Schoolsite Council

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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-006 Specific (REV.02/2014) / ITEM #W-10


Specific Waiver
Request by six local educational agencies under the authority of California Education Code Section 52863 for waivers of Education Code Section 52852, relating to schoolsite councils regarding changes in shared, composition, or shared and composition members.
Waiver Numbers:
Butteville Union Elementary School District 25-5-2017
Castle Rock Union Elementary School District 33-5-2017
Golden Valley Unified School District 16-5-2017
Los Angeles Unified School District 12-6-2017
Los Angeles Unified School District 13-6-2017
Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District 20-6-2017
Weed Union Elementary School District 50-6-2017




Specific authority is provided in California Education Code (EC) Section 52863 to allow the State Board of Education to waive the Schoolsite Council (SSC) requirements contained in ECSection 52852 of the School-Based Coordination Program Act that would hinder the success of the program implementation. These waivers must be renewed every two years.

Authority for Waiver:EC Section 52863


Approval Approval with conditions Denial

The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends approval with conditions(see Attachment 1).


The Butteville Union Elementary School District is requesting to renew an SSC composition change for a small school: Butteville Elementary School (13 teachers serving 210 students in kindergarten through grade eight). The school is located in a rural area.

The Castle Rock Union Elementary School District is requesting an SSC composition change for a very small school: Castle Rock Elementary School (5 teachers serving 50 students in kindergarten through grade eight). The school is located in a rural area.

The Golden Valley Unified School District is requestingto renew a shared SSC with composition change for five small schools: Centennial Independence Study School (8 students in grades one through twelve), Independence Continuation High School (10 students in grades ten through twelve), Lincoln Community Day School (4 students in grades seven through twelve), Valley Children’s Hospital (8 students in kindergarten through grade twelve), and Valley Teen Ranch Community Day School (20 students in grades seven through twelve). There are a total of 7 teachers for all five schools with only one administrator. The schools conduct staff development activities togetherand are located in a rural area.

The Los Angeles Unified School District is requesting anSSC composition change for 11separate small alternative schools: Berenece Carlson Home Hospital School (168 teachers serving 457 students in kindergarten through grade twelve), Albert Einstein Continuation School (4 teachers serving 76 students in grades nine through twelve), Avalon High School (5 teachers serving 76 students in grades nine through twelve), Henry David Thoreau Continuation School (4 teachers serving 63 students in grades nine through twelve), Highland Park Continuation School (4 teachers serving 69 students in grades nine through twelve), George S. Patton Continuation School (4 teachers serving 71 students in grades nine through twelve), Mt. Lukens Continuation School (4 teachers serving 37 students in grades nine through twelve), Moneta Continuation School (5 teachers serving 46 students in grades nine through twelve), Pueblo de Los Angeles Continuation School (4 teachers serving 52 students in grades nine through twelve), Whitman Continuation School (4 teachers serving 66 students in grades nine through twelve), and Zane Grey Continuation School (8 teachers serving 73 students in grades nine through twelve). These schools are located in an urban area.

The Los Angeles Unified School District is requesting a shared SSC for two small schools: CDS Elementary School (1 teacher serving 8 students in kindergarten through grade six) and CDS Secondary School (16 teachers serving 32 students in grades six through twelve). The two schools share a principal and an administrative assistant. They are located in an urban area.

The Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District is requesting to renew a shared SSC for two small schools: Surprise Valley Elementary School (7 teachers serving 85 students in kindergarten through grade seven) and Surprise Valley High School (7 teachers serving 31 students in grades eight through twelve). The two schools share a principal and are located in a rural area.

The Weed Union Elementary School District is requesting to renewan SSC composition change for a small school: Weed Elementary School (14 teachers serving 269 students in kindergarten through grade eight). The school is located in a rural area.


The CDE has previously presented requests from local educational agencies(LEAs) to waive some of the SSC requirements in ECSection 52863 or to allow one shared SSC for multiple schools. All of these requests have been granted with conditions. The conditions take into consideration the rationale provided by the LEAs, a majority of which are due to the size, type, location, or other capacities of the schools.


