Senior Pastor Job Description for New Life Community Church

General Description and Accountability

Description: The Senior Pastor is to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to the congregation of New Life Community Church - NLCC, and to lead in broad based evangelism to the surrounding community within Stony Plain and Parkland County. This includes providing spiritual leadership through personal example, preaching/teaching from God’s Word, working as a component part of the Elder Board in establishing and implementing the vision of the church, equipping the congregation for the various works of ministry, and through the shepherding of the people in partnership with the Board, Deacons, and other Ministry Leaders(i.e. Youth, Small Groups).

Accountability: The Senior Pastor reports and is directly accountable to the Elders Board. This position’s accountability includes those supervisory responsibilities of all hired staff and lay leadership roles as determined by the Elders Board.The Senior Pastor’s performance will be evaluated annually,through firstly establishing goals and objectives with direction from the Elders, and then reviewing their accomplishment and progress, in addition to informal, ongoing personal reflection and re-evaluation.

  1. Academic Qualifications, Experience and Other Requirements
  • Professes faith in the work of Jesus Christ for salvation and has a solid personal relationship with Christ.
  • Demonstrates a life submitted to Christ through lifestyle choices, words, and practice.
  • Able to obtain credentials with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada denomination.
  • Proven leadership in an outreach minded, and growing church for at least 5+ years.
  • Holds a valid driver’s license and owns a reliable vehicle.
  1. Elder Leadership Participation

The Senior Pastor is:

  • An inspirer of all with the vision of NLCC foremost in view.
  • The senior “Officer of Spiritual Affairs”, subject to overall Board direction and decision.
  • An effective participant in the overall leadership responsibilities of the NLCC congregation, Elders Board, and any Committees as assigned.


  • Works alongside the Board in the establishment and maintenance of a compelling vision and ministry strategy, and acts as the key implementation champion for the strategic plan of NLCC.
  • In conjunction with the Board Chairman, schedules and participates in the planning and leadership of an Annual Board Retreat to educate, motivate, and support Board member growth and governance in accomplishing the ongoing improvement of NLCC leadership.
  • Will develop an annual ministry plan in cooperation with the Board. Key performance indicators will be reviewed bi-annually and a full performance evaluation will be completed annually with the Board.
  1. Preaching/Worship

The Senior Pastor is:

  • An effective communicator in accurately taking the whole word of God and providing avenues of application that the congregation understands.
  • Someone whose “genuine” spiritual life shows through in their preaching.
  • A Spirit-led, mature believer who speaks from experiencing God’s work in his life.
  • A disciple-maker who leads and inspires others into greater love and commitment to God.
  • An evangelist who speaks the message of Jesus, including those events that are to come.


  • Plan and implement a weekly preaching/teaching schedule that allows attendees to learn the whole truth of God, and to mobilize their daily walk of faith, and become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Able to prepare preaching schedules in advance, and reviews with the Elders quarterly.
  • Meets weekly with the Worship and Music Leader to evaluate and plan all regular and special services.
  • Ensures that worship services are effective regarding content, style, structure and design.
  • Creates regular opportunities for people to respond to the message of Christ through evangelistic messages with the result of growth in the Sunday service.
  1. Spiritual Leadership/Development & Discipleship

The Senior Pastor is:

  • A cooperative, self-confident motivator.
  • An inspirer of all with the vision of the church foremost in view.
  • An effective team builder and coach to bring other disciple-makers alongside until they are able to do the same.
  • Someone committed to developing the congregation to their highest level of spiritual maturity.
  • An individual who is able to equip the saints for ministry within the church and our community.


  • Leads the staff and lay leadership team at NLCC (in cooperation with the Board), including those coordination activities required in other areas.
  • Will create a leadership development process that is implemented across the ministries of the congregation which strategically develops key leaders, next level leaders, and emerging leaders for the discipleship process.
  • Mobilizes and equips key leaders for each of the identified programs and ministries of the church.
  • Provides support/encouragement for Ministry Leaders.
  • Will train or arrange for the training of the congregation through teaching and in workshops, discipleship experiences, mentoring and coaching.
  • Teaches a New Members Class at least once a year that provides a forum to integrate new congregants into an understanding of EMCC/NLCC’s scriptural alignment, preparation for baptism, small group participation and the various ministry opportunities for Christian service within the church and the community.
  1. Congregational Relations/Pastoral Care

The Senior Pastor is:

  • A compassionate and empathetic “shepherd” of NLCC congregants.
  • An effective team builder to bring other “shepherd’s” alongside.
  • A discerning peace maker that engages with NLCC congregants as a “first responder” when conflict arises, or his participation is required to address emergent issues (i.e. untimely death & bereavement).


  • Inspires NLCC congregation to spiritual maturity through personal example, connection to other local and far reaching examples of spiritual maturity, and by acting as a connection to the wider work of God.
  • Provides care for spiritual, emotional and physical needs in partnership with the Elders Board and other lay leaders at NLCC.
  • Administers the Lord’s Supper outside of church services for shut-ins in their homes, etc. as necessary.
  • Proactively identifies problems/challenges and offers creative solutions for resolution (conflict management).
  • Hospital visits as needed to address those that require attention and ongoing spiritual care.
  • Provides minor counseling (supportive listening), and refers those needing more extensive counseling to professionals.
  • Conducts baptisms, funerals, pre-marriage counseling, and *weddings for NLCC congregants as requested

*Note – The pastor is usually paid by the couple for conducting the wedding ceremony.

  1. Outreach/Community Engagement

The Senior Pastor is:

  • A model of Christian interaction within the community that inspires others to search for God’s meaning for their life.
  • A spokesperson for NLCC within the wider community as determined by the Elders Board.


  • Engages the community through involvement in clubs, committees, as a speaker, facilitator, or volunteer, in key community endeavors according to passion, giftedness and interest and as his schedule permits.
  • Equips and mobilizes key leaders and volunteers within the church in the role of evangelism and in the development of strategic outreach ministries and initiatives. (i.e. Alpha)
  • Represent NLCCin community-based, ecumenical events, services, and organizing committees.
  1. Professional Development/Personal Growth

The Senior Pastor is:

  • A life-long learner


  • Devotes time to spiritual, mental, and physical well being through personal exercise, collegial associations, and other beneficial disciplines.
  • Attend courses/workshops to personal/professional growth as appropriate to NLCC role.
  • Attend a small group as a participant, and/or lead a small group within NLCC.