Seoul National University Fall Semester

Graduate School of International Studies 2011


Current Issues in Chinese Society



Lecturer:Professor Jong-Ho Jeong, Ph.D.

GSIS, Seoul National University

Tel: (02) 880-5813; Email:




Course Schedule

Week1. Course Overview: Revolutions and Reforms in China

Week 2. State and Local Cultures in Traditional China: Lineage Organization, Literati Culture, Marketing System, and the Structure of the Gentry-Dominated Social Formation

Freedman, Maurice. 1958. Lineage Organization in Southeastern China. London: Athlone Press. Chs. 1, 2, 9, 11, 14.

Fei, H. 1946. “Peasantry and Gentry.”American Journal of Sociology (July): 1-17

M. Blecher, China Against the Tides: Restructuringthrough revolution, radicalism and reform. Pinter, 1997. pp. 9-16.

Skinner, G, W. 1964, 1965. “Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China.”Journal of Asian Studies 24(1): 3-43.

Skinner, G, W. 1985. “Presidential Address: The Structure of Chinese History.”Journal of Asian Studies 104(2): 271-292.

(Recommended readings)

Faure, David. 1989. "The Lineage as a Cultural Invention." Modern China 15: 4-37.

Ho Ping-ti. The Ladder of Success in Imperial China. Chs 1 and 2

Elman, Benjamin. "Political, Social, and Cultural Reproduction via Civil Service

Examinations in Late Imperial China" in Journal of Asian Studies (1991) 50 (1) pp. 7-28.

Skinner, G, W. 1964, 1965. "Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China." Journal of Asian Studies 24(2): 195-228, 24(3): 363-399.

Skinner, G, W. 1971. "Chinese Peasants and the Closed Community: An Open and Shut Case." Comparative Studies In Society and History 13(3): 270-281.

Skinner, G, W. 1978. "Cities and the Hierarchy of Local Systems."Pp. 1-77 in A. Wolf. ed. Studies in Chinese Society. Stanford University Press

Siu, Helen F. 1989. Agents and Victims in South China. New Haven: Yale University Press. Ch.4.

Week 3. Reach of the State under the Maoist Order

Meisner, Maurice. 1999. Mao's China and After: A History of the People's Republic. pp. 55-241.

(Recommended readings)

Potter, Jack M. and Sulamith H. Potter. 1990. China's Peasants: The Anthropology of a Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chs. 3-7

Shue. The Reach of the State. Pp. 32-121

Oi, Jean. 1989. State and Peasant in Contemporary China: The Political Economy of Village Government. Berkeley: University of California Press. Chs. 1, 7, 9 and 10

Siu, Helen F. 1989a. Agents and Victims in South China. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chs. 7, 8, and 9

Chan, Anita, Richard Madsen, and Jonathan Unger. 1992[1984]. Chen Village: Under Mao and Deng. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Huang, Shu-Min. 1989. The Spiral Road. Westview. Chs. 3-5

Andrew G. Walder, Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry(Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1986).

Week 4.Economic Reforms and China’s Models for Rural Industrialization

Pei, Minxin, From Reform To Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union (Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1994), pp. 11-42.

Naughton, Barry. 1996, Growing Out of the Plan. pp. 3-25.

Tsai, 2007, Capitalism without Democracy, pp. 150-166.

Parris, Kristen, “Local Initiative and National Reform: The Wenzhou Model of Development," The China Quarterly, 134: 1993, 242-263.

张应强, 「苏南模式、温州模式发展现状比较」,『甘肃社会科学』,第6期, 2002, 129-130

Perry, Elizabeth. 1994. "Trends in the Study of Chinese Politics: State-Society Relations."In China Quarterly. No. 139. Pp. 704-713.

(Recommended readings)

Naughton, Barry. 1999. “China’s Transition in Economic Perspective,” in Goldman, Merle, and R. MacFarquhar. 1999 The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms., pp. 30-44.

So, Alvin Y. 2003. “Rethinking the Chinese Developmental Miracle,” ed. By Alvin Y. So, China’s Developmental Miracle: Origins, Transformations, and Challenges. Armonk, NY.: M.E. Sharpe. Pp: 3-26.

John McMillan and Barry Naughton, "How to Reform a Planned Economy: Lessons from China," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1992)

<Rural Reform>

Ash, Robert. 1988. "The Evolution of Agricultural Policy," China Quarterly, No. 116, pp. 529-555

Ash, Robert. 2001. "China's Agricultural Reform" in Bruce J. Dickson and Chien-min Chao (eds.), Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security.pp. 76-100.

Zhou, Kate. 1996. How the Farmers Changed China. Chapter 1.

