English 10 –Roots Word List #8: Common Latin Verbs A-D


  1. act, agdo, act, driveagileactive


  1. amiloveamiablegood-natured (lov able)


  1. arbitjudgearbitratejudge between


  1. audhearaudibleable to be heard


  1. can, cant, singcantorsinger


  1. cap, capt,take, receivecapture take by force

cip, cept______

  1. ced, cess,go, yield, surrenderproceedgo forward

cede, ceedrecedego back


  1. cern, certperceive, separatediscernrecognize as separate


  1. cis,cidkill, cutsuicidekill ing oneself


  1. clam, claimcry out, shoutexclaimcry out


  1. clud, claus,shut, closesecludedshut away


  1. cognknowrecognizeknow by some detail


  1. col, culttill, inhabitagriculturetill ing the fields


  1. credbelievecrediblebeliev able


  1. curr, cursrunincursionrun ning in, invasion


  1. da, dat, dongivedonationgift


  1. dic, dictsaydictatesay aloud


  1. docteachdoctrineteach ing


  1. dormsleepdormantsleep ing, inactive


  1. duc, ductleadabductlead away, kidnap


English 10 –Roots Word List #9: Common Latin Verbs E-M


  1. errwandererrantwander ing


  1. fac,fec,fic,fydo make magnifymake large

factoryplace where things are made


  1. fer, latcarryrefercarry back

translatecarry across


  1. flect, flex bendflexibleeasily bent


  1. flu, fluxflowfluidsomething that flows


  1. fract, fragbreakfracturebreak

frang, fring______fragment broken piece


  1. fugfleefugitiveone who


  1. fund, fuspourinfusionpour ing in


  1. gencause, bear, producecongentialborn with


  1. ger, gestcarrybelligerantone who carries war toanother


  1. grad, gressstep, walkprogressa walk forward


  1. Jud, jus, jurjudge, lawprejudicea judging in advance


  1. junctjoinjunctiona joining


  1. logum locutspeak, talkloquacioustalkative


  1. mand entrust, commandmandatea land entrusted to another


  1. mit, misssendtransmitsend across


  1. mon, monitwarnadmonitionmildwarning


  1. mov, mot,mob movemotorsomething that moves


  1. mutchangemutablechange able
