SupplemetaryTable S1. Literature review of studies reporting the results of different procedures in MS patients

Study / Surgical
technique / No. of MS patients / APR rate (%) / Pain free rate at FU
(%) / Recurrence rate
(%) / Complication rate
Pickett et al., 2005 / PRGR / 53 / 91 / 15 / 59 / 20
Kondziolkaet al., 1994 / PRGR / 53 / 75 / 59 / 30 / 40
Dieckmannet al., 1987 / PRGR / 34 / 91.9 / 37.5 / 40 / n.r.
Total PRGR / 140 / 85.9 / 37.1 / 43 / 30
Huang et al., 2002 / GKS / 7 / 100 / 85.7 / 14.2 / 57.1
Urgosiket al., 1998 / GKS / 7 / 57.1 / 14.2 / 43 / n.r.
Rogers et al., 2002 / GKS / 15 / 80 / n.r. / 33.3 / 26.6
Verheulet al., 2010 / GKS / 31 / 90 / 20 / 35 / 37
Zorro et al., 2009 / GKS / 37 / 97.3 / 43.2 / 37.8 / 5.4
Total GKS / 97 / 84.8 / 40.7 / 32.6 / 31.5
Sandellet al.,2010 / MVD / 15 / 74 / 47 / 26 / 33
Resniket al., 1996 / MVD / 5 / 100 / 40 / 40 / 20
Eldridgeet al., 2003 / MVD / 9 / 100 / 44.4 / 66.6 / 44.4
Broggiet al., 2004 / MVD / 35 / n.r. / 53 / 39 / 2.5
Athanasiouet al., 2005 / MVD / 5 / 80 / 80 / 20 / 0
Antic et al.,2009 / MVD / 8 / 100 / 75 / 37.5 / 12.5
Total MVD / 77 / 90.8 / 56.5 / 38.1 / 18.7
Kanpolatet al., 2000 / PRR / 17 / 94.1 / 82.4 / 29.4 / 76.5
Hoogeet al., 1995 / PRR / 14 / 92.8 / 57.1 / 50 / n.r.
Berk et al.,2003 / PRR / 13 / 100 / 81 / 50 / 0
Siegfried et al.,1977 / PRR / 20 / 95 / n.r / n.r. / 0
Total PRR / 64 / 95.4 / 73.5 / 43.1 / 25.5
Kouzuniaset al., 2010 / PBC / 17 / 88 / 29.4 / 70.5 / 0
Belberet al., 1987 / PBC / 4 / 100 / 50 / 50 / n.r.
Ourstudy / PBC / 21 / 80.9 / 76.1 / 57.1 / 9.5
Total PBC / 42 / 89.6 / 51.8 / 59.2 / 4.7

Legend: PRGR, Percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhyzotomy; GKS, Gamma knife surgery; PBC, Percoutaneous balloon microcompression; MVD, Microvascular decompression; PRR, Percoutaneous radiofrequency rhizothomy; FU, follow-up; APR, acute pain relief; n.r., not reported

References of Supplementary Table S1

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