY BY CHEQUE: Payment for entry can be made by cheque payable to Surfing England & posted to: Surfing England, The Yard, Caen Street, Braunton, EX33 1AA.

If you are unable to pay by cheque please contact Sally Lawton (Surfing England Membership Admin) on 07429208283 or o arrange an alternate payment method (by card or bank transfer).

For all event enquiries please contact