Senate Committee on Governmental Organization
1999-2000 Legislation
Bill Author Con. Subject Final Action
SB 27 Burton AT State finances. Chapter 95, Statutes of 1999
SB 73 Murray AT State contracts: Vetoed
participation goals.
SB 84 Costa AT Enterprise zones: Chapter 137, Statutes of 1999
expansion areas.
SB 134 Kelley SH State government. Chapter 416, Statutes of 1999
SB 150 Solis SH Labor Agency. Died, Assembly Appropriations
SB 182 Peace SH Public contracts: conflict Vetoed
of interest.
SB 220 Peace AT Appropriations: reversions: Chapter 364, Statutes of 2000
SB 228 Burton SH Gambling: slot machines. Died, Senate Desk
SB 253 Schiff AT California Arts Council. Vetoed
SB 263 Perata SH Horse racing: imported Chapter 219, Statutes of 1999
SB 266 Chesbro AT Public contracts: bids. Chapter 159, Statutes of 2000
SB 280 Bowen AT State buildings and publicly Vetoed
funded schools: standards.
SB 284 Kelley AT Secretary of State. Chapter 1000, Statutes of 1999
SB 336 Karnette SH Horse racing: lottery. Died, Senate G.O.
SB 340 Baca SH Alcoholic beverages: Chapter 786, Statutes of 1999
minors: license revocations:
off-sale licensees:
applications and
SB 346 Johnson SH Horse racing: imported Vetoed
SB 354 Perata SH Horse racing: imported Vetoed
SB 375 Perata SH Board of Port Died, Senate G.O.
Commissioners of Oakland.
SB 408 Alpert SH Secretary of State: fees. Chapter 999, Statutes of 1999
SB 416 Perata SH Gambling: establishments. Vetoed
SB 474 Johnson SH Horse racing: allocation of Vetoed
SB 481 Baca AT Commerce: Inland Empire Chapter 515, Statutes of 1999
Distribution Center.
SB 483 Baca AT Surplus state property. Died, Senate Appropriations
SB 485 Rainey AT California Industrial Chapter 61, Statutes of 1999
Development Financing Act.
SB 517 Johnson SH Horse racing: charity days Chapter 170, Statutes of 1999
SB 565 Costa AT State facilities: Department Chapter 951, Statutes of 1999
of Transportation: study.
SB 592 Morrow SH Horse racing: possessory Vetoed
interest tax offset: San Diego
SB 607 Chesbro AT Alcoholic Beverage Tax Chapter 609, Statutes of 2000
Law: military exemption.
SB 639 McPherson SH Gambling: charitable Chapter 778, Statutes of 2000
SB 653 Karnette AT Alameda Corridor Industrial Chapter 519, Statutes of 1999
Reclamation Act of 1999.
SB 671 Chesbro AT Pierce’s disease. Chapter 21, Statutes of 2000
SB 675 Sher AT Infrastructure plan: funding. Died, Conference Committee
SB 676 Sher AT California Environmental Died, Assembly Appropriations
Protection Agency.
SB 678 Polanco AT State property: access: Chapter 676, Statutes of 1999
SB 742 Brulte SH Secretary of State: Local Chapter 360, Statutes of 1999
Government Records
SB 751 Hayden SH California Commission on Vetoed
Community Service.
SB 770 McPherson AT DeLaveaga Park Property: Chapter 188, Statutes of 1999
conveyances: recreational
SB 784 Baca SH Surplus state property: Died, Senate G.O.
state hospitals: Indian tribes.
SB 791 Perata AT Wine safety fund. Chapter 288, Statutes of 1999
SB 794 Speier SH State government: Vetoed
employees: contract
SB 808 Peace AT California Infrastructure and Chapter 936, Statutes of 1999
Economic Development
Bank: eligible projects.
SB 810 Costa AT Alcoholic beverages: Chapter 937, Statutes of 1999
advertising restrictions.
SB 827 Sher AT Recycled materials. Chapter 816, Statutes of 1999
SB 829 Figueroa SH Gambling establishments: Chapter 351, Statutes of 1999
provisional licenses.
SB 843 Polanco AT Income and bank and Died, Senate Unfinished Business
corporation taxes.
SB 875 Escutia AT State intellectual property. Died, Assembly Appropriations
SB 892 Chesbro AT Microenterprises. Died, Assembly Appropriations
SB 912 Knight SH Horse racing. Died, Senate G.O.