There is no statewide fiscal impact of waiver approval.


Attachment 1:Local Educational Agencies Requesting a Schoolsite Council Waiver (5 Pages)

Attachment 2:Butteville Union Elementary School DistrictSpecific Waiver Request
25-5-2017 (2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

Attachment 3:Castle Rock Union Elementary School DistrictSpecific Waiver Request 33-5-2017 (2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

Attachment 4:Golden Valley Unified School DistrictSpecific Waiver Request
16-5-2017 (2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

Attachment 5:Los Angeles Unified School District Specific Waiver Request 12-6-2017 (2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

Attachment 6:Los Angeles Unified School District Specific Waiver Request 13-6-2017 (2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

Attachment 7:Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District Specific Waiver Request 20-6-2017 (2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

Attachment 8:Weed Union Elementary School District Specific Waiver Request
50-6-2017(2 Pages) (Original waiver request is signed and on file in the Waiver Office.)

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Schoolsite Council

Attachment 1

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Local Educational Agencies Requesting a Schoolsite Council Waiver

Waiver Number / Local Educational Agency (LEA) for School(s)
(County-District-School Code[s]) / LEAs Request for a Schoolsite Council (SSC) Waiver / California Department of Education Recommendation / Previous Waiver
Yes or No
Period of Request/
Period Recommended / Collective Bargaining Unit Position/
Current Agreement / SSC/Advisory Committee Position / Local Board Approval Date
25-5-2017 / Butteville Union Elementary School District for Butteville Elementary School (4770201 6050678) / SSC composition change / Approval with conditions: the SSC must consist of one principal, two classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), and four parents/community members (selected by parents). / Yes
07/31/2019 / Butteville Teachers Association
Lenny May
California School Employees Association
Shawn Ashworth
Support / Butteville Elementary School SSC
No Objection / 05/09/2017
33-5-2017 / Castle Rock Union Elementary School District for Castle Rock Elementary School (4569922 6050165) / SSC composition change / Approval with conditions: the SSC must consist of one principal, one classroom teacher (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), and three parents/community members (selected by parents). / No
07/31/2018 / California Teachers Association
Carrie Beale
Support / Castle Rock Elementary School SSC
No Objection / 04/20/2017
16-5-2017 / Golden Valley Unified School District for Centennial Independent Study School (2075580 0111443), Independence Continuation High School (2075580 2030161), Lincoln Community Day School (2075580 0110395), Valley Children’s Hospital (2075580 0123315), and Valley Teen Ranch Community Day School (2075580 0110403) / Shared SSC and composition change / Approval with conditions: the SSC must consist of one principal, two classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), two parents/community members (selected by parents), and two students (selected by peers). / Yes
06/30/2019 / None indicated / Educational Options shared SSC
No Objection / 05/09/2017
12-6-2017 / Los Angeles Unified School District for Berenece Carlson Home Hospital School (19647336069157);Albert Einstein Continuation School (1964733 1931385); AvalonHigh School (1964733 1931930); Henry David Thoreau Continuation School (1964733 1932250); Highland Park Continuation School (1964733 1931393); George S. Patton Continuation School (19647331931518); Mt. Lukens Continuation School (1964733 1930791); Moneta Continuation School (1964733 1930486); Pueblo de Los Angeles Continuation School (19647331930577); Whitman Continuation School (19647331931856); and Zane Grey Continuation School (1964733 1931682) / SSC composition change for 11 separate SSCs / Approval with conditions: the SSC for Berenece Carlson Home Hospital Schoolmust consist of one principal, three classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), and five parents/community members (selected by parents).
Approval with conditions: the SSCmust consist of one principal,three classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), three parents/community members (selected by parents), and two students (selected by peers) for the following schools:
1)Albert Einstein Continuation School
2)Avalon High School
3)Henry David Thoreau Continuation School
4)Highland Park Continuation School
5)George S. Patton Continuation School
6)Mt. Lukens Continuation School
7)Moneta Continuation School
8)Pueblo de Los Angeles Continuation School
9)Whitman Continuation School
10)Zane Grey Continuation School / No
07/31/2018 / United Teachers of Los Angeles
Colleen Schwab
Secondary Vice President
Support / Berenece Carlson Home Hospital School SSC
Albert Einstein Continuation School SSC
Avalon High School SSC
Henry David Thoreau Continuation School SSC
Highland Park Continuation School SSC
George S. Patton Continuation School SSC
Mt. Lukens Continuation School SSC
Moneta Continuation School SSC
Pueblo de Los Angeles Continuation School SSC
Whitman Continuation School SSC
Zane Grey Continuation School SSC
No Objections / 05/09/2017
13-6-2017 / Los Angeles Unified School District for CDS Elementary School (1964733 6120794) and CDS Secondary School (1964733 1996651) / Shared SSC / Approval with conditions: the SSC must consist of one principal, four classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), three parents/community members (selected by parents), and three students (selected by peers). / No
07/31/2018 / United Teachers of Los Angeles
Colleen Schwab
Secondary Vice President
Support / CDS Elementary School SSC
No Objection
CDS Secondary School SSC
No Objection / 05/09/2017
20-6-2017 / Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District for Surprise Valley Elementary School (2565896 6025902) and Surprise Valley High School (2565896 2537702) / Shared SSC / Approval with conditions: the SSC must consist of one principal, four classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), three parents/community members (selected by parents), and three students (selected by peers). / Yes
07/01/2018 / Teamsters Local 137
Heather Bordwell
Bargaining Representative
Support / Surprise Valley Elementary School and Surprise Valley High School shared SSC
No Objection / 06/06/2017
50-6-2017 / Weed Union Elementary School District for Weed Elementary School (4770482 6050942) / SSC composition change / Approval with conditions: the SSC must consist of one principal, two classroom teachers (selected by peers), one other school representative (selected by peers), and four parents/community members (selected by parents). / Yes
01/31/2019 / California School Employees Association
Shanna Machado
Weed Classroom Teachers Association
Kim Coots
Support / Weed Elementary School SSC
No Objection / 06/14/2017

