ASCSN Senate Meeting Approved MinutesPage 1

February 5th, 2016

ASCSN Student Government

Senate Meeting Approved Minutes

College of Southern Nevada

Cheyenne Campus Building N 103

3200 E. Cheyenne Avenue North Las Vegas, 89030

Friday, February 5th, 2016 12:00 p.m.

Executive Board Officers:
Brenda Romero, President (Present)
Sara Weston, Vice President (Present)
Zachary Stanczak, Secretary (Present)
Priscilla Munoz, Treasurer (Present)
Cheyenne Senators:
Katelynn Costa, CHY Senator (Present)
Jorge Lopez, CHY Senator (Present)
Jill Robinson, CHY Senator(Present)
Vacant, CHY Senator
Henderson Senators:
Jonathan Bowdle, HEN Senator (Present)
Vacant, HEN Senator
Vacant, HEN Senator
Vacant, HEN Senator / West Charleston Senators:
Ocean Garner, WCH Senator (Present)
BirukGebremeskel, WCH Senator (Excused)
Michele Johnson, WCH Senator (Present)
Elisa Miguez, WCH Senator(Present)
Extension Senators:
VictorLee Boardley, EXT Senator(Present)
Rachel Clark, EXT Senator (Present)
Christopher Brown, Interim Advisor (Present)
Millie Vuksanovic, Financial Advisor (Present)


NOTE:Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any time.

In accordance with NRS 241.020(6), supporting materials that are submitted to the Associated Students of the College of Southern Nevada (ASCSN) Office of Student Life and Leadership Development will be made available in advance of the meeting as follows: 1) from the (ASCSN) Office of Student Life and Leadership Development by calling Shakira Taylor at (702) 651-4051 or emailing her at ; or, 2) by accessing the electronic version of the agenda posted on the ASCSN page of the CSN website:

In addition, a limited number of copies of any such supporting materials will be available at the meeting site.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call Shakira Taylor at (702) 651-4051 in advance so that arrangements may be made.

Call to Order: President Romero Calls meeting to order at 12:15PM.

President Romero calls Recess Until 12:26PM

Roll Call: Secretary Stanczak calls roll as according to the roster above, for twelve (12) voting members’ total.

