1 / 2 / 3 / 4Specific / The goal is general and not clearly tied to an important standard and student learning results. No outcome is identified. / The goal is specific but does not specify a standard or student learning results. An outcome, if present, is vague. The goal applies to some students. / The goal identifies an academic standard. The goal includes a target outcome. The goal applies to the majority of students. / The goal is based on an essential, academic standard. The goal has a clear outcome in terms of student performance. The goal applies to all students.
Measurable / The goal measures teacher behavior and does not focus on student achievement OR the goal mentions student achievement but no measurement is specified. / The goal uses broad measurement points such as district wide scores OR is not specific to the students in the grade or to the standard being assessed. / The goal can be assessed using formative and/or summative measures but does not specify which ones OR when they will be used. / Multiple measures, both summative and formative are used ongoing (in short and long cycles) to monitor progress and make adjustments to instruction.
Attainable / The goal reflects a minimal standard that is too basic to require any change in practice. There is no time frame indicated or if a time frame is present it is so vague as to give no direction to the PLC team. There is no obvious connection between strategies, action steps and the goal. / The goal reflects a standard of student performance that is within the reach of the PLC team, but that may not represent a high standard. The time frame for the goal and strategies/action steps is vague or not reasonable. It is not clear how each of the strategies and action steps are connected to the goal / The goal is realistic AND reflects high standards for student performance that is within reach of the PLC team and students. The goal and strategies/action steps havea reasonable time frame and reference instruction and assessment connected to the goal. / Realistic but SIGNIFICANT improvement will result from working toward the goal. The goal and strategies and action steps havea reasonable time frame and reference targeted instruction, assessment and intervention clearly connected to the goal.
Results - Oriented / A level of performance is not indicated OR activities are listed in that indicated a level of performance that is appropriate for some students. / An expected level of performance is indicated but is not tied to an important content standard. The level of performance is appropriate for somestudents. / An expected level of performance is indicated that is tied to an important content standard, and that represents important learning for most students. / Specific levels of expected performance are indicated that are clearly tied to an important content standard, and that represent important and meaningful learning for all students.
Time Bound / No time frames are given. / Time frames are general and/or not linked to measures, strategies or action steps. / Time frames linked to each measure, strategy and action step. / Time frames are specifically identified AND linked to each measure, strategy and action step.
- Is the goal is based on an essential, academic standard?
- Does the goal have a clear outcome stated in terms of student performance?
- Does the goal apply to all students?
- Do the strategies action steps indicate that multiple measures, both summative and formative will be used regularly (in short and long cycles) to monitor progress and make adjustments to instruction?
- Will significant improvement for all students result from working toward the goal?
- Does the goal and each of thestrategies and action steps havea reasonable time frame?
- Do the strategies and action steps reference targeted instruction, assessment and intervention?
- Are strategies and action steps clearly connected to the goal? In other words, will you be confident that these strategies and actions steps were the cause of meeting or not meeting your goal at the end of your PLC cycle?
- Are specific levels of expected performance indicated that are clearly tied to an important content standard?
- Do these levels of performance represent important and meaningful learning for all students?
- Are time frames specifically identified AND linked to each measure, strategy and action step.