Supplement 1: The most commonly used DDI screening electronic databases
Database / PropertiesMicromedexDrugReax®
( / Electronic system which provides the information for interacting drug pairs with severity rating and referenced literature. For each potentially interacting combination it provides information on clinical outcomes or adverse reactions and latency period as well as possible mechanism. The provided information is drug-specific rather than class-specific. The program classifies the potential DDIs into 4 categories: »contraindicated«, »major«, »moderate« and »minor«. The grade of documentation gives information about the quality of the available data and ranges from »excellent« to »unlikely«. [12–14]
Drug Interaction Facts®
( / The software classifies DDIs by the level of severity and the level of scientific evidence. Potential DDIs were classified as »major«, »moderate« and »minor« according to the clinical outcomes. The level of scientific evidence of a potential DDI was classified on a five-point documentation scale, meaning potential DDI was supported by well-controlled human studies in level 1 to level 5 where documentation of potential DDI is poor or only theoretical. [29]
( / Software classifies potential DDIs into 5 categories from A to X where A represents »no known interaction«, B »no action needed«, C »monitor therapy«, D »consider therapy modification«and X »avoid combination or contraindication«. All the information is supported by referenced literature and its level of scientific evidence. The software provides the clinical outcome of the potential DDI and the management. [3,31]
( / The drug interaction program originates from the “ABDADatenbank”
published by the “BundesvereinigungDeutscherApothekerverbände” (Federal Organization of the German Pharmacist Associations). For each interacting drug combination, Pharmavista provides information on the possible ADR, the clinical management and the mechanism of the pDDI, and provides literature references regarding the pDDI.
The program classifies severities of pDDIs into five categories: major, moderate, minor, insignificant, and unidentified source. [3,33]
Epocrates Rx®
( / A freely available online medical decision support tool which screens for potential DDIs and classifies them according to mechanism as pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic or unknown. Potential DDIs are classified into categories by management strategy as »contra-indicated«, »avoid combination/use alternative«, »modify treatment/monitor« and »caution«. [34]
MediQ / Electronic database which features detailed comments on more than 20000 drug interactions involving about 2000 specific substances. It classifies the potential DDIs according to severity into 4 categories. It also provides free texts for each DDI and phamacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects. [35]
Drug Interaction Checker
( / The software is available on internet and provides classification according to severity of potential DDIs into 3 categories: major, moderate and minor. [36]