1. Public Comment(3 minute limit each speaker)Information Only

  1. Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The President may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered.
  1. In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the President may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
  1. Senator Johnson notes she has to leave at 1:00PM, Vice President Weston mentions she must leave by 3:00PM.
  2. Director Brown mentions being involved into the Tech Expo happening, wants involvement from clubs to happen for this especially.
  1. Consent Agenda Items(5 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for:
  3. Senate Meeting: January 15th, 2016
  4. Budget: January 15, 2016
  5. Executive Board: November 20, 2015
  1. Weston motions
  2. Robinson seconds
  3. Lopez makes a note about By Law minutes, saying that the ones from 8th January, 2016. President Romero says she’ll retrieve them and have them on the next agenda.
  4. Motion passes 11-0-1
  1. Appointment Recommendation Approval (30 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The ASCSN Senate shall review, deliberate, and vote to select the appointees recommended as referred by the ASCSN Executive Board to fill one Campuses, (3) vacant Senate seat of the Henderson Campus, one (1) vacant Senate seat of the Cheyenne Campus.
  1. President Romero: Weldon, Nathaniel (who is at work now) Justin (not here for E Board meeting) Isaiah, Patrick are present (Except Nathaniel).
  2. Romero: Candidate Justin please introduce yourself.
  3. Director Brown suggests we start with voting in Henderson candidates first, since Justin is for CHY campus.
  4. President Romero has Candidate Justin take a seat.
  5. President Romero begins the voting for candidates.
  6. Vice President Weston votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon, Patrick
  7. Secretary Stanczak votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  8. Treasurer Munoz votes for Candidates’ Weldon, Patrick and NathanielRemoves Nathaniel
  9. Senator Costa votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  10. Senator Lopez votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  11. Senator Robinson votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  12. Senator Bowdle votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon and Nathaniel
  13. Senator Garner votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon and Nathaniel
  14. Senator Johnson votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Nathaniel, and Weldon
  15. Senator Miguez votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  16. Senator Boardley votes for Candidates’ Weldon, Patrick, Nathaniel
  17. Senator Clark votes for Candidates’ Weldon, Nathaniel.
  18. Senator Clark only wants to vote for two candidates, this is deemed OK by President Romero and Director Brown.
  19. Total votes are:
  20. Isaiah: 9, Weldon: 7, Patrick: 8 , Nathaniel 11
  21. Senator Garner states there was an issue with the names of the Candidates, and asks for a revote.
  22. Senator Boardley seconds.
  23. President Romero agrees.
  24. Vice President Weston votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon, Patrick
  25. Secretary Stanczak votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  26. Treasurer Munoz votes for Candidates’ Patrick and Weldon
  27. Senator Costa votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Patrick and Nathaniel
  28. Senator Lopez votes for Candidates’ Isaiah Patrick and Nathaniel
  29. Senator Robinson votes for Candidates’ Isaiah Patrick and Nathaniel
  30. Senator Bowdle votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon and Nathaniel
  31. Senator Garner votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon and Nathaniel
  32. Senator Johnson votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Nathaniel, and Weldon
  33. Senator Miguez votes for Candidates’ Isaiah, Weldon and Nathaniel
  34. Senator Boardley votes for Candidates’ Weldon, Patrick, Nathaniel
  35. Senator Clark votes for Candidates’ Weldon, Nathaniel.
  36. Total votes are:
  37. Isaiah: 9, Weldon: 8, Patrick: 7 Nathaniel: 10

b. Candidate for Cheyenne, Justin Cardenas

  1. Director Brown makes a phone call to legal to ensure that everything voted was done properly, legal approves it.
  2. President Romero: Now Justin can come up.
  3. The candidate is asked to introduce himself: Justin Cardenas, he’s been going to CHY for 4 semesters, it’s nice, but there’s always room for improvement. Has changed Majors a few times, and came from a technical academy where he was vice president for DECA and a few others.
  4. President Romero: What is a senator’s primary duties?
  5. Do all you can for the student body, and achieve communication between the student body and faculty.
  6. President Romero: Have you read the ASCSN Constitution and By-Laws?
  7. Candidate Justin apologizes for not being there this morning, but there was a miscalculation on when he was supposed to be at the meeting. The by-laws mention hierarchy, and if unable to fulfill responsibilities, the person can be impeached.
  8. President Romero: Are you a Leader or a Follower, and what qualities make this so?
  9. Candidate Cardenas states he is both.
  10. Secretary Stanczak: What do you think will be the worst quality about you in five years?
  11. Not knowing what to do, but hopefully I will become more guided on my way to a PhD.
  12. Senator Garner: Why do you want to be asenator?
  13. Just want to see what I can do for the school.
  14. Senator Costa: What can you contribute?
  15. Seeing what the school lacks/excel in, and then making adjustments. I know potential organizations that can help as well.
  16. Vice President Weston: Are you going to have continual problems with your email?
  17. President Romero states that it was her mistake, but Candidate Justin also confirms that this will no longer be an issue.
  18. Candidate Justin Cardenas’ possible Senator position at CHY campus is taken to a vote:
  19. Motion passes 12-0-0
  1. Coffee, Popcorn, and Assorted supplies(10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon allocating $1,000 for the use of different supplies for the recurring events of the semester. Senator Bowdle will present this item.
  1. Bowdle: Was informed by Costa that there are dwindling supplies all over, flavors are important. We need coffee, popcorn (kernels) supplies, as in supplies for said coffee and popcorn.
  2. This is for all three campuses. Popcorn flavors will be included.