Created by the California Department of Education

May 16, 2017

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Schoolsite Council

Attachment 2

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California Department of Education


CD Code: 4770201Waiver Number: 25-5-2017Active Year: 2017

Date In: 5/17/2017 1:03:03 PM

Local Education Agency: Butteville Union Elementary School District

Address: 24512 Edgewood Rd.

Edgewood, CA96094

Start: 8/1/2017End: 7/31/2019

Waiver Renewal: Y

Previous Waiver Number: 6-12-2015 Previous SBE Approval Date: 3/9/2016

Waiver Topic: Schoolsite Council Statute

Ed Code Title: Number and Composition of Members

Ed Code Section: 52852

Ed Code Authority: 52863

Ed Code or CCR to Waive: 52852 - A schoolsite council shall be established at each school which participates in school-based program coordination. The council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school. At the elementary level the council shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel; and (b) parents or other community members selected by parents.

Outcome Rationale: Statute requires a 10 member Site Council at the Elementary level. Butteville Elementary School requests to reduce the number of members to a small school composition of an 8-member council.

The following composition is requested:


•Two teachers

•One classified personnel

Four parents

Student Population: 210

City Type: Rural

Local Board Approval Date: 5/9/2017

Council Reviewed By: School Site Council

Council Reviewed Date: 5/3/2017

Council Objection: N

Council Objection Explanation:

Audit Penalty YN: N

Categorical Program Monitoring: N

Submitted by: Ms.LeeannaRizzo

Position: Director of State and Federal Programs


Telephone: 530-842-8415


Bargaining Unit Date: 04/24/2017

Name: Butteville Teacher's Association

Representative: Lenny May

Title: President

Position: Support


Bargaining Unit Date: 04/27/2017

Name: CSEA Chapter 881

Representative: Shawn Ashworth

Title: President

Position: Support


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Schoolsite Council

Attachment 3

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California Department of Education


CD Code: 4569922Waiver Number: 33-5-2017Active Year: 2017

Date In: 5/24/2017 9:53:18 AM

Local Education Agency: Castle Rock Union Elementary School District

Address: 29373 Main St.

