SENEGAL (JOB(02)/99/Add.27 – See G/TBT/W/186, Annex I)

A.What are your top prioritized TBT-related technical assistance, technical cooperation or capacity-building needs? (Please also provide explanation or justification for such needs.)

  1. Build up the technical and human capacity in the organization responsible for applying the provisions of the TBT Agreement, namely, the Senegalese Standardization Association (ASN), to allow it to fulfil its functions as regards implementation and application of the TBT Agreement.
  2. Strengthen the technical capacity in national laboratories, particularly those in the fraud suppression unit of the Department of Commerce, the Food Technology Institute, the Inter-State School of Veterinary Science and Medicine, the Senegalese Agricultural Research Institute, and the University Institute of Technology, so that they are able to give enterprises in the private sector the necessary support as regards analyses and testing, but also regarding observance of technical requirements in importing countries.
  3. Build up the technical capacity of the secretariat of the National Committee for International Trade Negotiations so that it can carry out its work effectively to raise awareness, inform, coordinate and/or supervise the implementation of the TBT Agreement.

B.Where do these needs fit in terms of your overall trade related technical assistance and capacity building needs (i.e. are any of these needs considered to be a priority at the national level, by relevant domestic authorities, agencies and interested parties)?

Satisfying these needs is one of the priorities for the authorities responsible for trade, industry, agriculture and livestock, fisheries and the economy, which are each responsible in their own sphere for ensuring that Senegal becomes successfully integrated in the multilateral trading system and international trade.

C.Have you received assistance in these prioritized areas in the past? If yes, when and by whom?


D.Are you currently receiving any assistance in these prioritized areas? If yes, by whom?


E.Have you approached any donors to assist you in meeting these needs? If yes, when and to whom?

Yes. This year, the French Government decided to provide financial support under its Priority Solidarity Fund (FSP) for the period 2003-2005:

-The Secretariat of the National Committee for International Trade Negotiations;

-The Senegalese Standardization Association;

-The Economic and Trade Unit in Geneva.