This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 659205

Seminar "Psychopathology of time and body"

Venue:Christ Church College,Lecture Room 2 at Tom 8

Fridays 2-4 pm, Trinity term

Conveners: Marcin Moskalewicz & Richard Gipps

For further info and to obtain the readings please email the conveners

27/4 Week 1 Manic Depression

E. Minkowski, "Manic Depression", in:Lived Time. Phenomenological and Psychopathological Studies, Northwestern University Press 1970, p. 290-305.

Week 2 Schizoid and Schizophrenic Experience

Talk: Richard Gipps “Disembodiment, Omnipotence, and Self-Starvation in Laing’s Divided Self”

Reading: R. D. LaingThe Divided Selfchapters 5 and 10

Week 3 Unity of Self in Schizophrenia

Reading: A.Mishara, "Is minimal self preserved in schizophrenia? A subcomponents view", in:Consciousness and Cognition16 (3), 2007, p. 715-721.

Week 4Dementia

Talk: Roxana Baiasu“Making Sense of Things in Dementia”

Readings: G.A.M. Widdershoven, R.L.P. Berghmans, "Meaning-making in dementia: a hermeneutic perspective", in: ed. J.C. Hughes, S. J. Louw, S. R. Sabat,Dementia: Mind, Meaning and the Person, Oxford University Press 2006, p. 179-191.M. Summa, T. Fuchs, "Self-experience in dementia",RivistaInternazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia6 (2), 2015, p. 387-405.

26/5 (Week 5)Loss of Self

Talk: Corina Smith "Nietzsche's 'animal with the prerogative to promise' and a piece of (very) early Chinese literature Mu Shi牧誓)."

Reading: Louis A Sass,Madness and Modernismchapter 7

2/6 (Week 6)The Bodily Unconscious

Talk: Yanna Popova "Image Schemas and Verbal Synaesthesia"

Reading: T. Fuchs "Body memory and the unconscious”, inFounding Psychoanalysis Phenomenologically,vol 199 of Phenomenologica, pp. 69-82.

9/6 (Week 7)The Praecox Feeling

Talk: TudiGoze"From the Praecox Feeling to bizarreness in the schizophrenic contact: affectivity and corporality in clinical encounter"

Reading: M. Schwartz, O. Wiggins, "Typifications. The first step for clinical diagnosis in psychiatry", in:The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease175 (2), 1987, p. 65-77.

16/6 (Week 8) One-day workshop “Psychopathology of time and body”

Venue: Christ Church College, Lecture Room 1 at Tom 8 (1st floor), St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1DP

Time: 9.30-16.30

How does temporal experience shape our sense of the world and of the self? How do unconscious, pre-reflective and conscious disruptions of temporality affect perceptions and agency of people suffering from mental illness? This one-day workshop examines the theme of lived time and lived body in mental disorders from a broadly construed phenomenological perspective. The workshop is a concluding event of the seminar on “Psychopathology of time and body”, which brought together philosophers and mental health practitioners working in the tradition of existential phenomenology.

9.30-10.30 Richard Gipps (Oxford) "Hallucination as uncancelled anticipation"

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.00 Marcin Moskalewicz (Oxford) "Self-awareness, schizophrenia and the problem of time"

12.00-13.00 Elizabeth Barry (Warwick) "Expectation and surprise: the temporality of dementia"

13.00-14.30 Lunch

14.30-15.30 Daniel Tkatch (Louven) “Corporeal symbolism in neuroses”

15.30-16.30 Ryan Kemp (London) “Out if it”: addiction as a peculiar form of alienation”

Attendance is free but please register by 9 June by following this link

For further info please contact Marcin Moskalewicz () and Richard Gipps ().

17/6 Oxford European Philosophy Forum “How do mentally ill people experience time?”

Venue: Faculty of Philosophy, Ryle Room (1st floor), Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG

Time: 12.00-14.00

A follow-up to the workshop will be an open discussion of the Oxford European Philosophy Forum “How do mentally ill people experience time?” The goal of this event is to open an interdisciplinary dialogue concerning the benefits of philosophical reflection in understanding first-person experience of time in mental illness. In addition to the previous day workshop participants, Roxana Baiasu(Oxford), Bill Fulford (Oxford), and Alexandra de Herbay(Strasbourg) will participate in the discussion.


The discussion is jointly sponsored by the Oxford Forum and Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant. For more information contact the organizers: Roxana Baiasu () and Marcin Moskalewicz ()