May 9, 2017

Seminole, Oklahoma

10:00 am

  1. Vice President Debra Wagner called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. Members present: Debra Wagner, Glynadee Edwards, Wendi Marcy, Ernie Willis, Jimi Layman, Keli Cain, Michelann Ooten, Jamie Ott, Skip Wilkson, Steve Loftis, Keith Shadden. A quorum was met.
  1. A motion to approve the April11, 2017meeting minuteswas made by Keith Shaddenand seconded by Steve Loftis Motion passed.
  1. Subcommittee Reports
  2. Financial Report: Treasurer Glynadee Edwards reported $95,801.05 as the current bank balance. Invoice for $324.50 for ice cream for legislative day was paid. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Ernie Willis & seconded by Wendi Marcy Motion passed.
  1. Committee reports:

Legislative: Michelann reported there are only 2 ½ weeks left in the session. There is no news on the budget. HB1492 creating the Hazmat commission was signed into law Nov. 1. HB1720 regarding mitigation measures for home construction passed the senate, waiting on the house. Real ID was signed into law. SB12 regarding private school police departments was signed. SB25 regarding fireworks was sent to the governor. SB59 regarding mutual aid agreements with the military for fire suppression was signed. SB312 regarding churches being used as shelters was sent to the governor. SB191 regarding open records act delays was signed. SB403 regarding open meeting postings was signed. HB1326 regarding drone regulations is in conference committee.

Training: Waiting to hear back from TEEX on a couple of classes for training day, all other sessions have been confirmed for conference.

Communication: Planning to meet again at the end of May. Several of the committee members are working on individual projects. Nikki Cassingham with OKOHS is now the lead comms person for the state.

Certification: Working convert the application to a fillable PDF format so it can go online. Several people have inquired about applying. A motion was made by Wendi Marcy that the board accept renewal applications in either the new or old format until next year since the new application is not yet ready. Motion was seconded by Glynadee. All approved,

Membership: No new memberships. Wendi will begin sending out membership forms in June.

Social Media: No report.

  1. Area Vice Presidents reports:

Southwest: Scheduled to meet on May 25th in Hobart. Severe weather did cause some problems for the rattlesnake derby. Many vendors lost merchandise and sustained wind damage to displays.

Southeast: Helping to prepare for the ITEMC conference and will have their next meeting at the conference. Had one death due to flooding in Latimer County.

Northeast: Held workshop April 19-21 in Glenpool. No date has been set for the next meeting yet.

Central:Last meeting was held April 20James Hocker briefly discussed the Hazardous Weather Testbed project that the NWS will be doing in May and June. Frank and Debi gave an update on the draft disaster volunteer guidelines that they have been working on. Gayland talked about the certified EM program and urged all to apply if they qualify. Next meeting will be held May 18th at 9AM in Oklahoma City.

Northwest:Workshop will be held in Clinton June 20-22 at the holiday inn. June 1 is the registration deadline for the workshop. Still working through the most recent disasters. . Next meeting is scheduled for May 25th in Woodward.

OEM:PDAs are underway for the April 28th flooding event. 15 counties will be asking for PA. At this time only 5 counties are eligible for IA. There was an additional data loss with Orion after the most recent damage assessments. At this time OEM is looking at other options if Orion can’t get something figured out. An Emergency Summit will be held at Rose State College Sept. 18-20. OEM will attempt to help with scholarships on a limited basis.

6. Old Business:none

7. New Business: The Eufaula advisory committee still needs an OEMA representative to replace Jeff Smith. Ernie will survey the SE area to see if anyone would like to serve on the committee and give the name to Rob Hill. Much discussion was had about the local vs. state offices. Glynadee mentioned that state managed disasters, everyone needs to be on the same page so one person doesn’t say this is not needed and someone else says it is. Jamie added that the State needs to do a better job of going through the local Ems to get to local officials instead of around them so the EMs are kept in the loop and the first to know of something going on rather than the local leadership.

Glynadee mentioned it may be good to have some sort of pamphlet about EM and OEMA created to hand out at booths at ACCO and OML events.

8.The next OEMA meeting will be June 13, 2017in Moore

10. No further business was brought before the board so a motion to adjourn the regular business meeting of the OEMA board was made by Jamie Ott and seconded by Skip Wilkerson at 1150. The motion passed.