English 10 –Roots Word List #8: Common Latin Verbs A-D
- act, agdo, act, driveagileactive
- amiloveamiablegood-natured (lov able)
- arbitjudgearbitratejudge between
- audhearaudibleable to be heard
- can, cant, singcantorsinger
- cap, capt,take, receivecapture take by force
cip, cept______
- ced, cess,go, yield, surrenderproceedgo forward
cede, ceedrecedego back
- cern, certperceive, separatediscernrecognize as separate
- cis,cidkill, cutsuicidekill ing oneself
- clam, claimcry out, shoutexclaimcry out
- clud, claus,shut, closesecludedshut away
- cognknowrecognizeknow by some detail
- col, culttill, inhabitagriculturetill ing the fields
- credbelievecrediblebeliev able
- curr, cursrunincursionrun ning in, invasion
- da, dat, dongivedonationgift
- dic, dictsaydictatesay aloud
- docteachdoctrineteach ing
- dormsleepdormantsleep ing, inactive
- duc, ductleadabductlead away, kidnap
English 10 –Roots Word List #9: Common Latin Verbs E-M
- errwandererrantwander ing
- fac,fec,fic,fydo make magnifymake large
factoryplace where things are made
- fer, latcarryrefercarry back
translatecarry across
- flect, flex bendflexibleeasily bent
- flu, fluxflowfluidsomething that flows
- fract, fragbreakfracturebreak
frang, fring______fragment broken piece
- fugfleefugitiveone who
- fund, fuspourinfusionpour ing in
- gencause, bear, producecongentialborn with
- ger, gestcarrybelligerantone who carries war toanother
- grad, gressstep, walkprogressa walk forward
- Jud, jus, jurjudge, lawprejudicea judging in advance
- junctjoinjunctiona joining
- logum locutspeak, talkloquacioustalkative
- mand entrust, commandmandatea land entrusted to another
- mit, misssendtransmitsend across
- mon, monitwarnadmonitionmildwarning
- mov, mot,mob movemotorsomething that moves
- mutchangemutablechange able