Zweig, David. 1977. "Rural People, the Politicians, and Power," China Journal, No. 38, pp. 153-168

Huang, Yiping, 1998. Agricultural Reform, Cambridge University.

<Rural Industrialization>

Liu, Yia-Ling, “Reform From Below: The Private Economy and Local Politics in theRural Industrialization of Wenzhou," The China Quarterly, 130: 1992, 293-316.

Liu, Alan P. L., “The “Wenzhou Model" of Development and China's Modernization,"Asian Survey, 32(8): 1992, 696-711.

Fureng Dong, “The Wenzhou Model for Developing the Rural Commodity Economy,” in Peter Nolan and Fureng Dong, eds. 1989. Market forces in China: Competition and Small Business – The Wenzhou Debate, London: Zed Books, pp. 81-86

費孝通, 「溫州行」,『瞭望』, 第20期, 1986, 21-22, 第21期, 1986, 24-25, 第22期, 1986, 28-29.

王小云, 「论“新温州模式”—赴温州考察报告」, 『吕梁高等专科学校学报』,第18卷 第3期, 2002, 3-6.

周德文, 「诠释“新温州模式”及其发展趋势」, 『當代经济』, 第2期, 2003, 24-25.

新望, 『蘇南模式的終結』, 三聯書店, 2005.

宋学寶, 「“苏南模式”和“温州模式”的比较研究」,『改革』,第3期, 2001, 61-65.

<Industrial Reform>

Anita Chan, "Chinese Enterprise Reform: Convergence with the Japanese Model?" in Barrett L. McCormick and Jonathan Unger (eds.), China after Socialism: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia?(Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1996), pp. 181-202

Teh-chang Lin, "The reform of state-owned enterprises in mainland China," in Bruce J. Dickson and Chien-min Chao (eds.), Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security.pp. 157-168.

Young, Susan. 1995, Private Business and Economic Reform in China,Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. pp. 3-12, 93-120.

You Ji, China's Enterprise Reform. Chapter 2. pp. 12-28

Edward S. Steinfeld, Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 27-77

Fewsmith, Joseph. 1994. Dilemmas of Reform in China. Chapter 2.

Nolan, P. 1996, “Large firms and industrial reform in former planned economies: the case of China”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 20(1), pp. 1-29.

Naughton, Barry. 1992, “Implications of the state monopoly over industry and its relaxation”, Modern China, 18(1), pp. 14-41.

David Parker and Weihwa Pan, "Reform of the State-Owned Enterprises in China," Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1996), pp. 109-127

<Political Reform>

Kenneth Lieberthal and Michel Oksenberg,Policy Making in China: Leaders, Structures, and Processes(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988), pp. 135-168

Y. Dali, "Rationalizing the Chinese State," in Bruce J. Dickson and Chien-min Chao (eds.), Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security. pp. 19-45.

Oksenberg, Michel, "China's Political System: Challenges of the Twenty-first Century," The China Journal, No. 45 (January 2001), pp. 21-35

Lee, Hong Yung, From Revolutionary Cadres to Party Technocrats in Socialist China (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1991), pp. 387-428.

Cheng Li, China's Leaders: The New Generation (Lanham, Boulder, New York and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001), pp. 25-50.

John P. Burns, "Strengthening Central CCP Control of Leadership Selection: The 1990 Nomenklatura," China Quarterly, No. 138, pp. 458-491.

Burns, John. 1987. "China's Nomenklatura System," Problems of Communism, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 36-51

Week 5. Post-Reform Migrants and Hukou Reforms

Fei-Ling Wang, Organizing through Division and Exclusion: China’s Hukou System(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005), pp. 32-60.

Solinger, Solinger. 1999. "China's Floating Population," in Merle Goldman and Roderick MacFarquhar (eds.), The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), pp. 220-240

Solinger, "China's Urban Transients in the Tradition From Socialism and theCollapse of the Communist 'Urban Public Goods Regime'," Comparative Politics, (January, 1995), pp. 127-146.

Chan, Kam Wing and Will Buckingham, 2008, “Is China Abolishing the Hukou System?”The China Quarterly 195(September 2008): pp. 582-606.

(Recommended readings)

Kam Wing Chan, Cities with Invisible Walls: Reinterpreting Urbanization in Post-1949 China (Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1994)

Tiejun Cheng and Mark Selden, “The Origins and Social Consequences of China’s Hukou System”, The China Quarterly, No.139 (September 1994), pp. 644-68

Flemming Christiansen, “Social Division and Peasant Mobility in Mainland China: The Implications of the Hu-k’ou System”, Issues and Studies, Vol. 26, No. 4 (1990), pp. 23-42

Dorothy J. Solinger, Contesting Citizenship in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State and the Logic of the Market (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999).

