Ms. Reyes

English I

May 1, 2014

Name Research Paper

A research paper may be compared to an ongoing conversation. You are attempting to join in a conversation with another person(s) on a given topic. You find out what s/he has to say through their established research, and then you attempt to contribute to the conversation. The Internet is a wonderful source, but, it’s just that, a source of information where anyone can get lost and waste time; therefore, visit the library (get a library card), and do real-time research. Do not become a slave to the boundless cyber-surf. Research a topic that interests you about your name and then argue your ideas about it. In plain terms, your job is to generate an argument, read about your name, evaluate information about it, and then report what you find in precise and clear writing.

So why do a research paper? By writing a research paper, you will learn about the ethics of research, create effective writing, and produce your own reasoning on a specific topic. You will need to discriminate between valid and invalid sources, and you will organize your thoughts in a paper of substantial length in order to argue an idea for which you have a strong belief. Namely, one that is related to you, as you are writing about your name and what you feel represents you. Do not use sources that are not Therefore, make sure that the sources you use to support your statement are reliable, valid, and consistent with what you are exposing about yourself.


1)four pages minimum and sixpages maximum that includes Works Cited Page ( no cover page)

2)Use primary and secondary sources

3)Minimum of five works cited on Works Cited page

4)MLA manuscript form

5)The focus isa personal analysis and critical evaluation of a subject, supported by research

Schedule of Related Assignments

Due Date / Assignment / Points
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 / Thesis Statementaddressing Name Topic / 15
Friday, May 9, 2014 / Outline / 20
Monday, May 19, 2014 / Works Cited page / 15
Wednesday, May 21, 2014 / First Draft Only / 50
Wednesday, May 11th / Final Draft Due-See Rubric / 100
Total / 200

Note: Class time will be provided to work on your paper. However, you must spend time outside of the classroom to fulfill this requirement.