September 24, 2017

We could all tell our own version and experience of this parable. We know people who, in our not so humble opinion, neither earned nor deserved what they got; a job, a promotion, a raise, recognition, happiness, success. That we worked longer and tried harder seemed to make no difference. More often than not we view the world, ourselves, and others through the lens of fairness rather than grace, the exact opposite of how God views the world and our lives.

What can we learn and apply from this parable to our lives?

We can trust that in God’s world there is enough for everyone. Give God the freedom to pay whatever is right, knowing that God’s ways are not our ways. Make no judgments of yourself or others. That is the way of grace, the way of God.

Monday Soul of Alice D’Souza

Tuesday Souls of Dolores Bondoc, Do Seon Whang, Anna Cristinzo and For the Intention of Agatha Jung

Wednesday For the Intention of Lucy Park

Thursday Soul of Michael Boyle

Friday Soul of John Frederick Jack Wilson

Items Needed for our Refugee Family

Kitchen garbage can, garbage bags, toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, dish towels, oven mitts, toaster oven, aluminum foil, can opener, hair dryer, ironing board, kitchen scissors, vacuum cleaner, laundry detergent.

Please let Natalie know (ext. 235) what you are bringing to avoid duplication. The list will be ongoing with larger items to come.

Thank you for your contributions.

Rituals In the Family Continued

This week we continue looking at how rituals can bring us closer to God. For example: a cross or crucifix can be a powerful source of faith and focal point as it can say: "I place my trust in your life-giving love for me." A cross could also make a wonderful gift to myself or my spouse. It can say, "Let's let this cross be a daily symbol of our desire to keep Jesus at the center of our relationship."

Our children’s baptismal candles with the words, "Keep this flame burning brightly"placed in a prominent place in my home can also become a sacred reminder of who I am for my children.

Ritual Times: We can experiment with how pausing each morning - perhaps getting dressed and consciously marking the day with a 20-30 second recollection of who I am and placing my day in God's hands can transform how I experience life. So, too with how I go to bed.

Meal Times: Eating can be a wonderful time to consciously choose to be contemplative by pausing at the beginning of each meal and giving thanks for the food and the nourishment from God it represents. We could also try adding some personal words, that I would begin to use again and again whenever I eat, for example, "Give me faith, hope and love," or "As you feed me, may I feed others today," or " Calm me Lord, my life is in your hands."

Using my body: We all know how important "body language" is.We can use our bodies to express what we want to express, without words. It is particularly wonderful because it can take only a few seconds. For example, I may have a few moments to turn to God in prayer, but just don't know what to say. In that brief moment, I can pause and open my hands, palms up, in silence and "say" all that needs saying. This special moment can be repeated again and again and keep deepening that gesture of surrender and trust.

We are accustomed to touching our children or loved ones with gestures of love. Imagine what it introduces into our relationships if that touch became a "blessing" as well. I could place my hand on a child or loved one’s face and pause and say the words, "May God protect you and keep us together in God's love," or "God bless you, dear," or "Peace." I might simply trace a small gentle cross on their forehead. Then any time I touch their face, or trace that cross, this simple gesture can become a profoundly prayerful ritual between us.

Each of us will find creative ways to add rituals to our everyday lives that can allow us to be contemplatives in action and let them become expressions of intimacy with God.

John Humphries.

2017 Bible Study

Registration time! Course facilitators will be at the back of the Church before and after each Mass this weekend to answer questions and to assist with registration. This year’s focus is Getting to Know Jesus, based on the Gospel of Mark.

The course starts on Oct 16 and continues for 7 consecutive Mondays. You can choose the afternoon session (1:00-3:00 pm) or the evening session (7:30-9:30 pm.) The course fee and text together is $12.00.”

Confirmation Parent Information Session

Who: Parents/Guardians of students who would like to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation

When: Wednesday, October 18th. 7:00 pm-7:45pm.

Where: St. Luke’s Church Sanctuary

Contact: Greg Garda, Youth Minister. Email: OR 905-881-2786 ex.232.

For families with children in grades 7 or up, whom are interested in taking part in Confirmation preparation in 2017-2018 school year there will be a brief information session on Wednesday October 18th at 7pm. The session will outline the program, the schedule, and will conclude with a Q&A. Students DO NOT need to the attend the info session.

Edge Youth Nights

Who: All students in grades 5-8

When: Fridays @ 7pm-8:30pm. Starting October 13th.

Where: St. Luke’s Parish Hall

Contact: Greg Garda, Youth Minister. Email: OR 905-881-2786 ex.232.

Edge will kick off this school year on Friday, October 13th at 7:00 pm for ALL students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8. Edge is a great opportunity for students to strengthen their social skills through various team building activities, open discussions on topics relating to faith, and experience authentic Christian community. The first semester’s topic will focus on Scripture.

To receive weekly updates regarding youth ministry you can sign-up at:

Lions Club E-Waste Program

Got any old computers, telephones, printers, scanners, etc.

The Lions Club E-Waste Program will be stationed in the north west corner of the Thornhill Recycle Centre from 8:00-4:00 pm this weekend. See the information table for a list of acceptable e-waste materials.

Life Teen Evenings

Who: All students in grades 9-12

When: Every OTHER Friday @ 5pm-6:30pm. Starting Friday, October 6th.

Where: St. Luke’s Parish Hall

Contact: Greg Garda, Youth Minister. Email: OR 905-881-2786 ex.232.

Life Teen is a program for all students in grades 9-12. Life Teen evenings consist of food, team building activities, praise and worship, teaching, and small group discussion on topics related to the Catholic faith. The purpose of Life Teen is to prepare students to live confident and intentional Catholic lives as they face challenges in life in school and young adult life. This year our topic will be “Why We’re Catholic.”

To receive weekly updates regarding youth ministry and Life Teen you can sign-up at:

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Sept 30/Oct.1

Thanksgiving is approaching! As we reflect upon the many blessings God has given us, let us remember the less fortunate.

Please bring your donations of non-perishable food to the church the this weekend or Sept.30/October 1 .Your help is greatly needed and appreciated!!!

Celebrate Your Marriage with a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend!

Celebrate your love and take a fresh look at your marriage! Spend a very special weekend together. A Weekend of discovery…a lifetime of love! Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a weekend getaway that helps married couples rediscover themselves as individuals and as a couple. The Weekend format helps couples communicate openly and honestly without group sharing, therapy or marriage counselling.

Upcoming Weekend: October 20-22, 2017 (Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Mississauga)

For more information and application, please go to or contact:

Gerard & Marge McCauley at or (905) 792-1925.