SB 928 Burton AT Transportation: financing. Chapter 862, Statutes of 1999
SB 981 Polanco AT Public construction projects. Chapter 521, Statutes of 1999
SB 984 Polanco SH State holidays: Cesar Chapter 213, Statutes of 2000
Chavez Day.
SB 991 Polanco SH Alcoholic beverage Died, Senate G.O.
licensees: fixtures and
SB 997 Brulte AT State general obligations Chapter 522, Statutes of 1999
SB 1028 Speier SH State budget: nonprofit Died, Senate Appropriations
SB 1049 Murray AT State contracts: small Chapter 775, Statutes of 2000
SB 1091 Ortiz SH Governor’s residence. Chapter 732, Statutes of 1999
SB 1093 Johnston AT Department of General Chapter 293, Statutes of 1999
Services: Stephen P. Teale
Data Center.
SB 1099 Knight AT California Defense Retention Chapter 425, Statutes of 1999
and Conversion Act.
SB 1108 Perata SH State funds: appropriations. Chapter 986, Statutes of 1999
SB 1120 Alarcon AT Office of Strategic Died, Senate G.O.
Technology: Manufacturing
Technology Program.
SB 1122 Alarcon AT Seismic safety: schools: Chapter 294, Statutes of 1999
Earthquake hazards.
SB 1136 Vasconcellos AT Technology. Chapter 1056, Statutes of 2000
SB 1147 Leslie AT Resources: bonds Chapter 638, Statutes of 1999
SB 1201 Karnette AT Office of Regional Failed passage, Senate Floor
Collaborative Partnerships.
SB 1207 Polanco SH Gambling: slot machines. Chapter 642, Statutes of 1999
SB 1423 Chesbro AT Alcoholic beverages: tied- Chapter 205, Statutes of 2000
house restrictions.
SB 1476 Peace AT San Diego Unified Port Chapter 302, Statutes of 2000
SB 1490 Schiff AT California Film Finance Act. Died, Senate Appropriations
SB 1509 Haynes SH State contracts: religious Died, Senate Health and Human
organizations. Services
SB 1511 Chesbro AT Alcoholic beverages: Chapter 231, Statutes of 2000
SB 1519 Knight AT Trade and Commerce Died, Senate G.O.
Agency: grant programs.
SB 1529 Knight AT Highway to Space Program. Died, Assembly Consumer Protection
SB 1536 Knight SH Centennial of Flight Died, Assembly Consumer Protection
SB 1538 Knight AT Military base reuse. Chapter 769, Statutes of 2000
SB 1592 O’Connell SH State Board of Fire Vetoed
Services: composition.
SB 1700 Brulte AT State general obligation Died, Assembly Floor
SB 1750 Murray SH Information technology: Died, Senate G.O.
state services.
SB 1758 Peace AT California Infrastructure Chapter 1079, Statutes of 2000
and Economic Development
SB 1761 Figueroa SH Health: automatic external Died, Senate Appropriations
defibrillators: state buildings.
SB 1778 Johnston AT State property: surplus. Chapter 770, Statutes of 2000
SB 1805 Escutia AT Market conduct Chapter 997, Statutes of 2000
SB 1825 Kelley SH Horse racing: minimum Chapter 342, Statutes of 2000
license fees.
SB 1846 Speier AT State procurement: gasoline. Died, Assembly Appropriations
SB 1856 Figueroa SH The California School for Chapter 367, Statutes of 2000
the Deaf.
SB 1868 Solis AT State contracts: small Vetoed
SB 1871 Alarcon AT Office of Emergency Vetoed
Services: statewide disaster
recovery plan.
SB 1887 Vasconcellos SH Horse racing: impact fees. Chapter 779, Statutes of 2000
SB 1888 Hayden AT Public contracts: Chapter 891, Statutes of 2000
sweatshop labor.
SB 1893 Perata SH Public contracts: Died, Senate Appropriations
purchasing preferences.
SB 1912 Alarcon SH Outdoor advertising: Died, Assembly G.O.
relocation of display:
SB 1957 Burton SH Alcoholic beverages. Chapter 1083, Statutes of 2000
SB 1983 Alarcon AT Emergency services: Vetoed
rescue air operations.
