Send all materials to:

Much Ado About Shakespeare!

Summer Workshop

Trinity Valley School

7500 Dutch Branch Road

Fort Worth, TX 76132

All applicants must provide a current photograph or snapshot.

Please print or type:


Address, City, Zip Code______

Email Address (to expedite communication concerning acceptance) ______

Telephone number(s) personal cell (we text for everything!) ______

home -______

Date of Birth _____/_____/______Gender: ____Male ____Female

Name of Parent or Guardian (students under 18) ______

School ______Grade in 2012-2013 ______

List theater productions in which you have participated during the last two years:

Play Location Part or Tech responsibility

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

References: For students who do not attend, nor have graduated from Trinity

Valley School, nor have participated in Much Ado About Shakespeare!: Please include two (2) references from a non-family member. Include one reference from a drama, music or English teacher. References must accompany the application or be brought to the audition.

Auditions will be held in the Stephen Seleny Theater at Trinity Valley School from 1:00PM to 5:00PM on Friday, June 1, 2012.

You must call or email for an audition time. Each applicant must prepare a minimum 16 -20 line Shakespearean monologue to perform at the audition and will be asked to read from As You Like It. Callbacks will take place on Saturday, June 2, 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Also at the auditions, you will be given a copy of the script. Parts will be

announced via email, text, and phone. Everyone attending Much Ado About Shakespeare! Summer Workshop will have a part in the play. Classes and rehearsals begin on June 11, 2012 at 12:00PM.

Internship applications are due by May 18, 2012. – If you are a graduating senior or a

student who has completed at least one year of college, you may apply for a paid

internship to participate in the workshop and production. Awards will include the cost of

the workshop, plus a stipend. Those interested in an internship should complete the

workshop application and include a resume detailing academic and theatrical

experiences, as well as a letter explaining the applicant’s interest in the program.

Experience in theater outside of school is not required. You may contact us at the


Don or Anna Carlson

Trinity Valley School

7500 Dutch Branch Road

Fort Worth, Texas 76132


Each student and his or her parent must read the following and sign below.

If accepted to the Much Ado About Shakespeare! Summer Workshop at Trinity Valley

School, I understand:

1. The total cost of the three-week workshop is $350. I am required to pay $175 at

audition time and the remaining balance on the first day of the workshop.

The $175 deposit is nonrefundable. Please make all checks payable to Trinity

Valley School.

2. While attending the Much Ado About Shakespeare! Summer Workshop I

understand that I am under the authority of Trinity Valley School and will

conduct myself accordingly. I understand that the use of illegal drugs and any

alcoholic beverage will result in my immediate dismissal with no refund.

3. My attendance at the Workshop is my own responsibility; if I am absent or late to

class or rehearsal, there will be no opportunity for extra tutoring.


Signature of Applicant Date


Signature of Parent (students under 18) Date

Summer 2012