SEND Support Arrangements


To be used in conjunction with the SEND Support Arrangements Guidance for Education settings

Pupil Name:


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[FIRSTNAME]’s Surrey SEND Support Arrangements

One Page Profile

Date Completed
Completed by

Pupil Name:


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SECTION 2 - [FIRSTNAME]’s SEND Support Arrangements

Provides a space to record all relevant contact information to the child and family. There is also space to record the completion of the original plan and subsequent versions together with details of any supporting information received.

Draft or Final: Draft
Original SEND Support Plan:
Amendment 1:
Amendment 2:
Amendment 3:
Contents / Pages
Section 1
One Page Profile
Section 2
SEN Support Arrangements
Section 3
[FIRSTNAME]’s story
Section 4
[FIRSTNAME]’s special educational needs and other needs
Section 5
SEN Support Arrangements
Section 6
Progress data
Section 7
Section 8
Log of external practitioners involvement
Section 9
Supporting Information
Who else has been included in writing this plan?

Further details

Family Name: / First Name:
Known as:
Date of birth: / Gender:
NHS/NI/ICS/other registration numbers:
Parent/carer names:
Who has parental responsibility?:
LAC status: / LAC refers to Looked After Children
Contact address for child or young person:
Contact addresses for parent/carers:
Telephone: / Mobile:
SEND Case Worker Name and Email
Year group: / -1/ -2/Year R / Placed out of year: / Yes / No
Ethnicity: / First language:
Language used at home: / Religion:
Main communication method:
Language interpretation support needed:
GP Name and contact details:
Current consultant(s) details:
Other practitioners who are/have been involved (Name, email, telephone):
Times that are difficult for me or family to attend appointments:
Barriers that might make it more difficult for me or family to attend appointments:
Other relevant plans:
Other useful information:

School Details

School Name: / School Contact Name:
Address: / Postcode
Email (if any):

Pupil Name:


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Pupils/parents to tell their story from their perspective, how they arrived at this point and what their aspirations are.

[Name]’s story – play, health, schooling, independence, friends and relationships, further education, future plans etc
Firstname’s story – play, health, schooling, independence, friends and relationships, further education, future plans.
Journey so far for child, pre school provision, significant events. Background to diagnosis, difficulties. What is current situation for child and family
Firstname’s family’s story
This could be as above if no more information to add or may include information about family/siblings etc
More information on how to support Firstname’s and his/her family
This section would include what is IMPORTANT FOR child e.g. needs. This would include information in the “How best to support me” in 1 page Profile. Could be medical needs, therapies and how best to help child with this
Firstname’s aspirations
Again child and family aspirations may be the same for an EY child [see section below]. Ask “where do you see ...... in 6 months time?” If someone walked into setting/home in 6 months time what would success look like?
Firstname’s family’s aspirations for him/her
How Firstname’s and his/her family have taken part in this plan
E.g meetings with family, communication records and any input from family or child [consider photos/use of Learning Journey if child non verbal for voice of child

SECTION 4 - [FIRSTNAME]’s special educational needs and other needs Draw together all the assessment information, progress and development using COP four categories

Summary of key strengths and areas of need
Outline brief summary of positives about child and areas of need or impact of diagnosis

Record the following sections in bullet points. Try to use simple, non jargon language. Refer to recent achievements using tools such as Ann Locke profile, development bands from EYFS [and state which band child is currently working in], Early Language assessment tool. Use EY banding document to also give indication of level of support currently needed

