Teacher_Mr. Madden______Date: _11/12/10______
Class:____ICT II______Period: _W2____#Min__95_____
Outcomes: ( what will your students be able to know and do before the end of class)Students will be able to define AutoFilter, and be able to demonstrate how to correctly post a blog, password protect a worksheet, and connect to a pbworks wiki account with a minimum 80% accuracy.
9-12.NC.2.1-Analyze technology systems to make informed choices.
9-12.NC.3.2-Integrate technology into school, home, and community.
9-12.CP.2.1-Adapt delivery of communication based on available information technologies.
9-12.CT.3.2-Organize and manage personal/professional information using technology tools.
Student Needs- Student Centered:
Internet-Blogger, pbworks
Assessment Plan:( written – oral - project – role play – hands on) How will you concretely KNOW that your students have mastered the objective?
GroupMe will be used as assessment tool for students to define AutoFilter.
Assessment of the blog will be done by having students post thoughts on their blogger account and the teacher reading those submissions.
The students will password protect their Loan Calculator and upload to WebCT.
Creation of wiki account will be shown to teacher and necessary for notes for test.
- Send GroupMe question
- Show Web 2.0 video
- Assign blog
- Discuss password protection
- Allow time to finish lab
- Create wiki accounts
- Close by answering GroupMe question then asking who has not uploaded files to WebCT
Checking back/Bringing forward ?
How does this relate to what students have done before? /
- Prior to bell ringing, send GroupMe text: The query technique that uses the column heading arrows is called _____?
Anticipatory Set/ Opening
Future? Past?Interest? Organizer?
How will you focus, prepare, and engage the students for the lesson objective? /
- After announcements play “Introducing Web 2.0” on teachertube.com
Key Points:
What are key ideas or steps you will emphasize in your lesson?
/- Know what AutoFilter is
- Able to use RSS and blog about it
- Be able to password protect worksheet
- Create wiki account
Teaching :Input
Instructional strategies?
Student role???
Teacher Role???
Teaching: Modeling
Student role???
Teacher Role???
Teaching: Checking for Understanding
Confirm? Re-teach?
Student role???
Teacher Role??? /
- Assign students to pick an article from their RSS (Google Reader) to write about. The article must be approved by you prior to blogging about it. When they’ve found an article they want, have them raise hand and you will go over to approve. Make sure it is a full article and not just a couple of short paragraphs. The instructions are listed on the blog at
- Ask students if they think they’ve put quite a bit of work into their Silver Photography sheet? Ask them how they’d like it if you had them make it available to other students who could then make whatever changes they wanted, and then submit it for grading? Ask them if they’d feel more comfortable if they could password protect the worksheet first? Go to page EX313 and pick a student to read the top part of the Protecting the Worksheet. Demonstrate how to password protect the worksheet as shown in the book using the Loan Calculator spreadsheet I emailed to you. Then assign students to perform the activity to their Loan Calculator as shown in text. Have them enter a password so it is password protected even though the book doesn’t have them do this step. Let them know this will need to be done for their test. Check for understanding by calling on either Jamey or Kirsten to repeat back the instructions for the activity.
- Allow students to finish working on their chapter 5 assignment and remind them they need to upload both the xlsx file and csv file to WebCT to receive full credit.
- Let students know we are going to be taking notes in a different format for chapters 4 & 5. Go to to show them the wiki we will be using. Show them the Excel Unit Notes page they will be using. Demonstrate how to “edit” by adding some information to this page. Let them know we have invited each of them via the email they provided for us for their Google accounts. Instruct them to check their email for this invitation and to confirm receipt of invitation by following instructions within email. Instruct them to go to previously listed website to familiarize themselves with it. Check for understanding by calling on either Bree or Alex to repeat the instructions back to you.
5 / Internet, Blogger
Guided Practice/
Recheck? Monitor?
Checking for Understanding?
In what ways will your learners attempt to explain or demonstrate what you have taught?? /
- Teacher will walk room while students read RSS article and blog about it answering questions and providing guidance and assistance as needed
- Walk room while students password protect Loan Calculator worksheet answering questions and providing guidance and assistance as needed.
- Walk room while students work on finishing chapter 5 answering questions and providing guidance and assistance as needed.
- If students finish early, they may go back to chapter 4 and create data and amortization tables that we didn’t originally do.
- Provide assistance as students confirm their email invitations for the note taking wiki.
10 / Internet, Blogger
Wrap up? Summarize?
Decisions? Setting the stage for next steps? Evaluation?
Remember to create an opportunity for the student to close their thinking. /
- Call on student to answer GroupMe question and then briefly review AutoFilter on pages EX380-EX381.
- Ask for display of hands for anyone that has not uploaded two files for Excel chapter 5 to WebCT.
- Remind students we will begin note taking for chapters 4 & 5 on Tuesday.
Independent Practice
( homework?)
Rationale? /
- Remind students if they aren’t finished with chapter 5 assignment, they will need to come in outside of class to finish as it is past due if not done today.
What went well? What are some ways to adjust?