Castella, CA96017

Start: 8/1/2016End: 8/1/2018

Waiver Renewal: N

Previous Waiver Number: Previous SBE Approval Date:

Waiver Topic: Schoolsite Council Statute

Ed Code Title: Number and Composition of Members

Ed Code Section: 52852

Ed Code Authority: 52863

Ed Code or CCR to Waive: EC 52863 Any governing board, on behalf of a school site council, may request the State Board of Education to grant a waiver of any provision of this article. The State Board of Education may grant a request when it finds that the failure to do so would hinder the implementation or maintenance of a successful school-based

coordinated program. (Effective for 2 years only, may be renewed)

Outcome Rationale: The waiver would provide composition in numbers that are practical and possible. Castle Rock Union Elementary school district is requesting to reduce the composition of the site council. A well-functioning School Site Council is instrumental in driving student achievement via the Single Plan for Student Achievement. Castle Rock Union Elementary School District is a small, rural school district in Shasta County. In addition, Castle Rock Union Elementary is isolated from the rest of the county. There are 50 students total. We are proposing a composition of: 3 parents, 1 certificated, 1 admin, and 1 classified staff.

Student Population: 50

City Type: Rural

Local Board Approval Date: 4/20/2017

Council Reviewed By: School Advisory Council

Council Reviewed Date: 3/20/2017

Council Objection: N

Council Objection Explanation:

Audit Penalty YN: N

Categorical Program Monitoring: N

Submitted by: Ms.JanetTufts

Position: Senior Director Shasta COE


Telephone: 530-605-2810

Fax: 530-235-0257

Bargaining Unit Date: 03/20/2017

Name: California Teacher's Association

Representative: Carrie Beale

Title: President

Position: Support


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Schoolsite Council

Attachment 4

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California Department of Education


CD Code: 2075580Waiver Number: 16-5-2017Active Year: 2017

Date In: 5/11/2017 3:31:31 PM

Local Education Agency: Golden Valley Unified School District

Address: 37479 Avenue 12

Madera, CA93636

Start: 7/1/2017End: 6/30/2019

Waiver Renewal: Y

Previous Waiver Number: 5-6-2015-W-09 Previous SBE Approval Date: 9/22/2015

Waiver Topic: Schoolsite Council Statute

Ed Code Title: Shared Schoolsite Council with Reduced Number and Composition

Ed Code Section: 52852

Ed Code Authority: 52863

Ed Code or CCR to Waive: A school site council shall be established at [each] school which participates in school-based program coordination. The council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school.

Outcome Rationale: Educational Options has five small alternative schools that are under the direction of one administrator. Professional development and other commonalities are shared because of one administrator. None of the schools are large enough to meet the requirements for a school site council. The SSC selection process will provide for representation of parents, staff, and students of all of the schools. The SSC would be made up of the following members: one principal (who administers all schools), 2 teachers (selected by their peers), one other school representative, 2 parents (selected by their peers) and 2 students (selected by their peers). Since these five schools are so small, most of the teachers teach in several schools. Parent involvement is low so having 2 parents on the council, while challenging, can be doable. Every effort will be made to have representation from each site.

Student Population: 65

City Type: Rural

Local Board Approval Date: 5/9/2017

Council Reviewed By: Educational Options School Site Council

Council Reviewed Date: 4/27/2017

Council Objection: N

Council Objection Explanation:

Audit Penalty YN: N

Categorical Program Monitoring: N

Submitted by: Mr.KevinHatch

Position: Assistant Superintendent
