CAUL Meeting 2001/2

University of Queensland, St Lucia

Senate Room, Level 5, Brian Wilson Chancellery

13-14 September, 2001


446.  Introduction & Welcome.

447.  Attendance & Apologies.
Guests: Dr David Woodhouse, Executive Director, Australian Universities Quality Agency; Tom Cochrane, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Information Services), QUT; Professor Jim Hann, Executive Director Information Services, SCU; Judy Peacock, QUT
Expected to attend:
Gulcin Cribb (Bond University)
Delegates for CAUL members: Linda Luther (for Alan Bundy, University of South Australia); Penny Carnaby (for Neil McLean, Macquarie University); Alan Brady (for Gerry Anderson, University of Ballarat); Lionel Robson (for Andrew Wells, University of New South Wales)
From CAUDIT: Nick Tate (UQ), Ian Hunter (CAUDIT)
From CONZUL: Sue Pharo (Waikato), Alan Smith (VUW)
Apologies: Alan Bundy, Gerry Anderson, Andrew Wells

448.  Minutes of previous meeting, CAUL 2001/1 Bathurst 5-6 March 2001. (Paper appended)

a)  Minutes of Executive Meeting, 22 August 2001, Sydney. (Paper appended)

449.  Business arising from previous meetings, not otherwise listed on the agenda.

450.  Arrangement of the agenda. Items will be starred for discussion. For those items not starred, all items for noting will be considered noted, and all recommendations will be considered approved.


451.  CAUL. Papers by Helen Hayes and John Shipp reflect on the CAUL's nature, operation and cooperation. Members will discuss the papers and other pertinent issues in break-out groups before returning for summary, discussion and consideration of recommendations. (Papers appended – 2)

Information Resources.

452.  CAUL Electronic Information Resources Committee (CEIRC) Vic Elliott will report. (Paper appended)

a)  National Site Licence. The AVCC meeting on 3 September considered a proposal from Reed Elsevier for a National Site Licence for Australian universities and the CSIRO.

453.  University Library Australia: the National Borrowing Scheme. Alison Ransome. (Paper appended)

454.  Research Resources Australia: the Cooperative National Store. Ray Choate

455.  Australian Research Library Network (ARLIN). Earle Gow (Paper appended)
(1) that CAUL support the bid for Systemic Infrastructure Funding in any way it can
(2) that CAUL continue to promote the development of ARLIN as part of the national information infrastructure

456.  Australian Digital Theses Program. A special session to focus on policy and practice will be held on Friday 14 September from 8am to 9am.

457.  Authentication.

a)  The Authentication Project (CAUL/CAUDIT). Vic Elliott

458.  Libraries' Role in Teaching & Learning. Participants at the workshop on 13th September may wish to make recommendations to CAUL. Sue McKnight

459.  COLIS (Collaborative Online Learning And Information Services) Project. Penny Carnaby (Papers appended – 2)

Scholarly Communication.

460.  Scholarly Communication. Colin Steele

461.  International Forum on Scholarly Communication (IFSC). Alan Smith, Earle Gow will report on this group comprising ARL, CURL, CARL, CAUL and CONZUL.

462.  Australian Research in Progress. Investigate the feasibility of a web-based database of “Australian Research in Progress” Doreen Parker reports on Research Finder (Papers appended – 3)

(1) That CAUL take no action at this stage to suggest new initiatives given the DISR activity in developing Research Finder (see attached document)

(2) That CAUL continue to participate in the development of Research Finder’s classification scheme and other aspects as appropriate

(3) That CAUL create, or encourage the creation of, links between library/information systems and resources and Research Finder (e.g. the ARLIN portal, the Australian Digital Theses Project, the proposed pre/post print repository)

Best Practice.

463.  Australian Universities Quality Agency. Dr David Woodhouse will join the meeting at 2.30pm Friday.

464.  Information Literacy Benchmarks. Gaynor Austen & Judy Peacock (QUT) (Papers appended – 2)
Recommendation: that CAUL consider referring to the Australian/New Zealand Institute of Information Literacy the project described in the attached proposal.

465.  CAUL Performance Indicators.

a)  Client Satisfaction Survey (Rodski). Diane Costello (Paper appended)

b)  Performance Indicator Web Site. Diane Costello (Paper appended)

c)  Information Literacy Assessment Research Project. Margaret Appleton (Paper appended)

d)  New Performance Indicators – Survey. Derek Whitehead

466.  Statistics. Ainslie Dewe.

Advocacy, Marketing, Communication.

467.  Copyright. Eve Woodberry (Paper appended)

a)  Australian Libraries Copyright Committee. Tom Cochrane, Eve Woodberry
Recommendation: It is recommended that CAUL continue to support the position of Copyright Adviser using the current model of a per institution contribution in 2002.

468.  Government Legislation, Reports & Inquiries.

a)  Senate Inquiry. The capacity of public universities to meet Australia’s higher education needs.

b)  Privacy Act & Guidelines. Doreen Parker (Paper appended)

c)  Copyright Law Review Committee. Relationship between copyright and contract law. Eve Woodberry, Tom Cochrane (Paper appended)

469.  Relationships with Other Organisations.

a)  ACTUAL, QULOC (Paper appended), UNISON, CAVAL (Paper appended), UniLibraries SA, WAGUL (Paper appended), Go8, Go5, LATN

b)  CONZUL. Sue Pharo

c)  CARL-ABRC. Joint meeting Ottawa, 12-13 October, 2001 following study tour from 1 October.

d)  ARL. CAUL members are invited to attend the ARL meeting in Washington DC 14-16 October, 2001. ARL has inquired about collaboration with them re the Online Lyceum.

e)  AVCC.