SB 2016 McPherson SH State property: Salinas. Chapter 449, Statutes of 2000
SB 2044 Alpert SH Cigarette lighters. Died, Senate Appropriations
SB 2047 Polanco AT Civil rights: outreach. Vetoed
SB 2049 Perata AT Naval Air Station Alameda Chapter 734, Statutes of 2000
Public Trust Exchange Act.
SB 2053 Sen. G.O. SH California State Lottery. Chapter 509, Statutes of 2000
SB 2054 Sen. G.O. SH Horse racing. Chapter 1082, Statutes of 2000
SB 2061 Schiff SH State Theatrical Arts Chapter 700, Statutes of 2000
Resources Partnership.
SB 2067 Bowen SH Records. Chapter 569, Statutes of 2000
SB 2085 McPherson SH Alcoholic beverages: use Chapter 39, Statutes of 2000
on school grounds.
SB 2104 Morrow AT Agricultural disasters. Chapter 698, Statutes of 2000
SB 2110 Knight AT Disabled veterans: Died, Assembly Appropriations
contracting preferences.
SB 2132 Dunn SH County health services: Chapter 826, Statutes of 2000
tobacco tax.
SB 2144 Perata AT Bay pilots. Chapter 394, Statutes of 2000
SB 2151 Polanco SH California Arts Council: Died, Senate G.O.
Walt Disney Concert Hall.
SB 2177 McPherson AT Bay pilots: Monterey Bay. Died, Assembly Transportation
SB 2181 Perata AT State Lands Commission: Died, Assembly Floor
enforcement powers.
SCA 4 McPherson SH Lotteries: charitable raffles. Res. Chapter 123, Statutes of 1999
SCA 9 Peace AT Capital financing. Died, Assembly Appropriations
SJR 3 Burton SH U.S. Coast Guard Res. Chapter 56, Statutes of 1999
AB 50 Migden AT Public Employees’ Chapter 947, Statutes of 2000
Retirement System:
postretirement death benefits.
AB 77 Cardenas AT Small business development Chapter 650, Statutes of 2000
AB 187 Hertzberg SH Grant Information Act of Chapter 405, Statutes of 1999
AB 214 Wiggins AT Public contracts. Vetoed
AB 216 Wesson SH Alcoholic Beverage Control Vetoed
Special Enforcement and
Training Fund.
AB 260 Wright SH Exposition Park Authority Died, Assembly Floor
and California Science
AB 270 Floyd SH Horse racing. Chapter 28, Statutes of 1999
AB 315 Wright SH Horse racing: proposition Vetoed
AB 317 Floyd SH Gambling Control Act: Vetoed
gambling establishments.
AB 354 Reyes SH Horse racing: 21st District Died, Senate Appropriations
Agricultural Association.
AB 362 Cedillo AT State property: donation Died, Senate Appropriations
to the United States.
AB 377 Wesson SH Alcoholic beverages: Died, Senate G.O.
AB 484 Kuehl AT Film California First Chapter 699, Statutes of 2000
AB 486 Wayne AT Administrative law: Vetoed
regulations and advisory
AB 493 Floyd SH Horse racing. Died, Assembly Floor
AB 505 Wright SH Administrative procedures. Chapter 1059, Statutes of 2000
AB 574 Hertzberg AT Public contracts: Chapter 972, Statutes of 1999
responsible bidder.
AB 581 Firebaugh AT Information technology: Vetoed
AB 618 Margett SH Horse racing: promotional Chapter 127, Statutes of 1999
AB 636 Migden AT School facilities. Chapter 718, Statutes of 1999
AB 644 Ducheny AT Habilitation services. Chapter 95, Statutes of 2000
AB 683 Wiggins AT Alcoholic beverages: Died, Senate Appropriations
AB 714 Firebaugh SH California Gambling Vetoed
Control Commission.
AB 724 Dutra AT State government: Year Chapter 784, Statutes of 1999
2000 Problem Good
Government Omnibus Act
of 1999.
AB 749 Wesson SH Alcoholic beverage control: Chapter 787, Statutes of 1999
minors: penalties: controlled
substances: destruction.
AB 772 Wesson SH Alcoholic beverages: beer. Died, Senate G.O.
AB 779 Torlakson AT Pollution. Chapter 914, Statutes of 2000
AB 806 Keeley AT Public works contracts: Vetoed
retention proceeds:
financial statements.