Fei-Ling Wang, “Reformed migration control and new targeted people: China’s hukou system in the 2000s”, The China Quarterly, No. 177 (March 2004), pp. 115–132

Tang, Wenfang Tang and Qing Yang, 2008, “The Chinese Urban Caste System in Transition,”The China Quarterly196(December 2008): pp. 759-779.

Chris King-Chi Chan and Pun Ngai, 2009, “The Making of a New Working Class? A Study of Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China,”The China Quarterly, Volume 198, June 2009, pp 287-303

李培林, 『農民工』(北京: 社會科學文獻出版社, 2003).

溫鐵軍(2003), “戶籍制度改革的歷史, 現狀與未來”, 汝信 ․陸學藝 ․李培林 主编(2003), <社會藍皮書 2003年: 中國社會形勢分析與豫測>, 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社, pp. 199-206.

정종호, 2005. "현대중국사회의연속성과불연속성: 호구제도개혁을중심으로," 『현대중국의이해』(정종호외, 서울: 나남출판) pp. 197-227.

정종호, 2002, "국가와 유동인구(流動人口): 이농(離農)의 정치경제,"『중국 개혁-개방의 정치경제 1980-2000』(정재호 편, 서울: 까치) pp. 243-312.

Week 6. Migrant Enclaves and the Emergence of Urban Villages

Ma, Laurence J.C. and Xiang, Biao. 1998. "Native Place, Migration, and the Emergence of Peasant Enclave in Beijing."China Quarterly 155: 547-581.

Jeong, Jong-Ho, forthcoming,“From Illegal Migrant Settlements to Central Business and Residential Districts:Restructuring of Urban Space in Beijing’s Migrant Enclaves.”

Tian, Li, 2008, “The Chengzhongcun Land Market in China: Boon or Bane? – A Perspective on Property Rights,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Volume 32(2) June 2008. pp. 282-304.

Feng Xu, “Gated Communities and Migrant Enclaves: the conundrum for building ‘harmonious community/shequ’”, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 17, No. 57 (November 2008), pp. 633-651.

Hsing, You-tien, 2006, “Land and Territorial Politics in Urban China,” The China Quarterly, 2006, pp. 575-591.

(Recommended readings)

Zhang, Li, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks Within China's Floating Population (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001)

Zhang, Li. 2006. “Contesting Spatial Modernity in Late-Socialist China,”Current Anthropology, 47(3): 461-484.

Jeong, Jong-Ho, “Shifting Central-Local Relations in Post-Reform China," Development and Society, Vol. 31, No. 1, June 2002.

John R. Logan (ed.), The New Chinese City: Globalization and Market Reform (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002)

Laurence J. C. Ma and Fulong Wu (eds.), Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space (London and New York: Routledge, 2005)

Li, “Jubian: cunluo de zhongjie” [Great transformation: End of villages], in Peilin Li (ed.), Nongmingong: Zhongguo jincheng nongmingong de jingji shehui fenxi [Peasant Migrant Workers: An Economic and Social Analysis of Peasant Migrant Workers in China] (Beijing: Shehui Kexue Wenxian Chubanshe, 2003), pp. 54–70

Zhang, L., Simon X.B. Zhao and J.P. Tian. 2003. “Self-help in Housing and Chengzhongcun in China’s Urbanization,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27(4): 912-937.

Yongshun Cai, “Collective Ownership or Cadres’ Ownership? The Non-agricultural Use of Farmland in China”, The China Quarterly, No. 175 (September 2003), pp. 662-680

Guo, Xiaolin. 2001. “Land Expropriation and Rural Conflicts in China,” China Quarterly166: 422-439.

Ho, Peter, 2001, “Who owns China’s land? Policies, property rights and deliberate institutional ambiguity,” The China Quarterly, No. 166, pp. 394-421.

Ho, Samuel P.S., and George C.S. Lin, 2003. “Emerging Land Markets in Rural and Urban China: Policies and Practices,”China Quarterly175: 681-707.

Ho, Samuel P.S., and George C.S. Lin, 2004. “Non-Agricultural Land Use in Post-Reform China,” China Quarterly179: 758-781.

Siu, Helen F. 2007. “Grounding displacement: Uncivil urban spaces in postreform South China,”American Ethnologist, 34(2): 329-350.

Yeh, Anthony Gar-On. 2005. “Dual Land Market and Internal Spatial Structureof Chinese Cities,” in Ma, Laurence J. C. and Fulong Wu. eds., Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 59-79.