The following prompt questions might be helpful

More detailed information:
Add the approximate age range which child is working at in this area.
Communication and Interaction
Prompt questions to consider when completing this section:
·  Do I use words and/or gestures to approach adults to get my needs met?
·  How many words do I use often?
·  If I use gestures only what do I do to get attention or my needs met?
·  Do I use single words, two words together or simple sentences? (give examples)
·  Are my communication and interaction skills age appropriate (refer to Ann Locke, Early language Audit or EYFS Tracker and write the current stage of development)?
·  Is my talk relevant to the situation or do I repeat learnt phrases? ( give examples)
·  Do I give eye contact often/sometimes or never?
·  Do I seek out peers and initiate social interaction? (Either through copying, gesture, eye contact, smiling or laughing and or words).
·  Can I turn take with adults and or peers? Is this in a structured game, how many peers are involved in the activity? Can I use these skills independently?).
Strengths and achievements:
Special Educational Needs:
·  In this section include current targets as identified in assessments or in Individual Support or current Plans. If you have a Speech and Language Report, please indicate levels of difficulty in attention and listening, interaction, play skills, understanding of language, use of language and speech and oro-motor skills.
Cognition and Learning:
Prompt questions to consider when completing this section:
·  What toys and activities am I particularly interested in? Is this a special interest?
·  How long do I concentrate for on an activity? (self-chosen and/or adult directed)
·  Am I flitter and find it hard to attend to anything for any length of time?
·  How do I participate in group activities and adult led activities?
·  Do I access all of the curriculum and am I willing to have a go?
·  Are there some areas of the nursery or activities that I never participate in?
·  Do I play repetitively or can I use experiences to extend my play?
·  If I am in the home corner and with small world play toys how do I play imaginatively, am I able to recreate previous experiences?
·  Is my play age appropriate? (Consider do I mouth objects, is my play mostly movement based or cause and effect. Is there a pattern to my play).
Strengths and achievements:
Special Educational Needs:
In this section include current targets as identified in assessments or in Individual Support or current Plans
Social, Emotional and Mental Health:
Prompt questions to consider when completing this section:
·  How do I feel about coming to nursery?
·  Describe how I leave my parents in the morning?
·  What support do I need to transition into nursery each session?
·  Do I enjoy going out and about at home with parents (soft play, swimming etc.)?
·  Is there anything going on in my home life that could affect my emotional wellbeing or my ability to learn? (New baby, new home, divorce, bereavement?).
·  Do struggle with some aspects of my home life, (transitions, going shopping, being left with relatives).
·  Do I prefer to play alone? Is this age appropriate?
·  Do I give appropriate eye contact and use gesture and or words with peers?
·  Do I seek out familiar adults for comfort or as a play mate, or do I only seek out adults to get my needs met or request something?
·  Do I have a comfort object or safe place that I like to use in nursery? (How do I use this?)
·  How do I join in others play? (Do I always follow others instruction or can I lead and influence others in play? Am I happy to accept other children’s ideas in play?).
·  Do I have a few children who I always seek out and play with?
·  I am happy to share my play space with other children? Can I share resources? (Is this age appropriate?).
·  Am I aware and can follow everyday routines? How do I deal with changes to my routine?
·  Do I adhere boundaries? (Do you have any concerns about the child’s behaviour?).
·  Do I understand when other people are upset?
Strengths and achievements:
Special Educational Needs:
·  In this section include current targets as identified in assessments or in Individual Support or current Plans
Sensory and Physical:
Prompt questions to consider when completing this section:
·  Can I dress myself independently or am I starting to help the adults dress me?
·  I am still in nappies, I am I starting to indicate if I am doing a wee or poo? Do I move my bowels regularly?
·  Can I feed myself or do I need adult help? Am I using a fork and spoon? Can I drink from an open cup?
·  Can I wash my own hands independently or do I need visuals, individual verbal instruction or hand over hand support?
·  Do I let you know if I am thirsty or hungry? Do I eat and drink enough food during the day?
·  Am I fussy eater? Do I eat a varied diet or do I need to eat the same foods all the time? What are these foods?
·  Am I sensitive to sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch? What do I do when this happens? Am I a healthy child? Or do I suffer with recurrent illnesses? Constant runny noses?
·  Are there any indications that I may need a hearing test or may need my vision testing? Or have I had one and what was the outcome?
·  Do I have enough sleep every night? What is my bedtime routine?
·  Am I on any medications that could affect my ability to learn?
·  Are my fine motor skills age appropriate? (Comment on the child’s ability or interest in threading, mark making, using puzzles, peg boards, playdough, posting toys, Can pick up small objects using a pincer grip, pouring, zips, bricks etc).
·  Are my gross motor skills age appropriate, (Comment on the child’s ability to crawl, sit, walk, run, jump, climb, ride a wheeled toy, walk up steps, throw, kick and catch a ball. Am I unduly clumsy?).
·  Strengths and achievements:
Special Educational Needs:
·  In this section include current targets as identified in assessments or in Individual Support or current Plans. If you have a Occupational Therapy Report, please indicate levels of difficulty.
Summary of other needs
Prompt questions:
1.  Are there any concerns outside of school which impact on your child’s learning and well-being and/or make it more difficult for you to help your child e.g. housing, finance, family support networks.
2.  Is there anything else you feel it is important for us to know about your child’s learning and behaviour at home?
3.  Is there any support you feel would help you as a parent/carer in supporting your child/family?
The above screening questions will help with indicating if there are additional factors impacting on the CYP’s progress and development then an Early Help Assessment may need to be completed or updated if one already exists.
Early Help Assessment Considered but not necessary / Date of Decision:
Early Help Assessment Completed / Date of Decision:
NB. If the child or young person is 18 or over these questions should be directed to the young person rather than the parent/carer unless the parent/carer advocacy for the young person or the young person has requested input from the parent/carer.