AB 880 Dutra AT Emergency services: Chapter 356, Statutes of 1999
AB 883 Rules AT State property: Chapter 625, Statutes of 1999
AB 948 Wesson SH Gambling: devices and Died, Senate Floor
AB 951 Wiggins AT Bay pilots. Chapter 261, Statutes of 1999
AB 1066 Cardenas SH Department of Vetoed
Transportation: contracts:
Indian tribes.
AB 1092 Lowenthal SH Alcoholic beverages: Chapter 499, Statutes of 1999
AB 1148 Dickerson AT Timber harvesting: Chapter 466, Statutes of 1999
AB 1170 Frusetta SH Fairs. Chapter 370, Statutes of 1999
AB 1234 Shelley AT State bodies: open Chapter 393, Statutes of 1999
meetings: notice:
AB 1256 Agriculture SH Fairs: funding. Chapter 53, Statutes of 2000
AB 1314 Pescetti AT Public contracts: plans and Chapter 875, Statutes of 1999
AB 1317 Cardoza SH Horse racing: out-of-state Died, Senate G.O.
AB 1377 Gallegos AT Public contracts: Died, Assembly Consumer Protection
interagency council.
AB 1385 Battin SH Indian tribes: tribal-state Chapter 874, Statutes of 1999
gaming compacts.
AB 1405 Wesson SH Horse racing: advance Died, Senate Floor
deposit wagering.
AB 1406 Asm. G.O. SH Horse racing. Vetoed
AB 1407 Wesson SH Alcoholic beverage licenses: Chapter 699, Statutes of 1999
auction sales: event permit:
limited liability companies:
license transfers: tied-house
AB 1408 Asm. G.O. SH California State Lottery. Died, Senate G.O.
AB 1409 Asm. G.O. SH Gambling. Vetoed
AB 1416 Wesson SH Gambling establishments. Chapter 1023, Statutes of 2000
AB 1417 Wesson SH Gambling establishments. Vetoed
AB 1429 Floyd SH Gambling establishments. Failed passage, Senate Floor
AB 1441 Lempert SH California Community Chapter 36, Statutes of 2000
AB 1464 Florez AT Rural development. Chapter 597, Statutes of 1999
AB 1473 Hertzberg AT Capital outlay: state Chapter 606, Statutes of 1999
planning and funding.
AB 1486 Maldonado SH Horse racing: racing dates. Chapter 218, Statutes of 1999
AB 1506 Florez AT State finance. Chapter 468, Statutes of 1999
AB 1517 Firebaugh SH Gambling: progressive Vetoed
pot games.
AB 1524 Migden AT Rapid Disaster Response Vetoed
Act of 2000.
AB 1525 Thomson AT Alcoholic beverages: Chapter 7, Statutes of 2000
licenses: “tied-house”
restrictions: advertising
AB 1564 Strom-Martin AT Economic development: Chapter 596, Statutes of 1999
rural assistance: community
development block grants.
AB 1584 Machado AT Safe Drinking Water, Clean Chapter 725, Statutes of 1999
Water, Watershed Protection,
and Flood Protection Act;
water resources.
AB 1604 Wesson SH Alcoholic beverage Chapter 424, Statutes of 2000
licensees: “tied-house”
restrictions: advertising
AB 1622 Thomson AT Surplus state property: Chapter 243, Statutes of 1999
lease: City of Vacaville.
AB 1683 Info. Tech. AT Public records: Internet Died, Senate Floor
data bases.
AB 1684 Info. Tech. AT Public contracts. Chapter 918, Statutes of 2000
AB 1686 Info. Tech. AT Department of Information Chapter 873, Statutes of 1999
AB 1692 Con. Pro. AT Administrative adjudication: Chapter 339, Statutes of 1999
AB 1695 Con. Pro. AT State property. Chapter 870, Statutes of 1999
AB 1696 Con. Pro. AT Public contracts. Vetoed
AB 1709 Romero AT Firefighters: health risks. Died, Senate Appropriations
AB 1759 Papan AT Public records: Internet Vetoed
AB 1801 Runner SH California State Lottery: Chapter 131, Statutes of 2000
AB 1822 Wayne SH Administrative Procedure Chapter 1060, Statutes of 2000
AB 1902 Vincent SH Horse racing: interstate Vetoed
licensing compact.
AB 1924 Runner AT Enterprise zones: Died, Senate Rev. & Tax