Tao, Ran and Zhigang Xu, 2007, “Urbanization, Rural Land System and Social Security for Migrants in China,” Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 43, No. 7, 1301–1320, October 2007

謝志巋. 2005. 村落向城市社區的轉型, 北京: 中國社會科學院出版社.

唐燦․馮小雙. 2000. “‘河南村’流動農民的分化,”社會學硏究, 第4期: 72-85.

周大鳴. 2001. “城鄕結合部社區的硏究: 廣州南景村50年的變遷,” 社會學硏究, 第4期.

柯蘭君․李漢林(編), 『都市里的村民-中國大城市的流動人口』(北京: 中國編譯出版社: 2001).

項 飇, 『跨越邊界的社區: 北京浙江村的生活史』(北京: 三聯書店, 2000).

Week 7. Work Unit Reform, Labor Market Reform, and the Resistance of Chinese Laid-Off Workers

Xiao Lu and Elizabeth J. Perry (eds.), Danwei: The Changing Chinese Workplace in Historical and Comparative Perspective (Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1997). pp. 3-17, pp. 169-194.

Garnaut, Song,and Yao. 2006. “Impact and Significance of State-Owned Enterprise Restructuring in China,” The China Journal, No. 55, January 2006, pp. 35-63.

Lee, Hong Yung. 2000. “Xiagang, the Chinese Style of Laying Off Workers,” Asian Survey 40: 914-937.

Solinger, Dorothy J. "Labour Market Reform and the Plight of the Laid-Off Proletariat," The China Quarterly 170, June 2002, pp. 304-326.

Cai, Yongshun, "The Resistance of Chinese Laid-Off Workers in the Reform Period," The China Quarterly 170, June 2002, pp. 327-344.

(Recommended readings)

Teh-chang Lin, "The reform of state-owned enterprises in mainland China," in Bruce J. Dickson and Chien-min Chao (eds.), Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security.pp. 157-168.

Walder, Andrew G. 1986. Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry. Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press.

You Ji, China's Enterprise Reform. Chapter 2. pp. 12-28

Chan, Anita; Unger, Jonathan, 2009, “A Chinese State Enterprise under the REFORMS: WHAT MODEL OF CAPITALISM?”, China Journal, Jul2009, Issue 62, p1-26.

Anita Chan, "Chinese Enterprise Reform: Convergence with the Japanese Model?" in Barrett L. McCormick and Jonathan Unger (eds.), China after Socialism: In the Footsteps of Eastern Europe or East Asia?(Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1996), pp. 181-202.

Edward S. Steinfeld, Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 27-77

Nolan, P. 1996, “Large firms and industrial reform in former planned economies: the case of China”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 20(1), pp. 1-29.

David Parker and Weihwa Pan, "Reform of the State-Owned Enterprises in China," Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1996), pp. 109-127

Chen, Feng, “Individual Rights and Collective Rights: Labor’s Predicament in China,” Communist and Post-communist Studies 40(2007), pp. 59-79.

劉建軍 著, 『單位中國』(天津: 天津人民出版社, 2000).

Week 8. The Rise of Private Entrepreneurs and the Response of Post-Reform State

Dickson, Bruce J. Red Capitalists in China: The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 1-55, 157-171

Solinger, Dorothy, "The creation of a new underclass in China and its implications," Environment and Urbanization, Vol 18(1): 2006, pp. 177-193.

Bruce J. Dickson, “Integrating Wealth and Power in China: The Communist Party’s Embrace of the Private Sector”, The China Quarterly, December 2007, 192. Pp. 827-854.

Jie Chen and Bruce J. Dickson, “Allies of the State: Democratic Support and Regime Support among China’s Private Entrepreneurs”, The China Quarterly,December 2008, 196. Pp. 780-804.

Jeong, Jong-Ho, forthcoming, “Restructuring Wenzhou Model.”

(Recommended readings)

Margaret M. Pearson, China's New Business Elite: The Political Consequences of Economic Reform (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1997).

Cheng Li, "Diversification of Chinese Entrepreneurs and Cultural Pluralism in the Reform Era," in Shiping Hua (ed.), Chinese Political Culture: 1989-2000 (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2001), pp. 219-245.

Goodman, David. 1999. “The New Middle Class.” in Merle Goldman and Roderick MacFarquhar (eds.), The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), pp. 241-261.

Parris, Kristen. 1999. "The Rise of Private Business Interests," in Merle Goldman and Roderick MacFarquhar (eds.), The Paradox of China's Post-Mao Reforms (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), pp. 262-282.

