District 55 Council Meeting
November 10, 2012
Fall Conference
Austin, TX
Call to Order and Welcome Message -- The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by District Governor Sharon Brown, DTM.
Inspirational Message – provided by Nadia King, CC, CL.
Reading of District Mission – Read by District Secretary Debi Christensen, ACB, CL.
Certification of Quorum – The Chairman of the Credentials Committee, Immediate Past District Governor Linda Williams, DTM presented the credentials report. There was a quorum with 128 votes, which exceeded the required 122 votes by six votes. The majority was 82 votes, and 2/3 was 108 votes.
Adoption of Agenda – The agenda was unanimously adopted.
Secretary’s Report – A material change made to the September 8, 2012 meeting minutes were approved, changing the title of the agenda from District Council Meeting to District Executive Committee Meeting. No other corrections were made and the minutes stand approved.
Confirmation of Appointed District Officers—DG Sharon Brown, DTM, announced that the assembly had been provided with a list of appointed Area Governors, District Staff and other committee chair appointees. There was no objection to the appointed positions and the appointed Toastmasters were confirmed.
Audit Report – David Fritzlen, ACG, ALB, summarized the Auditor’s Report and recommendations. The Auditor’s Report was unanimously adopted.
Presentation and Approval of the District Budget -- District Treasurer Susan McClure, ACS, ALS, reported on the 2012-2013 Budget for District 55. The District Budget was unanimously adopted.
Treasurer’s Report – District Treasurer Susan McClure, ACS, ALS, presented the Treasurer’s Report. The complete report will be filed on the District 55 website.
Reports by Senior District Officers –
Public Relations Officer -- Mike Johnston ACG, ALB, reported on the Texas Book Fair project and leads obtained there. He also relayed information regarding the Toastmaster website contest and the Toastmaster movie event, Speak.
Lt. Governor Marketing – Crystal Dyer, ACS, ALB, reported on marketing events such as the Open House incentive, which will be offered again January –March 2013; the Gain and Retain; Community Connection (demo meeting); and Get in the Game.
Lt. Governor Education & Training – Bill Greenham, DTM, reported on club officer training. TLIs for January are being scheduled and can be found on the district website. Look for how to help clubs meet their goals through a new incentive, Moments of Truth.
District Governor – Sharon Brown, DTM, announced that the district leadership teams’ goal is to provide support and help clubs and the district succeed.
District Procedures – David Estrada, DTM, PDG, reported on recommendations from the District Executive Committee on amending the District Procedures.
Cindi Tarsi, CC, ALB, recommended material changes of correcting usage (its and it’s) and one typographical error.
The amended procedures were adopted by the committee en grosse. The new procedures will be posted at the District website by end of week.
Unfinished Business and General Orders – There was no unfinished business or general Orders.
New Business – DG Sharon Brown, DTM, announced that the site of the district conference will be rotated and determined two years in advance.
Spring 2013 Division H
Fall 2013 Division M
Spring 2014Divison F
Fall 2014Division K
Announcements -- DG Sharon Brown, DTM,recognized Linda Williams as chair of the nominating committee for officers. Williams explained the procedures for securing officer nominations.
Time and Place of Next District Council Meeting: The
May 4, 2013 - District Council Meeting (District 55 Spring Conference)
Jan 12, 2013 - District Executive Council Meeting (San Marcos)
Adjourn – 4:20p.
(Signed) Debi Christensen, ACB, CL, District 55 Secretary