i)  SCIP. Helen Hayes

(1)  Working Party 1 : National Digital Information Resource

(2)  Working Party 2 : Pilot Program pre/post Print Repository

f)  Australian Research Council.

i)  ARC RIEFP – Proposals for 2001. Ray Choate

g)  National Library of Australia.

i)  Kinetica. Doreen Parker reports on Kinetica and the Kinetica Advisory Group meeting. (Papers appended – 2)
Recommendations: that CAUL
(1) Continue to support the National Library of Australia’s provision of the National Bibliographic Database and to provide input to the options for its future development
(2) Develop and implement strategies in conjunction with the National Library of Australia for the development of an electronic National Bibliographic Database

ii)  Australian Library Collections Taskforce. Janine Schmidt, Liz Curach

iii)  National Resource Sharing Working Group. Liz Curach

h)  ALIA. ALIA would like input from CAUL members on a project to address education for librarianship, especially from the employer's perspective. (Papers appended – 2)

i)  NCODE-FLA. Sue McKnight. (Paper appended)

470.  CAUL Meeting 2002/1, Perth, 8-9 April 2002. Prof Hennie Viljoen, Senior Director, Library Services University of Stellenbosch, will attend. Discussions have begun with JULAC, the Hong Kong university librarians, regarding their possible attendance.

471.  CAUL Meeting 2002/2, Dunedin, NZ, 12-13 September 2002.

472.  CAUL Finances. Members are asked to consider priorities for expenditure for 2002, and to consider whether additional funds would be required.

473.  Executive Officer’s Report.

474.  Other business.

a)  Digital Continuity Forum. Derek Whitehead.


CAUL Meeting Schedule

11-14 September 2001 /
9am – 5.30pm /

QULOC Ebook seminar

/ Conference Room, Level 1, Duhig Building, UQ
12noon-5pm /

CEIRC committee meeting

/ QUT Room M627, next to Library Secretariat (building next to Library)
7pm /

Light meal @ Janine Schmidt's RSVP

/ 119/32 Macrossan Street
8am-10am /

LATN meeting

am /

Library tours RSVP

/ QUT or Griffith University ***
2pm-5pm /

Workshop - The Library’s Role in Teaching and Learning * RSVP

/ Researchers Centre Lecture Theatre and meeting rooms, 7th floor, Gardens Point Library, QUT
5pm /

Meeting of PVC ("information")** convened by Tom Cochrane

/ "
6.30pm for 7.00pm /


CAUL dinner RSVP / Two: A Restaurant A Wine Bar, Edward St (cnr Alice St) Brisbane Ph 3210 0600 guests: David Woodhouse, AUQA
FRIDAY / / Brian Wilson Chancellery, University of Queensland
8am / ADT Meeting / Room 563, Level 5
9am / CAUL meeting opened by Professor John Hay, Vice-Chancellor / Senate Room, Level 5
9.15 – 12 noon /

"CAUL, the National Site Licence and relationships with other organisations"

Morning tea

CAUL business

12 – 1pm /


/ Library Conference
Room, Level 1, Duhig Building
1.00 – 2.30pm /

CAUL business

/ Senate Room

Information literacy benchmarks – Gaynor Austen and Judy Peacock (QUT Information Literacy Coordinator)

2.00 – 2.30pm /

Copyright briefing – Tom Cochrane (QUT) and Eve Woodberry

2.30 – 3.30pm /

Presentation by Dr David Woodhouse (AUQA)

3.30 – 4.00pm /

Afternoon tea

4.00 – 5.00pm /

CAUL business

5pm /

CAUL meeting closes


The Library’s Role in Teaching and Learning

Outcome Expected:

Share experiences of the library's role in transforming learning and teaching, and how to move even further forward.


The short presentations are based on the “The Power of Three”, the theme of the recent EDUCAUSE in Australasia Conference in May 2001. This was the first time that Library, IT Services and Teaching & Learning Services had combined at an EDUCAUSE to share experiences. It was thought that this was a useful way of sharing our experiences.


2.00pm Outline & Introduction Helen Hayes, President, CAUL

2.05pm The Context Prof. Bill Lovegrove, GU

Short presentations by members:

2.15pm The Power of 1 – RMIT Ainslie Dewe

The Library Perspective

2.30pm The Power of 2 – Deakin Sue McKnight

The Library and Learning Services Perspective

2.45pm The Power of 3 - GU Janice Rickards

The converged service

3.00pm Six Group Discussions over coffee

Two groups will discuss the library’s role with CONTENT in contributing to learning & teaching

Two groups will discuss CONNECTIVITY ISSUES and the library's role in

contributing to learning and teaching

Two groups will discuss COMPETENCIES and the library's role in learning

and teaching

4.00pm Summaries and Actions

Receive summaries from each group and suggest actions

5.00pm Close

** Tom Cochrane <>, ,

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, ,

, , ,

, Sue McKnight

*** (Optional Library Tours, 13 September, 2001)

From Janice Rickards, Griffith University: I would like to offer people the opportunity to visit the Gold Coast Campus and could arrange for transport to leave the city at 9.00am. We could have an early lunch there and be back at Gardens Point by 1.30-1.45pm.

As well as touring the facilities, including learning centre, I would talk about our restructuring, portal strategy and initiatives to support the Griffith Graduate program.

From Gaynor Austen, QUT: Thursday 13 September - 10.30-12.30 - tourists - meet at V714 seminar room, top (7th) floor of the Gardens Point Library building (Tour of VLab and Researchers Centre, talk on Course Materials Database and Info Lit Initiatives) and then …. lunch somewhere before the seminar.


CAUL Meeting 2001/2 – University of Queensland – 13-14 September, 2001 – Agenda