Pupil Name:


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SECTION 5 – SEN Support Arrangements Plan An outcome can be defined as the benefit or difference made to an individual as a result of an intervention. It should be personal and not expressed from a service perspective. Record the person centred outcome and actions, resources needed to achieve these. Attach Individual Support Plan here or complete this section

Start date: Pupil name: Plan number:

[Please extend boxes / add additional outcomes as necessary]

Must link with special educational need evidences in Section 4 / Arrangements in place / Review Date / Progress Review
What has gone well? / Barriers to further progress
Must link with special educational need evidences in Section 4 / Arrangements in place / Review Date / Progress Review
What has gone well? / Barriers to further progress
Must link with special educational need evidences in Section 4 / Arrangements in place / Review Date / Progress Review
What has gone well? / Barriers to further progress
Must link with special educational need evidences in Section 4 / Arrangements in place / Review Date / Progress Review
What has gone well? / Barriers to further progress

Pupil Name:


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SECTION 6 – [FIRSTNAME]’s Progress Data The setting should provide information on the pupil progress. Evidence may take the form of developmental checklists, professional assessments or standardised or curriculum assessments. This should supplement the progress information the CYP has made towards the outcomes noted in Section 5

Data attached (please state below) e.g Include Anne Locke profile, Early Language tool, EYFS tracker or obs

Progress tracker (to include EYFS/National Curriculum levels) / Yes / No
Standardised assessments / Yes / No
Other, please specify: / Yes / No

SECTION 7 - Resources

Date / Attached (YES/NO)
Costed provision map 1 / NA / Yes / No
Costed provision map 2 / Yes / No


Date / Attached (YES/NO)
Schedule 2 IPA / NA / Yes / No

OR This is where early years provision need to record information.

Date of receipt / Costed provision map attached (YES/NO)
Early Years Inclusion Grant / Outline amount received and use of funding / Include no of hours received and outline use of funding in ISP
Discretionary funding / See attached ISP and dates for funding received / Include no of hours received and outline use of funding in ISP

SECTION 8 - Log of external practitioner’s involvement

Team/service and name / Date of involvement / Report in supporting information B (Yes/ no)
List outside professionals involved / Submit if possible or say report to follow with address so that EHCP/SEN team can follow up

SECTION 9 - Supporting information

Please enter any supporting information below

Pupil Name:


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