Send original application to:
Indiana PTA
6901 E. 10th Street, Suite E
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Fax: 317.357.3580
Submissions may be e-mailed to:
(Make a copy for your records.)
Application deadline (postmarked, hand delivered, faxed or e-mailed): February 1, 2017
Name ofCouncil(as you would like it to appear on awards) City
CountyRegionNumber of Units
Council President’s Printed NameCouncil President’s Signature
Describe your most successful program(s).
- Submitan essay on one sheet of 8 ½ x 11”plain white paper,typed, single-sided, double-spaced, with 1” margins.
- Council name must be typed at the top of the page.
**Bright Ideas will be printed in a booklet and distributed at the Indiana PTA convention.
Indiana PTA will recognize units and councils that take the time to have a website or webpage to inform its members of PTA happenings, along with other important information for their unit.
Criteria for judging.
- Displays the correct PTA logo
- Shares other knowledge the parents need to know
- Keep site updated regularly, at least once a month
- Visually appealing, interesting content, fun games
for students and/or other interesting extras
Website Address: ______
Webmaster Name: ______
Indiana PTA will recognize units and councils that take the time to have a social media presence to inform its members of PTA happenings, along with other important information for their unit.
Criteria for judging.
- Innovative use of Social Media
- Provides school/PTA information
- Promotes school/PTA programs and events
- Encourages volunteer participation
Platform: Facebook Twitter PinterestOther
Page Name:
Web Link to Social Media Page:
Social Media Administrator:
The Indiana PTA will recognize those who give their time, talent and effort to share the PTA story with not only other PTA members, but also the public. A Journalism Award will be presented to the winners. Each and every unit and council that publishes a newsletter publicizing PTA activities throughout the year is eligible. Please notate and attach 2 different editions of your newsletter to this awards application.
Criteria for judging:
- The overall design is appealing.
- Unit or council is clearly identified.
- Correct PTA logo is displayed in the newsletter.
- Easy to read for both parents and students.
- Promotes advocacy (i.e. legislative alerts and
other advocacy tools).
Newsletter Name: ______
Date of 1st Newsletter Submission (required) ______(copy to be attached)
Date of 2nd Newsletter Submission (required) ______(copy to be attached)
Newsletter Editor Name: ______
All 4 items must be completed to obtain the “Certificate of Merit”. Place a checkmark beside each goal attained. The starred (*) items will be verified with records in the Indiana PTA office.
*____1. Council bylaws reviewed and submitted to state for approval within the last three (3) years. Date
approved by state______.
____2. Budget prepared according to PTA policies and submitted to the membership for adoption. (Budget
and Finance Policies are found in the National PTA Annual Resources.)
*____3. Treasurer’s books audited each year. Annual audited financial report sent to the Indiana PTA office
(Internal Revenue Service requirement). Form NP-20 (In. Dept. of Revenue) and form 990 (IRS
requirement) filed.
*____4. At least one member of your Council attended a PTA sponsored leadership opportunity during the
current school year (i.e. convention, region leadership conference, packet meeting, etc.) if one is held.
(YoumayNOT count a member of the State Board of Managers unless the council pays the
registration fee).Allattendees’ names and PTA units should be listed on the registration form
and sign-in sheet.
After attaining the “Certificate of Merit”, a Council should strive toward a “Certificate of Excellence!” To be eligible you must take part in 9 of the following 16 activities of which numbers 4 and 16are required. Place a check beside each activity in which you participated. The starred (*) items will be verified with records in the Indiana PTA office. Items with the pound sign (#) are required. (Each item checked off the list will be awarded one point towards outstanding council award.)
*______1. Presented State or National Life Achievement Award during the year.
Presentation Date:______. Recipient was:______.
______2. Observed Founder’s Day and/or sent contribution to the Indiana PTA office.
*______3. Attended Indiana PTA Legislative Conference.(You may NOT count a member of the State
Board of Managers unless conference fee is paid by the Council.)
#*_____4. Participated in State or National PTA legislative activities. Contacted legislators by:_____ Letter
____Phone_____ Petition _____Email(Only ONE piece of documentation required please)
______5. Encouraged local units to participate in State and Federal PTA legislative activities.
______6. Council represented at school board meetings (provide copy of one meeting agenda).
______7. Encouraged local units to attend school board meetings.
*___ _ 8. At least one member of your Council attended an Indiana PTA convention in the past three
years as a registered delegate.(You may NOT counta member of the State Board of
_____9. Prepared and passed out procedure books.
_____10. Encouraged local unit attendance at State convention, region conferences, and other
informational workshops.
*_____11. Council submitted a resolution to the Indiana PTA.
_____12. Communicated with member units. (Check all that apply):
_____Meetings _____Newsletter _____Telephone _____Directories/Handbooks
_____Other (Explain) ______
_____13. Communicated with the community. (including school staff, school board,
town officials, and other groups)? (Check all that apply):
____Newsletters ____Press Releases _____Other (Explain) ______
_____14. Promoted the following programs (Check all that apply):
____Safety(fire, bus, home, bicycle, etc.)____Citizenship ____Reflections ____Bullying
____Child Abuse ____Teacher Appreciation ____Youth Suicide ____Health Issues
____Drug and Alcohol Awareness ____Recycling/Environment ____Other (Explain)
______15. At least one member of yourCouncil attended a National PTA convention as a registered delegate
inthe past three years. (You may NOT count a member of the State Board of Managers unless
the Council pays the registration fee.)
#*_____16. At least one member of your council attended a Region training hosted by Indiana PTA this year.
(Attendees must sign in for your council to receive credit.)
_____All necessary criteria was met for “Certificate of Merit”.
_____At least 9 activities, including #4 and 16 were checked to achieve the “Certificate of Excellence” (photocopies included).
_____Staple application and all loose materials together when submitted by mail or hand-delivered.
_____Submit to Indiana PTA by February 1, 2017.
_____Application packets may be mailed, hand delivered, faxed or e-mailed.