Thomas B. Gold, "Urban Private Business and China's Reforms," in Richard Baum (ed.), Reform and Reaction in Post-Mao China: The Road to Tiananmen (London and New York: Routledge, 1991), pp. 84-103.

Dorothy J. Solinger, "Urban Entrepreneurs and the State: The Merger of State and Society," in Arthur Lewis Rosenbaum (ed.), State and Society in China: The Consequences of Reform.

Goodman, David. 1996. "The People's Republic of China: The Party-State, Capitalist Revolution and New Entrepreneurs," in Richard Robison and David S. G. Goodman (eds.), The New Rich in Asia: Mobile Phones, McDonalds and Middle-Class Revolution (London: Routledge, 1996), pp. 225-242.

Tomba, Luigi, 2004, "Creating an Urban Middle Class," The China Journal, No. 51, January 2004, pp.1-26.

Health B. Chamberlain, “Civil Society with Chinese Characteristics?” The China Journal, No. 39 (January 1998), pp. 69-81

Gallagher, Mary E. 2004. “The Limit of Civil Society in a Late Leninist State.” Muthia Alagappa(ed.). Civil Society and Political Change in Asia: Expending and Contracting Democratic Space. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. pp. 419-454.

Howell, Jude. 2004. “New Direction in Civil Society: Organizing around Marginalized Interest.” Howell, Jude(ed.). Governance inChina, Lanham: Rowman & Littelfield Publishers. pp. 143-171

Tony Saich, “Negotiating the State: The Development of Social Organizations in China,” The China Quarterly, No. 161 (March 2000), pp. 124-141

Yang, Guobin. 2005. "Environmental NGOs and Institutional Dynamics in China." China Quarterly181(March). pp.46-66.

Bruce J. Dickson, Wealth into Power: The Communist Party’s Embrace of China’s Private Sector (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008).

陸學藝 主編, 2002.『當代中國社會階層硏究報告』 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社.

陸學藝 主編, 2004.『當代中國社會流動』 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社.

李培林, 李强, 孫立平 等著, 2004.『中國社會分層』 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社.

Week 9. Term Paper Outline Presentation

Week 10. Post-Mao Gift Economy

Yang, Mayfair Meihui. 1994. Gifts, Favors, and Banquets. Cornell University Press. pp. 177-208.

Gold, Guthrie, and Wank. 2002. "An Introduction to the study of guanxi.“ in Social Connections in China. pp. 3-20.

Wank, David. 2002. "Business-State Clientelism in China: Decline or Evolution?" in Social Connections in China. pp. 97-115.

Guo, Xuezhi, "Dimensions of Guanxi in Chinese Elite Politics," The China Journal, No. 46 (July 2001), pp. 69-90.

Guthrie, D. (1998), "The Declining Significance of Guanxi in China's Economic Transition," China Quarterly 154: 254-282.

Yang, 2002, “The Resilience of Guanxi and its New Deployments: A Critique of Some New Guanxi Scholarship,”The China Quarterly, pp. 459-476.

(Recommended readings)

Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui. 1989. "The Gift Economy and State Power in China." Comparative Studies in Society and History 31: 25-54.

Yang, M. M. 2000. Putting global capitalism in its place. Current Anthropology 41:477-95.

Wank, David L. Commodifying Communism: Business, Trust, and Politics in a Chinese City (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999)

Yan, Yunxiang. 1996. The Flow of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a Chinese Village. Stanford University Press.

Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui. 1988. "The Modernity of Power in the Chinese Socialist Order." Cultural Anthropology 3: 408-27.

Kipnis, Andrew. 2002. "Practices of guanxi production and practices of ganqing Avoidance." in Social Connections in China. pp. 21-34.

Week 11.Politics of Native-Place Identity

Honig, Emily. 1989. "Pride and Prejudice: Subei People in Contemporary Shanghai." In Unofficial China: Essays in Popular Culture and Thought in the Peoples Republic, eds. by Richard Madsen, Perry Link, Paul Pickowicz (Westview Press), pp. 138-155.

Honig, Emily, 1996. "Regional identity, Labor, and Ethnicity in Contemporary China," in Putting Class in Its Place. pp. 225-243.

Honig, Emily 1996. "Native Place and the Making of Chinese Ethnicity." In Remapping China: Fissures in Historical China. Hershatter, Honig, Lipman, and Stross (eds.), Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 143-155.

Rowe, William. 1984. Hankow: Commerce and Society in a Chinese City, 1796-1889. Stanford: Stanford University Press. pp. 213-251.

Goodman, Bryna. 1995. Native Place, City, and Nation. University Of California Press. Pp. 1-46.