Senator Clark Motions for approval

Vice President Weston seconds

Motion passes 12-0-0

  1. March Events(10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall discuss and deliberate different events for the month of March. There are many holidays in March that we can use for inspiration for events. Senator Bowdle shall lead this item.
  1. In March, St Patty’s day and Pi Day, so there will be a combined event, dubbed Paddy’s Pi(e) Day, we need to decide what will be served, and should we throw pies?
  2. There will most likely be a need for a disclaimer if pies are thrown.
  3. Point of Order: Senator Johnson leaves for appointment
  4. Point of Order Senator Miguez 12:52PM
  5. President Romero: if we do the pie throwing, it wouldn’t be at students, because we don’t want to put students in danger.

Vice President Weston motions for approval

Senator Boardley seconds

Motion Passes 10-0-0

  1. Spring Fling 2016(10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall discuss and deliberate on a Spring Fling event for the month of April or May. This event shall be hosted at the Henderson campus and would include various water- based games and activities. Senator Bowdle and Senator Clark shall lead this item.

Point of Order Senator Lopez 12:55PM

  1. Everyone saw this at the other meeting, so everyone knows everything is underway. There will be sun surf and babes, it will be safe, risk management has been informed, Brown is informed, slip and slide kickball with kiddy pools,
  2. Senator Clark and Vice President Weston will challenge Senator Bowdle and Director Brown, the event is planned for the last Monday of March (28th)
  3. The water balloon fight is scheduled for the week before Finals, and we will provide clean up.
  4. Vice President Weston: is there any way they can be scheduled for Tuesday or Thursday?
  5. Academic Advisor Meza says it’s possible, but she’ll have to check.
  6. Point of Return, Senator Miguez Returns 1:01PM

Senator Boardley Motions for approval

Robinson Seconds

Motion passes 9-0-1

  1. Popcorn Game Days at Cheyenne(10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon the allocation of $120 for Popcorn game day supplies. Extension Site Senator Boardley would like to include games with the popcorn days to make it more fun and interactive for students. Senator Boardley shall lead this item and discuss the funding.
  1. Senator Boardley says they need two controllers, and FIFA 16, it’s a Coed playing game, meaning there are women characters. Blue controllers and pink controllers are being considered for purchase. There are two other controllers on campus as well. The event will be in June Whitley, and it’ll be timed with the Popcorn days. The game is only 39.99, Senator Boardley is excited for this.
  2. Senator Clark: What system?
  3. Senator Boardley: There’s a Wii and a 360, but we will be using the 360.
  4. Point of Order Vice President Weston, 1:05PM
  5. Senator Bowdle: Amazon is a vendor, so we can purchase it.
  6. Senator Garner: As for the controller, will it be a quality controller, or a cheaper one?It’ll be a controller that will get the job done.
  7. Senator Garner: Students are rough with equipment.
  8. Senator Boardley: We must let students know.
  9. Senator Robinson says she can donate two controllers.
  10. Point of Return, Vice President Weston Returns at 1:07PM
  11. Candidate Justin Cardenas mentions he is also a gamer, and was wondering if we could incorporate the Wii with Super Smash Bros, and he has controllers to donate this.
  12. Senator Boardley is excited.
  13. Point of Return, Senator Lopez at 1:10PM
  14. President Romero mentions other students will be using it. Is this cool?
  15. Financial Advisor Millie says it must go through the foundation.
  16. President Romero asks what if it just gets “dropped off”.
  17. Nods of approval all around at the possibility of these matters being taken care of.
  18. Candidate Weldon Jones says he’s a gamer, and has support. But the Wii is good for getting people. It’s “less competitive.”
  19. President Romero: Let’s shift the discussion back.
  20. Director Brown brings a box filled with stuff, games, and accessories.
  21. Romero: let’s vote on this subject.

Vice President Weston Motions for approval.

Robinson seconds

Motion passes 10-0-1

  1. 40 inch Samsung LED HCTV and Accessories (10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon the allocation of $1,000 for the purchase of a T.V. for the West Charleston Campus. This T.V. would be used for the various game days the campus has planned for the semester. Senator Garner shall lead this item.
  3. This is tabled until more info is available.

Vice President Weston motions to table until next meeting when Senator Garner has more information.

Treasurer Munoz seconds.

Motion passes 11-0-0

  1. Safety Fair 2016(10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon not to exceed $500 of funding for the Safety Fair 2016 event. This event will encompass not only the “It’s on Us” campaign, but various other campus safety measures. This item will be led Senator Clark and Senator Costa.

Point of Order Senator Garner and Vice President Weston at 1:20PM

Senator Bowdle motions for approval

Senator Costa seconds

Senator Lopez: If I am part of the clubs do I have to vote?

Senator Clark: This is not the right item for that. The date must be included as well.

Senator Bowdle Motions (with date) for approval.

Senator Boardley seconds.

Motion passes 9-0-0

  1. T-Shirt order (10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon funding of $1,000 plus shipping costs for the purchase of T-Shirts for outreach purposes. The design will be the one designed by the T-shirts contest winner. This item shall be led by Senator Clark and Treasurer Munoz.
  1. Clark: 288 white T-shirts, with the design from the contest. It will be from PromoDirect.
  2. Romero says lets shoot for 300, since shipping cost is considered after the 1,000 for shirts.
  3. They charge 2 or 3 dollars for every size addition.

Point of Return, Vice President Weston 1:23PM

Senator Bowdle motions for approval.

President Romero kills the motion.

Senator Bowdle does the motion correctly this time.

Senator Costa seconds.

Motion passes 10-0-0

  1. Spring Club Seed Money (10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon funding of $300 for all clubs that are in compliance with the ASCSN Constitution and By-laws Statues for the spring semester. The clubs are as follows:
  3. Alliance of Non-Traditional Students A.N.T.S.
  4. Coyote Multi-Cultural Business Club
  5. Alternative Processes Photography Club
  6. Arts Club
  7. Association of Students in Communications
  8. Creative Writing Club
  9. Criminal Justice Association at the College of Southern Nevada
  10. CSN Biology Club
  11. CSN Collegiate DECA
  12. Dental Hygienist Club
  13. Environmental Science Club
  14. Gender and Sexuality Alliance
  15. I.C.O.N.S.
  16. Italian Club
  17. Japanese Language Club
  18. Nursing Pinning Club
  19. Otaku Nation
  20. Phi Theta Kappa
  21. S.H.I.N.E. Club
  22. Spanish Club
  24. Student Nurses Association
  25. The Living Sociology Club
  26. Young Americans for Liberty
  27. Chemistry Club
  28. Black Student Association
  29. HOSA: Future Health Professional
  30. Psychology Club
  31. Psi Beta Club
  32. Cardio Respiratory Club
  33. Secular Student Alliance
  1. Senator Bowdle: Should we approve this all at once?
  2. Director Brown agrees and says to vote all at once.
  3. Vice President Weston: Coyote MCBC was approved as Alpha in fall, they changed their names but they are approved.
  4. President Romero: Three clubs are missing, but they’ll be on the next agenda.

Senator Costa request a scroll up and the motions for approval.

Vice President Weston seconds

Advisor Meza: What’s the total amount?

Vice President Weston: 9,300.

Director Brown: Does this fit in with the budget?

Treasurer Munoz and Financial Advisor Millie: Yes.

Motion passes 10-0-0

  1. Committee Review and Reassignments (10 minutes)For Information Only
  2. The Senate shall review the committee assignments for which they are one.
  1. President Romero mentions that the only change was adding Senator Robinson, more changes will come in future meetings.
  1. End of the Year Banquet Budget(10 minutes)For Possible Action
  2. The Senate shall deliberate and vote upon the amount of funding to be allocated to the EOTYB from the Planning and Awards Committee budget. This item has been discussed in the Planning and Awards committee as well.
  1. President Romero suggest going with the last budget (11,000), since the Planning and Awards budget left is roughly 19,000, which will leave over 8,000 in the budget for Planning and Awards.

Senator Bowdle motions approval for this item